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  1. R

    I am empty (help me get a hobby)

    “JOIN KEY CLUB!!!!!!” “I’m good at this stuff, aren’t I? Anyways, yah. We’re the largest community service organization in the world, we cover 23 countries with over 235,000 members. So in other words, we kick everyone’s ass in terms of numbers” “Usually clubs in high school are broken...
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    Mystery Lounge Archives

    oOo me too =) underground stuff hahaha
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    Proven AIM convo formula to pull #'s from myspace girls

    did you just randomly myspace message each of these people first for their AIM sns?
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    For all the Mystery haters...

    To me, Mystery isn't like GOD-STATUS. But his techniques are pretty damn good. I don't know what some of you guys do with your negs, but when I neg hit a girl it always works wonders for me. :up: There's lots of stuff he teaches other than neg hitting though, u can read his stuff off limewire...
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    Semi Long Distance Question

    Hey! Well considering the special circumstances of high school, I can't date several people from the same school, hahahha. No one is that good :rock: So what i've tried to do was date other women from different schools. I have a few problems though that I was wondering if anyone here could...
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    This video can change your life

    i still see an error in the link that i clicked. Can someone put this on a youtube link or sumthing?
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    Post your MySpace here!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    The Official FOREX Thread

    Question: Do any of the free demo accounts use the same currency fluctuations that correspond to real life events? thanks
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    Who do you actually respect here?

    FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINGERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And fash has TIGHT field reports
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    need help by christian guys

    Straight out vaginal sex? Eh, well if you seriously think you can go several years without getting sex and wait until marriage all the more power onto you. Just remember that if you're gonna take this route then you should get married sooner than most people, to avoid being a 40 year old virgin...
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    Girl w/ BF wants to hangout...

    1. Pick who's the better person in terms of looks and personality. Her or her friend. IF IT IS HER Then on the day try some C&F, some boyfriend destroyers (use search button), and use some push and pull tactics to tease her. IF IT IS HER FRIEND Then use more neg hits and push and...
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    Ways to improve the forums

    That's an AFC forum man... That is an ideal forum. Love the field reports there. This forum was my first, so this will always be in my heart, but the field reports tehre...dayam
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    The Official FOREX Thread

    Angel, Did you ever need to do normal stock exchange transactions before you got a hang of things and moved to forex? Or did you just start right off the bat into forex investing?
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    MM ebook worth it?

    The book is aight, I like "how to succeed with women" by Ron Louis and David Copeland more though. It's more internal process and general direction so you can apply thier studd when you have more advanced game also which is nice. However, MM forum is pretty good. MM forum>>>>>>>>>>fast...
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    How I got rich (By request of a few members)

    This is what's great about Don Juan forum that really separates it from fast seduction in my opinion. Don Juans have outside lives too, and the confidence isn't just in women but it translates to real life too. You are a perfect example of this Asian because you break the statistics and have the...
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    FR: Blind girl/questions for you guys

    Hey, this is an experience you'll always remember. You could even bring some much needed joy in her life if her disability has caused some boyfriend issues in the past. Don't think of this as something to regret, but something to help the both of you out. :up:
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    when i get laid ill proably sound like this guy

    me ears bleed... and that was one helluva UG ewwww
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    I need advice on how to get a girlfriend

    did you read the DJ bible? Or search the post "weapons of mass seduction" by senor fingers. Either of those will do.