Why would she do that to me?


Don Juan
Feb 2, 2008
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
man if u wanna be cool again, or just back to normal, maybe u should use it to ur advantage, u can now make fun of her for being conceited or something, just randomly throw in a line like, "can u feel my eyes now? ya, well ur wrong cuz i wasn't even looking at you, maybe ur senses aren't working today ". or something stupid just so ppl don't think that this situation actually made u all depressed and stuff,

cuz even if it did, u don't want anyone to know. i dono if thats ur personality or watever to be stupid like me so just be urself, the person that u were before she embarrassed u in front of the class. either u forget about the situation, cuz ppl will prbly forget about it anyways, or u can somehow, find a way to use it as a joke that u can use with ur friends. just laugh about it first of all.

like rite now, ur prbly sad , but the biggest step in overcoming this is to sit down think about how bad she burned you and just laugh ur ass off and admit it, she burned you, even if it wasn't rlly clever, u got owned, cuz she hit u where it hurt, and u gotta give her props for that. then, u can move on and actually go to class the next day with a big ass smile on ur face :D


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
PAG said:
You know what? It's easy to criticize, but if you can't give constructive advice, then shut your mouth.
Unfortunately, everything Juice said was constructive criticism. If you aren't willing to look at your mistakes, accept them, and move on, you are not ready to change. A very long time ago, I was like you. I must be very lucky to have not been put into the same situation as you, in front of your peers I mean.

I confessed my infatuation with my oneitis ON MSN. Interestingly, though, I never really got shot down. Feeding me false hope, I guess. That was my turning point, and my whole life changed; I am in every aspect better than my former self.

This should be your turning point. You don't necessarily need to read 'the Bible'. You need to stop focusing on this girl, and start focusing on you. Hit the gym, start an illegal business (not really), talk more, get some true friends.

You asked what you can do to recover. You asked if you can use lines. Be awesome and don't let it affect you is how you recover. If you respect yourself, no one can touch you. Lines suck, they're not actually you talking--they're some dude on the internet. Be more outgoing and you'll find that everything comes naturally.

This should be your turning point. Don't let it go to waste.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
Squirrel is right. If you ever feel down for any reason besides YOU letting yourself down, think of Katt Williams,"How can what I say affect how you think about yourself?" It might seem illogical at first, but he's right. Shame and embarrassment are only in the mind of the victim. Others can't feel it for you.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2008
Reaction score
A place where dreams become reality
Seriously PAG, it'll be extremely tough, if not impossible for you to make a comeback with this girl. The fact is she threw you into deep waters, and you got caught. You showed a weak response, she got the upper hand. You just didn't have any form of game at all to return a good response. Well, we all fail when we're just starting out. It's okay. Maybe you would have a better chance if you dissed her like "Yeah, whatever, go get counselling", after she turned her back.

You'll have a better chance by doing some C&F after she's cooled down, like maybe, "Alright, listen, i'm sorry" (looking into her eyes deeply and sincerely). Then while she goes like "Oh, i'm sorry too" or "Ahh.. it's okay", interrupt her with a "Wait, no i'm not" (with a smile). Maintain deep eye contact at all times but don't stare creepily. Lol, then you can actually continue from there.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
PAG said:
There's this girl in my history class that I've liked for a little while. Let's just call her Whitney. She's beautiful, smart, popular. She sits a few seats ahead from me. All year, all I wanted was for her to talk to me at some point. Well, she did, but not how I had hoped.

A few days ago in class, I was just sitting down in my chair, just looking at her and admiring her beauty before class. She just turned around and said "God, why are you looking at me? Every class, you're always watching me!" I was shocked, I didn't know what to say "Seriously, it's like I can FEEL your eyes on me and it SICKENS me!"

I just said "No, I was just looking at the board, really," but she just turned around and said "Oh, whatever!" And everyone in the class just snickered.

I feel so humiliated. Why would she do that to me? All I ever wanted was for her to like me, but what she said hurt me so much.

Everyone has had crushes before and a lot of guys have messed it up and been heartbroken. Obviously what she said hurts and she was being a total b!tch by saying it. However, that is one good reason to stop liking her so much - at least sometimes she is a real b!tch.

Your feelings and emotions will always lead you astray in regard to girls. The more you can set your emotions on a shelf and act independently of them, the better you will do. A lot of guys would do something like apoloize to her or try to be extra nice to her...in exchange for her having been a b!tch...and that is how to only make it worse.

This is a good time to think about an important idea:

Girls exist for your amusement.

She was amusing you by looking hot. However, staring at girls is not good form - and btw they really can feel it when you check them out from behind, she was not making that up.

After she told you that you sicken her, instead of denying looking at her or being hurt the best way is to fight back. You just throw all hopes of ever being with her out the window in exchange for the satisfaction of some well-placed hurtful insults of your own. It's not the insults that hurts a girl, it's the idea that you don't even think enough of her to try and be nice. If a chick accused me of staring at her head, I would tell her she had dandruff.

The best approach would be to have a "now it's on" attitude with her. Tease and annoy her. She does not like you already, so you have nothing to lose. If she asks if you are going to stop staring at her head, ask if she is going to finally take care of that dandruff. If she tells people that you like her, tell more people that she really like you. The point is to entertain yourself and get a laugh out of her. Don't get in trouble, don't use profanity, don't make sexual remarks, don't talk about her body - but you need to demonstrate that you really don't care what she thinks about you. That is how to get your dignity back, feel better, and not that you should do it for this reason, but it is also the best way to ever have a chance with her. Tease her for a laugh, more brutally at first because she was mean to you, but then keep doing so. Do it for your own laughs. Think of her as practice for the next girl.

Entertain yourself with her, because that is what girls are for.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2006
Reaction score
The unwritten code of conduct on this forum when you post a problem is that generally every single response will be taking a dig at you for being such a ch0de, but while they're busting your balls for being such a pvssy, they do offer invaluable advice. You want help? You're going to get it, but it isn't going to be sugar-coated. You take the playful hazing and thank everyone for their advice. In the end, we do want to help you.

When you get particularly insecure people posting questions that don't understand how guys (or girls, even) work around here, they end up lashing out at the people who are brutally honest with them. As a result, people stop caring about helping you if you're not going to help yourself and then the playful hazing turns into full on bashing.

Case in point: Don't be a **** to the people being rough on you, you'll be better for it.