my girlfriend


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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anyway, i've been blabbing in here about a girl i've been talking to and bangin for 6 months now. anyway, she's my girl now...but i just have a question. it seems that she wants me to pay each time we go like damn im not rich and i know me and her can enjoy w/o money by spending time together. so my question is, is it ok to keep paying for them as long as they are giving you some a$$? cause yesternight, i started telling her that i miss her, i was thinking of her, calling her more, typical stuff that a normal DJ wouldn't do and as a result, she started texting and calling me she doesn't flake on me anymore like she used to when i was following DJ rules. but now, since i paid for her dinner and drinks, i told her that i couldn't go home yet since i was drink. she said to go back in her car in the parking lot. so we did so we chilled in there and eventually i had my tongue down her pvssy....she said that she needed that before she went out with her friends to mexico this weekend and she got all happy and she started hugging me and kissing me, man i dont know if she's in love with me now but it seems like she changed and started getting closer to me the minute i started doing ANTI-DJ activies. and then she she told me she wanted to go with me to new york (a subject we talked about before) and fly over there...what you guys think this girl is up to?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
Reaction score
watch out she might want to get engaged soon, lol.. It has happened to me.. but really, just use whatever works bro.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
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i dont know about getting engaged but i learned that girls dont know wtf they want in life. she told me she dont wanna be married til she hits 30 and that she wants to enjoy life and she's only 22 right now. so i dont know if shes just too young and doesnt know what the hell is going on. her ex boyfriend, whom she still hangs out with from time to time and even sleeps at his house is 40 yrs old and has nothing going on in his life. last night, she told me that they are done because she found out he was dating some girl. but this has happened before when they are on and off.

and then she always asks me when my mom is gonna come visit me and when we are going to new york to visit my mom...damn..


Senior Don Juan
Nov 12, 2004
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909pua said:
her ex boyfriend, whom she still hangs out with from time to time and even sleeps at his house is 40 yrs old and has nothing going on in his life. last night, she told me that they are done because she found out he was dating some girl. but this has happened before when they are on and off.
don't develop oneitis. that right there is usually a relationship killer in my book.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
you know what, this is what i'll do. i'll continue what im doing and if some point in the future i notice her lacking interest, i'll go back my old way....(no contact for 4 or 5 days from last time i saw her)..

usually the no contact thing re-ignites interest if you feel they are losing theirs.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
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Australia, ?
909pua said:
anyway, i've been blabbing in here about a girl i've been talking to and bangin for 6 months now. anyway, she's my girl now...but i just have a question. it seems that she wants me to pay each time we go like damn im not rich and i know me and her can enjoy w/o money by spending time together. so my question is, is it ok to keep paying for them as long as they are giving you some a$$? cause yesternight, i started telling her that i miss her, i was thinking of her, calling her more, typical stuff that a normal DJ wouldn't do and as a result, she started texting and calling me she doesn't flake on me anymore like she used to when i was following DJ rules. but now, since i paid for her dinner and drinks, i told her that i couldn't go home yet since i was drink. she said to go back in her car in the parking lot. so we did so we chilled in there and eventually i had my tongue down her pvssy....she said that she needed that before she went out with her friends to mexico this weekend and she got all happy and she started hugging me and kissing me, man i dont know if she's in love with me now but it seems like she changed and started getting closer to me the minute i started doing ANTI-DJ activies. and then she she told me she wanted to go with me to new york (a subject we talked about before) and fly over there...what you guys think this girl is up to?
  • Post is read, comprehended and a reply is posted.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2009
Reaction score
you know what, this is what i'll do. i'll continue what im doing and if some point in the future i notice her lacking interest, i'll go back my old way....(no contact for 4 or 5 days from last time i saw her)..

usually the no contact thing re-ignites interest if you feel they are losing theirs.
well its obvious that you are really attached to this girl and you have not a clue what to do in your predicument. to me personally i would just start talking to other women to see what else is out there , it might be hard because you already build feelings for this girl but just try it out.

the no contact thing would of worked if you got her really worked up for you and then stop calling as often that might of kicked things up a notch , but then you have to look at if she doe's lose interest and you stop rapid contact her feelings might just fade away.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score

If it's working keep doing it. All the rules are meant to be broken. I have experienced the same with my GF. When I act all DJ like she is actually turned off and thinks there is something wrong with me. Remember for a woman to care about you, there has to be some warmth in the relationship, and you have to give her that in a way that she does not diminish your power. That right there though, is a very hard and fine tuned balancing act to do.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Joe Stud

Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2009
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Upstate NY
do the tongue thing again... they love it. you seem to be doing well. and dont be afraid to spend $$ on her (I know I will get criticized for this), it works for me. I am a career climber. work hard, and play hard. it is fun, and it's not like she's not putting out. You are doing the old "push-pull", and if you keep cool, it will keep working.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Australia, ?
horaholic said:
I was doing the freerice one, and came across a word called 'monomania.' It basically means oneitis.
Someone told me it's more like 10 rice of every 100, actually donated :(.

