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  1. S

    Going on Cruise.

    What cruise line are you going on? It sounds lame, but check out the Youth Club and go to the first meet and greet event. Your parents should understand that you would want to hang out with kids your own age, and they probably want a break from you as well. I found that it was critical to just...
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    Virgin Escalation

  3. S

    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    Oh man, Duffdog, this certainly has been entertaining. While many of your arguments are right on the money, they are lost on many people. Those who are desperate to make money (especially the ones who turn to dating forums) do not want to hear that earning it does, to an extent, require luck...
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    We will see?

    Ouch man. That was pretty bad. Change. :box:
  5. S

    What to write in yearbooks

    "Good luck with that infection."
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    The "Worst Oneitis You've Ever Had" Thread - High School edition

    Grade 9: I was a shy, insecure, awkward nerd. I was skinny too. I also sucked at sports. Thankfully, all my friends were popular, and for some reason, they liked me. Half way through the year, I realized that I liked a girl, Jessica, in my class. We were not exactly close, but we were...
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    On Holding A Conversation And Avoiding Awkward Silences

    Haha. This is very important. I know a girl who everyone in my school thinks is awkward. This is because every time there is a silence (and usually the silence is not awkward at the beginning), she would comment about it, and it was self-fulfilling. :nono: If you ask a series of questions...
  8. S

    Why would she do that to me?

    Unfortunately, everything Juice said was constructive criticism. If you aren't willing to look at your mistakes, accept them, and move on, you are not ready to change. A very long time ago, I was like you. I must be very lucky to have not been put into the same situation as you, in front of your...
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    On Parties

    How big is your school? Mine is really small, so usually grades 9-10 don't know anything about the parties, which are usually once or twice a month at the most. Also, if you know a lot of people at many other schools, you can go to those parties as well. However, you have to focus on you...
  10. S

    What to hell to say in a conversation

    Yeah, it's probably not a good idea to only talk about classes. People will think that school is all you think about. I find it very easy to talk about your surroundings or a funny story that happened to you (with some embellishments of course). If you are into what you are talking about...