We will see?


New Member
May 26, 2009
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I met her 2 and a half years ago,we are in same class.I felt in love with her,but she doesnt like me,we talked many times about this,but this is the last part of the chat a couple of days ago.She also has a boyfriend from around 2 years.I hope i translated it good.These are the last sentences of our chat,most important..

[14:35:58] she: I was the same and I had the feeling that I will never love someone else again,but I was lying to myself
[14:39:14] me: I will always like you
[14:39:32] me: If you ever change your opinion about me...
[14:40:01] she: I told you ,you only think like that now
[14:40:21] she: later it will be different,even next year it will be different
[14:40:34] me: I will prove it to you that you are not right after 2 years.
[14:40:42] her: hahaah ok!!!
[14:40:44] me: :p
[14:40:53] me: remember my words
[14:41:33] she: okiiiii
[14:41:37] she: but after 2
[14:41:42] she: when we graduate?
[14:41:50] she: somewhere around that time?
[14:41:56] me: yea
[14:41:59] me: on our ball :D
[14:42:07] she: mm
[14:42:10] she: we will see

was kinda funny ...but
what teh hell means "we will see"
Do you guys think she will allow me to be with her after 2 years?
does that mean"yes i will give you a chance to be with me after 2 years" or ...


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2009
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Pittsburgh, PA and State College, PA
Steps for you:
1. Read the dj bible before posting something this sad and ridiculous
2. Forget about this "one-itis," relinquish all contact, and pursue other girls
3. Follow through with your grand plan after two years. Probably will not work...but definitely will not work if steps one and two are not completed :)

And this is probably the only situation I've seen where "we'll see" means "yeah right, I doubt it"


Don Juan
Oct 1, 2008
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'We'll see... If I'm desperate.'

Why the hell are you planning on waiting 2 years for this girl anyways? Unrequited love? Pfft. Go find someone else who will love you back. There's better girls out there.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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parrot, you're obviously new...did you read the dj bible yet?

anyways, most guys on this site know what they're talking about, especially when everyone is agreeing with each other

NO GIRL is better than any other...IT'S ALL MENTAL...everyone is born, everyone lives their life...of course some people may stand out for moral/talent/etc. reasons...but it's all perspective..you may think she's the best thing you've ever seen..but once you become an alpha/dj you'll realize that she's nothing special...

NO GIRL IS SPECIAL, ESPECIALLY, BEFORE YOU HAVE BEEN IN LOVE. you guys are still on the friend level...even after marriage people get divorced 51/52% of the time...that's why gene simmons doesn't believe in marriage...you admit your attachment...YOU are attached to this girl...and it's for AFC reasons..you aren't getting any other plates spinning...get more options..explore..don't focus only on one girl...

i used to believe the smae thing...i thought this one girl was a 10 and i believed no one would be better...now she's an 8 to me...i rated her higher because i thought she liked me...and i was gettin **** play at the time

GET MORE OPTIONS..trust me, you'll realize that there are always better girls...of course there probably is that special one, but don't expect to find her in high school..you might but dont expect it...AND DON'T EXPECT TO FIND HER BEFORE YOU ARE EVEN IN LOVE..



New Member
May 26, 2009
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I just asked for your opinions on what will happen after 2 years based on what she said.Don't say to me to find another girl,im not asking this.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
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if you want tow ait 2 years for this girl then that's your decision. BUT, speaking from experience I can tell you i've been there, got the t-shirt. it doesn't end like in the movies or on the shows you see on tv. trust me, man. you're pouring your every feeling out to this girl and she couldn't care less. i did the same thing with a girl(several girls acctually before i wised up and realized that wasn't the way) when i was 15. i did everything you could immagine to get her to like me, i said everything you could possibly say. in the end it didn't work. she'd date other guys and my ass would sit home all depressed and heartbroken and wishing it was me she was with. if i could go back in time i would change it all. you think you're going to still be in love with this girl in 2 years, but if you try to meet other girls i PROMISE you that you will get over her. hell, i can't remember the chicks name i was "so in love with and thought my life was pointless unless i could spend it with her". some other girl came along and that was that. the new girl had wayyy more personality and in my opinion was alot hotter then the other girl. you'll look back oneday and think "why in the blue hell did i waste my time over some chick that couldn't give less then a crap about my feelings for her?" then you'll think "i wonder what other girls i could have dated if i hadn't spent all my time trying to think of things to say to this girl".


Don Juan
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
You have a long way to go bro. I'd start reading ASAP if I were you. All the information you need is there.


Don Juan
Feb 8, 2009
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parrot said:
If I post a pic of her,you will change your mind
You're not in love you have infatuation, lust at best

parrot said:
I just asked for your opinions on what will happen after 2 years based on what she said.Don't say to me to find another girl,im not asking this.
Sure let me get my crystal ball out to predict what will happen exactly two years from now about two people I don't know based on 15 lines of text.

I don't need a crystal ball, she will probably forget you in that time

parrot said:
[14:39:14] me: I will always like you
She knows she can get you anytime she wants, so she won't. She will go higher

parrot said:
[14:40:01] she: I told you ,you only think like that now
[14:40:21] she: later it will be different,even next year it will be different
Even if you don't listen to the people in this forum telling you there are other women and to forget about her, listen to the girl you are in "love" with. She is basically telling you there are other girls and to get them, at least she's good for that


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Mr. Parrot. Been there done that. And now running with the change. I m a gudlukin guy nd even da girl liked me but i did some AFC stuff and lost her to my best friend. But i feel thankful for da b!tch coz she taught me a valuable lesson and helped me find this site. Since then i am improving. But honestly ur story and my story are exactly da same except 4 da fact that in my story da girl confessed dat she 'lykd' me but didnt have 'those kind of feelings' for me. Another name for LJBF. My mistake: still held on for two months. Then realised my mistake and moved on. Was difficult, very. But now i am glad that i did it.

Natural Vibe

Don Juan
May 27, 2009
Reaction score
parrot said:
I just asked for your opinions on what will happen after 2 years based on what she said.Don't say to me to find another girl,im not asking this.
She'll forget all about it, and so will you.

You'll look back into it with nostalgia and tell yourself how much of a fool you were. You will both look at it together and laugh, thinking "Oh, silly teenagers."

And no, it does not mean you will be together in two years. :flowers: Sorry.