"monomaniac - A person who is obsessed with a single thing, to the exclusion of other concerns; Focussed on one thing above all others"

Definitely oneitis in a nutshell.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
909pua said:
her ex boyfriend, whom she still hangs out with from time to time and even sleeps at his house is 40 yrs old and has nothing going on in his life. last night, she told me that they are done because she found out he was dating some girl. but this has happened before when they are on and off.

Are you fvcking kidding me? Seriously? What is wrong with you?


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
Are you fvcking kidding me? Seriously? What is wrong with you?

I agree!!! WTF is wrong with you 909???!! you GF'd a chick who still hangs out with her ex who is nearly double her age and she still sleeps at his place from time to time!!! LOL

And now she's going to Mexico with a bunch of her gf's??

This sounds like the beginning of a nightmare....



Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
well, ya you are right what's wrong with me. but im trying to show her that im not jealous. i know its what should i do hit her up and tell her not to chill with her EX anymore? I brought it up at one point and i told her that if she keeps this up, there's no point in me going with her to New york and flying together since this is a big step.

and when she went to mexico, she told me it was a bunch of couples and her alone (5th wheel), but how certain is it that she was a 5th wheel? i dont know.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
I've made the mistake of trying to not be 'jealous guy.' I got burned hard, and that will never happen again. Im still not jealous guy, but I am a guy who walks away at the first sign of disloyalty, disrespect, or shady behaviour. Jealous guys try to control the girl. It doesnt work. All you can do is control yourself, by losing the excess baggage, as soon as you realize they arent who you need them to be.

But, if you're okay with your girlfriend fvcking other guys, and lying to you about it (bad lies, I might add) more power to you. I would expect more of anyone that frequents this site, though. You should know better.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
yeah you know what, she does do some shady behavior. like i called her yesterday and she picked up while she was in mexico. we talked for like 5 min. then she says that she will call back when she gets back home in the evening. She never did. i was ready to text her last night telling her something like this "hey i guess you got stuck in mexico. don't tell me you are gonna do something and not do it" but i held my ground and didn't send her this text. i know she's gonna stop by my work today to visit me...i dont know man, i really dont know with this girl. when things seem good, she shows alot of it but the minute i put in, she pulls back. im bout to tell this b5tch to get herself straight or im not gonna take her to new york!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
i dont know what to think now. she passed by my work today and we decided to meet each other after work. first she said we can have some smoothies. came to find out she didn't call me last night cause she was kickin it with her ex. anyway, on the way to the smoothie place, she said just to go kick it at a local park. so we met at a park and we fvcked, and i ate some snatch. after about 30 min, we departed and she went to go kick it with one of her good GUY friends whos married. Also these last few times i've been kickin it with her, she's been wanting me to go down on her. so what you guys think?
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Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
She would probably get off on the fact that you're eating her out after other dudes banged her, honestly. She hung out with her EX all last night, met you, fvcked, then went to hang out with a married man. I'll bet that dudes wife was told something different. Now, you tell me; why would you hang out with an ex? I know there's only one reason I hang out with mine! Not only that, but she blew you off to hang out with him.

Of course, you're still married, so you really can't say much, but you need to realize what you're putting up with, and that the odds are very highly in favor of her fvcking other guys.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
horaholic said:
She would probably get off on the fact that you're eating her out after other dudes banged her, honestly. She hung out with her EX all last night, met you, fvcked, then went to hang out with a married man. I'll bet that dudes wife was told something different. Now, you tell me; why would you hang out with an ex? I know there's only one reason I hang out with mine! Not only that, but she blew you off to hang out with him.

Of course, you're still married, so you really can't say much, but you need to realize what you're putting up with, and that the odds are very highly in favor of her fvcking other guys.
hey horalic here's the latest. im on company training out of state right now. the other night we talked about going to fly to the east coast in january. Then last night we talked again on the phone. i get back home on friday and i told her i arrive back home close to 11pm. she asked "maybe we can do something". i said "yeah, you can pick me up at the airport". so she agreed. then i asked her what she was gonna do after her work, she said she was gonna go to church with her EX boyfriend (which she normally does every wed). Then i told her that southwest airlines has a sale going on and I told her to buy our tickets to the east coast for January and that I would pay her back. She said she would but her credit card is maxed out and if it could wait til Friday (since she will make a payment). I told her that its only a 72 hour sale and by that time it might be too late. Then she said she will call back later when she gets off work(which she never did). So im thinking to myself that flying to the east coast is probably a bad idea. Anyway, this b#tch hasn't called back. And I'm sick of these games. I think she's taking me for granted and knows in the back of her mind that she has me anytime. About friday, i dont wanna call her to remind her if she's still gonna pick me up. If she doesn't call, I'll just have my co worker take me home...

Anyway, about her banging other guys, she has two good guy friends from junior high. One of them is married, the other is not. Each time I kick it with her, they call and she tells them she's with me. So who knows, what she's up to. Im sick of these ready to put her on the back burner and go find others (which i should be doing)


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
"Laying in bed screaming 'Oh God, oh God, oh God,' does not count as going to church."