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  1. H

    embracing humanity

    be careful man it sounds like your getting close to anthropophobia....are you disgusted by looking at everyone or just the average person? Ill admit I am disgusted with the average person (not looks, thought capacity). I just ignore the ones who are clueless and talk to the ones who are able to...
  2. H

    help with next move on this girl..

    invite her on a date....if she accepts, doesnt flake and u get a kiss close by end of night your in!
  3. H

    my problem and my solution.. life change

    If being a man is your vow, i'd sure like to partake.
  4. H

    Eye contact confusion

    Holding eye contact means time for you to progress....see how they respond to kino (kino you back or pull away) then see how they respond to kiss (give you cheek or lips)
  5. H

    Does The Ex Ever Come Back?

    your not including probably the most vital detail of all WHAT SET HER OFF? people dont just call it quits unless something happened figure out what that is and perhaps we can help you more
  6. H

    To be or not to be exclusive?

    **** i know time i told this ex girlfriend of mine to either be **** buddies with me or never talk to me again.... turns out she never talked to me again, supporting your theory 411...
  7. H

    Guys: What to do when the girl I'm interested in said she's seeing someone(help fast)

    Haha good point The 411.....basically be a man and you will get her, dont even THINK about giving up....keep going until your are rejected or ****ing this girl!
  8. H

    To be or not to be exclusive?

    Ya man i agree...i thought about it more and now i think that would only work with girls willing to have sex haha....or maybe not at all So my new plan is just to ignore her...however she is quiet shy and never calls so maybe ill never hear from her...**** it im moving on
  9. H

    long winding road to becoming a DJ

    yes....u are on your thing i always think about before i do ANYTHING with women is "would a REAL man do that"? I dont know if that will help you but to me becoming a real man is what DJing and Sosuave are all about. 1) ON confidence....would a real man shuffle his feet and be nervous...
  10. H

    To be or not to be exclusive?

    Ahhhh, yes i should know these restraining myself from calling her man....the inner AFC will not surface today!
  11. H

    Feelin kinda f'ed up.....Should I be?

    Damn bro....your thinking about it the wrong way! You were man enough to be robbed at gunpoint! FFS! you know you can use that to your have had the worst of the worst man, now approaching gorgeous women should be a joke!
  12. H

    To be or not to be exclusive?

    Ok im seeing this girl tuesday in class who ive been dating and made the tragic mistake of telling her we would be exclusive. She is horrible at returning calls (2-3 days after i leave a message she will call) but she told me i was her first im giving her a little slack. Im...
  13. H

    Looking for a "Bad Man" quote

    "nice guys finish last" and “There are easier things in life than trying to find a nice nailing jelly to a tree for example" not exactly about bad boys, but im sure you could incorporate them
  14. H

    I messed up....bad

    Let me clarify, we DID make out, for over half an hour... it was the progression after the (butt squeeze) that she freaked out ya i guess your right i probably wont ever F*** the new girl...but making out is fun still. And good insight about calling my ex for sex man...i really...
  15. H

    Language barrier situations?

    Christ man thats you have some kind of fetish? or just like a challenge? Personally, girls who barely speak english are really easy to talk to (imo usually more submissive) however, showing them your intention would probably require more kino escalation than normal
  16. H

    Could I pull her?

    man i would hang out with Koree and gauge the situation, kino, make her laugh, etc. If she is into you go for her, if not, then she probably told her friend about ur games so your probably outta luck with her....
  17. H

    I messed up....bad

    Alright ill move on from this, next that girl and if she calls just tell her im busy...i need to start approaching girls again anyways....
  18. H

    I messed up....bad

    I dont how do i let her know im still going to date other girls?
  19. H

    I messed up....bad

    Lol...i was considering waiting a bit for the new girl man we have only been on 4 dates...your suggesting i get rid of both of them? never thought of it that way, i guess it would solve my problems....
  20. H

    4 Words Guaranteed to Raise Her Interest Level---your opinions

    nice man...ive used similar words on a girl once and we ended up having sex all night long! (i said "I wont have sex with you even if you begged me" in the context that she was afraid i was using her for sex so it showed that i didnt need sex) ....but i like "im bored with sex" ...ill have...