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  1. R

    How do you know what number an HB is?

    personality is huge with me. If a HB is a model but with the personality and intelligence of a 7 year old, that is a huge turn off. I can't give a 10 to someone who is just a pretty face. I genuinely met 2 HB10s in my entire life. a 10 is like marriage material as someone said above hahaha. 9 is...
  2. R

    dancing problem last night

    move with your knees not your hips. Never move your feet. Circular motions counter clockwise or clockwise, choose 1 and stick with it. If it gets really hot then go forward and backward like you're humping her. Hope that helps. U know tehre are actually mechanics to grinding ;)
  3. R

    Gunwitch method. THE way to get LAID.

    if you're a 1 in looks then u either have a deformation in your face or tits larger than most women. Gunwitch is God. I love it.:)
  4. R

    How far in Advance...

    Do you ask women out when you schedule dates? This hasn't been brought up before, and I thought it would be interesting to see. Also, include general availability rates also. This will be fun to discuss. Personally, I like to ask women on Fridays. Not a real weekend so no previous...
  5. R

    FR: Lust Wars IV: A New Hope

    Luke, I commend your effort to working so hard on these dates, but as with what the other DJs on this thread said, you're being too methodical. These "canned routines" of yours scare me a little. Yah, all of us have lines and techniques, but it seems as if you've scripted the entire...
  6. R

    Girl asked me to her house and I met her mother

    Yah parents are a great thing. I talk to the dad about small business and ivnestments over being and employee and 401K predictions in 2016, stuff like that. With moms I talk to them about kids and my community service time (i'm a high ass ranked officer in key club hahah) What do you...
  7. R

    I was told i'm too "agressive"

    i have to agree. But lets assume you weren't too drunk. Trying to make jokes about someone being vegeterian is a HUUUGE no no. Remember, why are the vegeterian? Oh yah, religion (and if it's because they love animals then it's to the point where you can put it in same category as religion)...
  8. R


    I have the same problem. Sitting down a lot really screws up your butt like I sit down and read books a lot on finance or when i'm at these forums. Try and get out more. Squats also help. And try not to overload your pockets. If anything, get cargos that FIT YOU and put your stuff in the lower...
  9. R

    What to do with ex-GF?

    dude ur a DJ. She is simply being a female version of that. When we hook up with multiple girlfriends it's a lot worse. You two are already broken up, just enjoy the fact that you have a FWB. I'd still be friends with her; she could introduce me to some hawt friend in the future.
  10. R

    Video of DJ transformation

    yah same here
  11. R

    Weapons Of Mass Seduction

    BUMP!! DAYYYAM!!!! my mind is in a whirlwid after this
  12. R

    Developing good habits for approaching.

    LOL. What you post was EXACTLY, word for word, what Ron Louis and David Copeland teach in the book "how to succeed with women". HAHAHAHHA. -EXPOSED-
  13. R

    An Age Problem

    Friends with benefits :yes: just be a little more secretive about it hhahah. I've had a situation like that just recently in SAT school. If you're afraid to get caught, then just kinda linger with her for awhile and keep her on teh back burner until she's 17. You can visit her after graduation...
  14. R

    A notion about these famous dating gurus?

    Ron Louis and David Copeland are GODS. I use this site for specific techniques such as neg hits and push and pulls and specific situations, but i use their philosophy. I've read everyone, and those two are by far the best :rockon:
  15. R

    An Interesting Situation

    Hey everyone! Long time viewer, first time poster. Glad to be on board finally :up: just needed a situation to get off my arse and register hahaha. my problem. There's this really attractive asian woman (HB8.3) that I know through a high school community service program. I am...