Girl says I come on too strong, how can I fix that?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
I've always had **** luck with women. And it came to a point that I lost it when 2 girls ditched me. Anyway, I posted here and someone suggested I ask one of them what's wrong with me that they'd ditch me. Well I asked the one I'm more close with figuring she'd have a answer (since the other one doesn't know me that well, and hasn't spent tons of time with me). Turns out that they didn't ditch me because of me, but she still did answer the question to why I turn women off (she claims she wants me to be happy). She said that she thinks I come on too strong and am too touchy. Apparently it doesn't bother her (and she's never shown any sign that it did) but she thinks it makes other girls uncomfortable.

I don't know whether or not it's true. I'm not crazy touchy or anything. I'll touch a girls arm or maybe put my arm around her if we're talking close. It's not like I'm groping any girls, it's all pretty innocent. I'm not sure how I can be less touchy, not touching a girl at all can't be good either. Any thoughts guys?

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Kal0051 said:
I've always had **** luck with women. And it came to a point that I lost it when 2 girls ditched me. Anyway, I posted here and someone suggested I ask one of them what's wrong with me that they'd ditch me. Well I asked the one I'm more close with figuring she'd have a answer (since the other one doesn't know me that well, and hasn't spent tons of time with me). Turns out that they didn't ditch me because of me, but she still did answer the question to why I turn women off (she claims she wants me to be happy). She said that she thinks I come on too strong and am too touchy. Apparently it doesn't bother her (and she's never shown any sign that it did) but she thinks it makes other girls uncomfortable.

I don't know whether or not it's true. I'm not crazy touchy or anything. I'll touch a girls arm or maybe put my arm around her if we're talking close. It's not like I'm groping any girls, it's all pretty innocent. I'm not sure how I can be less touchy, not touching a girl at all can't be good either. Any thoughts guys?
You should feel very lucky this one actually told you what is creeping girls out. If she tells you girls feel weird around you, believe it, you are creeping girls out. When she says you creep other girls out, she's actually projecting, and feeling weird around you. She is speaking for herself, as she can't really speak for every other girl.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Yes, I know i'm lucky, that's why I asked her. Don't know if she was creeped out, she's never acted like it. And she doesn't act like any other girl (ie ignoring me, flaking, making any excuses why we can't hang out).

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Kal0051 said:
Yes, I know i'm lucky, that's why I asked her. Don't know if she was creeped out, she's never acted like it. And she doesn't act like any other girl (ie ignoring me, flaking, making any excuses why we can't hang out).
She is not attracted to you and already has put you in the friend zone. She is indifferent, yet sees you as creepy. It was easy for her to say it when you asked.

Sorry I didn't offer any solutions earlier. I would say STOP hugging and getting too close to girls before you create some attraction and they are somewhat confortable with you.

A good start is by first touching her hands and test her interest and willingness, then escalate subtly.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Again, don't see any proof that she thinks I'm creepy. And as far as attraction goes, she had shown interest in the past but she lives in a different city so I never bothered pursuing anything (though we've kissed before).

And yeah you dont offer any help. I'm afraid if I don't touch the girl at all then I'll be put in the friend zone (has happened 100s of times in the past).

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Kal0051 said:
Again, don't see any proof that she thinks I'm creepy. And as far as attraction goes, she had shown interest in the past but she lives in a different city so I never bothered pursuing anything (though we've kissed before).

And yeah you dont offer any help. I'm afraid if I don't touch the girl at all then I'll be put in the friend zone (has happened 100s of times in the past).

I don't offer any help? I said I "didn't" before. I gave you a suggestion in the last post. Would you like me to go and show you? Jeez.

She didn't use the word creepy, yet she is trying to tell you how people who don't know you might be seeing you. If she is telling you other girls think you are creepy, then you are coming across as creepy. Who cares what you think she thinks. If other girls think you are creepy, not good. If its her who thinks you are creppy, she is not the only one. She is your "friend" or likes you, so she's not gonna say the word, yet there is only one word for that. She might not be telling you, but I am telling you. I don't know you and I am not trying to protect your ego. I don't need to be too nice. I get to be blunt. You need it. I am trying to point out what seems more clearly to me, as you cannot be objective, since you are directly involved. If someone you know says "you are coming too strong" and they mean in a physical way, which you acknowledged, believe me, women strangers who are uncomfortable are feeling creeped out. No sweat, we've all been there.

You are being somewhat stubborn. If you are to gain anything from she telling you this, don't be so stubborn. She provided you with excellent feedback and you are fighting it.

I TOLD YOU HOW TO GO ABOUT TOUCHING ALREADY, and you say I didn't offer help. Why do you insist on wanting to do it your way? It is obvious YOUR WAY is not yielding you results.

You are coming across as creepy because you yourself are probably not confortable doing all that arm touching and huging, so they don't feel confortable either. Why must it be all or nothing when dealing with these girls? Start by being less touchy/feely.

I'll repeat what I told you before:

A good start is by first touching her hands and test her interest and willingness, then escalate subtly.

