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  1. J

    The little voice in your head

    AFK? But anyway, ARRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHH - Die You EVIL Bvgger!!!!!!! You SUCK!!!!!!!!!!! and plz go away, thnx.
  2. J

    --- The Psychology Of Women ---

    Just to be the first one - NO :)
  3. J

    thank you sosuave, it's working!

    Sweet man - nice work. So wheres the nearest video shop then?
  4. J

    your 10 point rating system

    I'd settle for a 6 if need be but then again my standards are quite high. (I only rarely see 8s, and 9s are legendary) Its all personal opinion - i bet there are some people who would do any girl providing they had an active enough imagination. :rolleyes:
  5. J

    AFC email

    Sorry - Posted twice
  6. J

    AFC email

    We've all done it at sometime - thnk god that i didn't pick one who liked to spread stuff.
  7. J

    Win a FREE Copy of "The Non-Juan" Dating Guide - Tell Us Your Best Story of Failure!

    My 5 Seconds of Fame Ok - this was said during an argument with my Ex-GF at high school in the middle of an extremely crowded area. Girl:Your such an A#RSEHOLE! Jezz: At least I don't have a D!CK!!! (Long Pause) Suffice to say that this was quoted incessantly back at me over the...
  8. J

    How do I find UK members on this site?

    Manchester :D - but the age difference would be a problem
  9. J

    Please make use of your Reputation tool

    Why? I don't judge posts by their level but rather by the comments they leave and how well known their name is from posts I have previously read.
  10. J

    BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix

    Well - since i don't want to clutter the forum up with another post - heres my first journal entry. Post your opinions,etc if you want. This party occured after i started the program so i think its relevant.
  11. J

    I Plan on throwing a huge party...IDEAS?

    Check the threads - there was some good advice for throwing a party about 2 weeks ago.
  12. J

    On vacation, NO GYM, workout recommendation?

    I use my own body weight as an effective substitute. Most normal moves can be done well just with this form of resistance. Also, any weights you may need can be in the form of the old favourite - Tins of beans. :D
  13. J

    Status Report - WH0RE Party

    Good point Anomalous, I'll bear that in mind next time I go sarging. Thnx for the input.
  14. J

    Status Report - WH0RE Party

    Hey - My first status report ever really. So lets set the scene - Party on Saturday night, guys being laid back and cool, girls dressed like wh0res (Just seen Rocky Horror Show). About a 60:40 split of girls to guys with around 30 or so people there. Since I only knew about 5 of them I...
  15. J

    Nothing new here.

    Nice- to the point
  16. J

    BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix

    Ha - my overdue action report. Well, after deciding a good number to start on (20 EC and Hellos), I then decided to spend my first summer weekend either at the mall or in town (Manchester, England). My confidence was unshakeable as i got through the first 11 over the course of an hour with...
  17. J

    for skip2mylou

    Personally I think that it is great that we are getting different material to the usual "Help - am I gay/bi/smiling funny/a hopeless AFC?" stuff. Ok - The quantity is OTT - come on Skip, I agree that its interesting but it does make you seem like an attention seeker. No disrespect to your...
  18. J

    FR:I made love to an obeese woman last night(kindof long)

    Yeah - what those guys said. "a greasy substance that resembled butter" Ewwwwwwwwwww!!
  19. J

    BootCamp - Clan of the Phoenix

    Right - Cool name and I gotta dedicate more time to this stuff now Ive done exams. Will complete goals by weekend sir!
  20. J

    FYI: Don Juans are Homos!

    *shakes head* Why did you tell us man?