What to hell to say in a conversation


Don Juan
Jan 13, 2008
Reaction score
Im trying to become social with girls...especially since im setting up a party on saturday. Im completely lost in what to say in conversation so that I can at least get to know them so that I can be able to invite them to the party. Not a big party im planning...maybe 25 tops. Im just completely clueless. Probably putting girls on a pedestal cause I never approached a girl before but Im not sure. People say I can say whateva but I usually talk about school classes most of time and I need to change that cause its probabli boring conversation. I heard that talking about yourself could help and I can see that working cause thats i notice other people doing but how can you do that with someone you don't know.I don't know...please give me some advice cause I am running out of time and need to take lots of action so I can girls at my party.


Don Juan
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
Yeah, it's probably not a good idea to only talk about classes. People will think that school is all you think about. I find it very easy to talk about your surroundings or a funny story that happened to you (with some embellishments of course). If you are into what you are talking about, people- girls and guys alike- will feel your energy and will be interested too. Just don't make it a one sided conversation.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
talka bout whatever happened recently...things you like..ask her what she did..what she likes....

if you can't talka bout things you usually talk about with other people...how can you expect to have a relationship with her?....just talk...if she's interested, she'll even try to make the conversation work if you're failing

if she simply gives one word answers...move on


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
This is a post you will want to read

So you want to know exactly what to talk about with girls, yes? You want the "magic topic" so to speak, that will give you instant conversational success? I kid you not, it does exist. Don't believe me? Here it is:



Common Questions:

Q: Nothing?
A: Yes, nothing

Q: Is this a load of sh*t?
A: No.

Want an explanation? Yes? The truth behind this is it really doesn't matter what you say, but HOW you say it. I don't know exactly how to explain what I mean when I say "talk about nothing," but you will know what I mean over time. When you start having fun with girls through conversation and don't even know what the f*ck you are talking about, you will understand what I'm getting at here. You really can't put it into words; it is infact nothing, afterall.

In conclusion, I have one more thing to say: practice. I'm sure this analogy is cliché, but did you know Michael Jordan was cut from his HS basketball team? Want to know why he is and will remain the greatest player ever to play? I'll give you a hint, it has to do with practice. Does anyone ever remember his failures? His possible game-winning shots that don't drop? No, they remember how phenomenal of a player he was and how many championships he won.

Wasn't meant to be that long, but I think it got the point across. It just takes practice, and once you experience what I'm saying, you will know.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2005
Reaction score
BE curious about people.

WHy they are there? friends
Really who do you know here
Ohj really how did you guys meet.
We met in 9th grade
Oh really thats cool my best friends met in tenth. Funny story about how we met .......


Senior Don Juan
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
Ok. So far faiNt has given you the best advice. Just talk about whatever. It doesn't matter what you talk about. If you heard half my conversations with girls you would think I was a nut-job. The last notable convo I had involved my plans for me and this girl to buy mini-horses and host our own kentucky derby in my backyard. We'd charge $5 admission and her aunt would be in the infield flashing her boobs.

The crazy thing, she was into it. Not only was it engaging, it was unique, and MOST importantly it was fun. Just be fun, have fun, and enjoy the moment.

Sadly, no one here can give you help with topics for conversation. You have to get out there and try new things.... you HAVE TO. Then you'll find out what works. There's no magic bullet for social competence there's just practice. Being social isn't something you can break down into steps, it's something you have to experience before you can understand it.

It'll seem scary at first. But when you "find it" you'll see just how fun it really is.


Don Juan
Oct 26, 2007
Reaction score
i like talking about classes,

some1 already said it, its not what you say, its how you say it


Senior Don Juan
Sep 30, 2008
Reaction score
Tampa Bay
Fluid said:
i like talking about classes,

some1 already said it, its not what you say, its how you say it
That's not entirely true. What you say matters, but not as much as how you say it.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
BlakeW5 said:
Ok. So far faiNt has given you the best advice. Just talk about whatever. It doesn't matter what you talk about. If you heard half my conversations with girls you would think I was a nut-job. The last notable convo I had involved my plans for me and this girl to buy mini-horses and host our own kentucky derby in my backyard. We'd charge $5 admission and her aunt would be in the infield flashing her boobs.

The crazy thing, she was into it. Not only was it engaging, it was unique, and MOST importantly it was fun. Just be fun, have fun, and enjoy the moment.

Sadly, no one here can give you help with topics for conversation. You have to get out there and try new things.... you HAVE TO. Then you'll find out what works. There's no magic bullet for social competence there's just practice. Being social isn't something you can break down into steps, it's something you have to experience before you can understand it.

It'll seem scary at first. But when you "find it" you'll see just how fun it really is.
THAT is what I'm talking about. Does that convo make sense to anyone? It certainly doesn't make sense to me; that is the whole POINT. I'm with Blake when he says if anyone else heard our covos, they'd think we were crazy. That's how it should be.

He said too, and I'll re-state, it's hard and a little scary at first, but once you realize you are doing it, you'll have the best time of your life.

(I'm glad someone knows what the hell I'm talking about, lol)