Reason: If you start touching before any attraction and/or confort from her part, then you will be seen/felt as a creep. Always test the waters as you proceed, specially if you don't know how to handle those situations well, yet.


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Again not too helpful because I don't go around hugging every girl I meet. So any less touching on my part is zero touchy. That's what mystified me about her comment. I guess what she's saying is that she thinks most girls don't want me to touch them at all. Fine, I can become asexual then and be friend zoned like every girl in my past did. Because trying to touch their hand isn't any less touchy than lightly touching their arm (keep in mind I talk to most girls when I'm standing up, reaching down to touch their hand is kinda unnatural).

And again, I don't go around touching girls I don't know. And before this I've never got the impression it creeped all girls out. Sure, some girls (most) aren't interested but that's life.

Ok, I'll humour you. If I'm not building any comfort and attraction then explain how I should go about doing that?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Why are you listening to what she's saying...what does SHE do you when you touch her? Do you really think if you were creepy she would let you touch her? Does she like you at all? Do you think she may say that to prevent you from wanting to touch other girls? how the hell would she know how it makes other girls feel. Where is her angle on this...I never expect honesty from a woman, I look at her actions and her angle and then judge her words through that filter.

This is why you don't listen to women's advice, you can't trust the source. You are taking what she "thinks" as fact. What can you trust? Science. Experiment with the women you meet and see how the react (not what they say, but how they react). Fine tune your experiment until you know what works and what doesn't. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
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Coming on too strong is much better than not coming on strong enough. At least you got a rejection, instead of not doing shyt, and wondering whether she likes you or not.

I would pay attention to what she told you though. Look at this as an overall lesson for you. Forget about the girl for a second, and reflect on what she told you. I highly doubt she's lying, but at the same time, you cant stop your kino either.

You might want to consider whether your kino is congruent to your personality. For example, if you are kino'ing, without an overall sexual, and playful demeaner (lack of flirting) about it, it can come off as creepy, whereas, if you have a sexual frame, and fun, and playful attitude, you can get away with a LOT.

Picture in your mind, a girl you do not find particularly attractive. If you two are having a normal small talk convo, and she starts touching you out of the blue (Im not saying you do this, but imagine anyway.) you might get a little uncomfortable. But, if you two were laughing, and flirting with each other, and she touched you the SAME way, you would probably be attracted to her.

In essence, kino, and reciprocal flirting go together. When I meet a girl, Im flirting with her from minute one, and if she's going along with it, I start kino, or sometimes she will first. We just met, and we're having fun, so touching and kino is allowed. Like they say at RSD, we're both GIVING value, as opposed to me taking it from her, by kinoing before she thinks Im fun.

If she's enjoying your interaction, then touching her is giving value. If she's not particularly enjoying your company or is nuetral about it, then touching her is value TAKING. You can be a total wierdo, who the chick doesnt even particularly like, but if you have high energy, and are entertaining her somehow (with your wierdness even) you are still giving value, so you can get away with more kino, and possibly trigger attraction in her.

I dont know how you act towards these girls, so I may be way off the mark here, but its something to consider. and think about.

Anyway, to answer your question, I dont think you are coming on too strong, (if Brad Pitt came on too strong, do you think she would object?) but you might be coming on at an innapropriate time, like before she sees any value in you.

When I initiate kino, the first thing I usually do, is put my arm around her neck in a fun way, not a romantic way. Sort of like when you are about to give someone a noogie. Do that a few times, if she's comfortable, then touch her arm while telling an interesting story. Your arms should be somewhat animated anyway, so when you get to a high point in the story, you touch her arm, and go back to the story. This should be perfectly acceptable. You have to be smiling, and fun, and funny. Then you can even grab her hand (try to have a reason though). Then I usually go for a thumbwar somewhere along the line. This is GOLD. do a couple matches, then try to make a bet out of it. loser buys a shot, or gives a backrub, or something.

Another way to do the arm thing is if you walk away for something (providing the convo was fun, and on a high note), and come back a few minutes later, and surprise her with your arm around her neck, and smile and say "you miss me already."

I know a natural, who when he comes in the bar or something, he says hi to everyone he knows, and puts his arm around everyone, guys included, and gets right in their face and talks loudly. he makes his rounds and does this to everyone. Then, if there is a girls hanging out with someone he knows, he puts his arm around his friend, and says "who's this?" or introduces himself, and immediately puts his arm around her, and talks to her like he knows her, with major eye contact, usually about the mutual friend. he says something like "Can you believe this guy? I've known this guy for five years, and blah blah blah." He already has his arm around the girl, building rapport, hes talking loud, and has dominated the interaction from second one. Boom, he has the girls attention and interest. Then he does the same thing to every other girl in the place, and they all get jealous, and they all start making moves on him. Then, he talks to every guy in the place, and dances on the bar, and takes home one of the girls he met. Almost EVERY time.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Kal0051 said:
Ok, I'll humour you. If I'm not building any comfort and attraction then explain how I should go about doing that?
Isn't that why you are here, to learn and absorb, with time, everything I won't be able to tell you in one post?

horaholic said:
If she's enjoying your interaction, then touching her is giving value. If she's not particularly enjoying your company or is nuetral about it, then touching her is value TAKING.

If you are touching girls you already know (friends), and you somewhat admit you are not yet very good at creating attraction and confort, by the time you touch them, you are probably deep into the friend zone, which can come across a little weird.

Seems like by the time you start "coming on too strong" with those girls, you have already dug yourself into the friends zone or she really never was feeling you to begin with.

You just need to learn some skills, and implement them correctly. That's all. While it takes a long time for some and a very short time for a few, everyone must learn the process of how to create attraction, increase it, all while keeping her confortable enough, in order for the touching to be congruent. You have to put in some work, brother. Can't skip it nor learn it overnight.


Master Don Juan
Oct 24, 2006
Reaction score
dude that sucks that she's calling you creepy, nothing is worse than being creepy to girls. either you buy it and change your creepy ways or up on your attraction game.... i'll give you a hint: think of ways to switch her thinking of you pursuing them, to them pursuing you!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
Kal0051 said:
I've always had **** luck with women. And it came to a point that I lost it when 2 girls ditched me. Anyway, I posted here and someone suggested I ask one of them what's wrong with me that they'd ditch me. Well I asked the one I'm more close with figuring she'd have a answer (since the other one doesn't know me that well, and hasn't spent tons of time with me). Turns out that they didn't ditch me because of me, but she still did answer the question to why I turn women off (she claims she wants me to be happy). She said that she thinks I come on too strong and am too touchy. Apparently it doesn't bother her (and she's never shown any sign that it did) but she thinks it makes other girls uncomfortable.

I don't know whether or not it's true. I'm not crazy touchy or anything. I'll touch a girls arm or maybe put my arm around her if we're talking close. It's not like I'm groping any girls, it's all pretty innocent. I'm not sure how I can be less touchy, not touching a girl at all can't be good either. Any thoughts guys?
i think its a way for them to tell you that they are a bit interested in you but some other guy that they are talking to is much better than you and if you keep touching and touching, they will lose interest in you since there is someone better. i touch girls all the time and they never complain..


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
909pua said:
i think its a way for them to tell you that they are a bit interested in you but some other guy that they are talking to is much better than you and if you keep touching and touching, they will lose interest in you since there is someone better. i touch girls all the time and they never complain..
she didn't really complain as much as just answer my question to the best of her ability. But I do need to fix this if this is the problem. Especially now that a girl I like is single (she got dumped this week) and apparently went on a date tonight (she told me when she came to see me after). I would like to go out with this girl but don't want to blow it because of something stupid.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
i dont know how to answer this but some girls are just the type that dont like to get touched too much. maybe you didnt build enough rapport or make her feel comfortable with you. if she doesn't conversate well or flirt back with you and give you good signals, touching ahead of this will make them feel awkward. i've experienced it and i learned its better to make a girl feel comfortable around you before you do all this kino stuff so that your time is much more enjoyable. sometimes you can use kino as a last ditch effort on weird girls...girls who dont know wtf they want from you! but a girl calling you creepy? i think thats just too much. maybe you are giving off a weird vibe like you are confusing her like you have game but something about you is just not clicking with her. answer this question and just be honest, we are all men, do you look at porn on a regular basis?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 7, 2009
Reaction score
Australia, ?
I'm very glad you asked the girls why you fail, despite all this cra> here about not taking girls advice seriously.
If you aren't a retard you'll pick-up on if she's telling you anything other than the truth.

I believe that it's not because you come on too strong but because you aren't comfortable with coming on at all.

I know this guy that hugs all the girls and sits on their laps and everything, even gropes a fair few.
You need to be that guy that the girls talk about and say "No! don't worry, that's just Kal0051. He's always like that."

The fact that you made this thread and consciously acknowledged the 'innocent touching', which you probably view as kino, proves that this is still far too conscious to go smoothly for you.

In applying this post.
Obviously you can't be this touchy-feely guy that tries to get with all the girls, that guy also doesn't do this consciously.

Your intentions will change how the touching is recieved.
If you touch everyone you don't like and like you don't need to change a thing.
But if you only touch girls you like, you're just another creepy indian in a nightclub trying to grind with all the girls.

In summary.
- Touch with the right intentions.
- Ingrain this in your personality.
- You make your own luck.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2009
Reaction score
well me personally what i would of done was just simply eliminate the touching untill i actually feel as if me and the lady got more familar with each other.

everything simply just takes time , when u rush women just look at you as inexperience and feel as if your immature. so my advice to you is too endure this situation learn from it because we all make mistakes, some men play like they dont but life is a learning experience so try not to trash yourself too much about it, all women are different but just keep your head up and observe and listen try to find out what women want and like and just learn how to take things more slow women will respect you for it and just remeber all women are different.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 20, 2009
Reaction score
tonyrunkzz said:
well me personally what i would of done was just simply eliminate the touching untill i actually feel as if me and the lady got more familar with each other.

this sounds like another way to do it. I think this is when you "assume the sale" method right? i read this in one of the PUA books floating online somewhere.