Win a FREE Copy of "The Non-Juan" Dating Guide - Tell Us Your Best Story of Failure!

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
GREETINGS, Non-Juan fans!

First off, I want to say "thank you" to all of you who read my posts! I've been writing them for almost a year now, and people are finally starting to better understand what it is I do!

I've been selling quite a few copies of my book lately, so I figured it was time to have a Non-Juan contest!

As you know, I like to help guys become better with women by showing how to LOSE them. I take the mistakes and lessons I learned while dealing with women and use them to show you guys what NOT to do if you want to get a girl to like you. And trust me, I've made a LOT of mistakes over the years.

Those of you who read these boards regularly have probably found youself in the same situations. You liked a girl, and did everything you thought was "right" to attract her... only to find that what you were doing made her want to head for the hills!

So, here's the CONTEST:

Which one of YOU has the best Non-Juanish story out there? I want you to share with us the most "Non-Juan" moment in your history of dealing with girls!

Tell us all about the time you screwed up so bad with a girl that you couldn't walk outside for a week! Share with us the story of how a girl used you for something, then got rid of you like yesterday's trash! Recall the story of how your girl left you... for another girl!

Whoever has the most Non-Juanish story - and it has to be a TRUE story - will win a FREE copy of my best-selling eBay book,

FROM PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to LOSING the Girl of Your Dreams!

The contest will run from today, July 12 2006 until August 12 2006. On August 12, the winner will be selected and mentioned on this board!

You can write in as many stories as you can think of - all I ask is that they be true stories. Oh yeah - there are no "strings attached" to the contest. IN other words, if you win, you will be sent a book at no charge - no additional surprises like shipping fees or "you have to buy this along with the book" type of thing.

And for the mods: since the stories being written in will count as "tips" and I'm not selling anything, this is not a "troll" post!

That's all from me! Good luck, and may the best Non-Juan win!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better with Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Instead of having women sucking their money from them you take it from them. If there is anything lower than gold diggers it's people like you who take money from men who are desperate. Anyone here with some experience can write together a book and sell it, but most of us share the info for the greater good. It's strange, there always have to be some greedy bastard who want to make a buck in every field.

This is nothing more than a shallow attempt at advertising for your book.

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Oh boy, here we go - I see we have a "hater" on our hands!

First, to quote lifeforce:

"Instead of having women sucking their money from them you take it from them. If there is anything lower than gold diggers it's people like you who take money from men who are desperate. Anyone here with some experience can write together a book and sell it, but most of us share the info for the greater good. It's strange, there always have to be some greedy bastard who want to make a buck in every field. This is nothing more than a shallow attempt at advertising for your book."

Allow me to answer his main allegation: yes, this is a shallow attempt at advertising for my book. So are all my other posts that I write on here where I state "don't forget to check out the first three chapters of my book by going to!

(You see what I just did there? I advertised my book while rebuttling your allegations! How shallow is THAT?!?)

Allow me to answer your other allegation: yes, I am a greedy bastard who wants to make a buck. So is every other person who goes to work for a living - they ain't goin' there for their health, they're goin' there to get M-O-N-E-Y!

So if, by your definition, I am shallow and greedy for attempting to give out a FREE book while at the same time advertising it to others so that I can earn extra money, then yes, I am shallow and greedy. So are David DeAngelo, Doc Love, and the countless others who charge money for the materials they publish.

But wait? Are we really THAT shallow and greedy? All of us give out FREE information via newsletters and posting advice on these types of boards. We also don't force anybody to buy our stuff, nor do we attempt to sell items the public doesn't want.

If you open your eyes and LOOK at the opening paragraph of the original post, you will see the part where I say "I've been selling quite a few copies of my book lately." This means that (a) there is a demand for the book, which means I would actually be greedy if I decided to hoard my info to myself; and (b) that I can afford to give a copy away for free to someone who might use the info to change their life - that's definately not shallow, since shallow people don't think of others.

Lastly, this contest also serves a purpose for newbies out there who are finding their way to this site for the first time. They may feel distraught that they suck with women, like there is not hope for them to get better. Having a post full of examples of dating screw ups from people who are now "ladies' men" will help boost their confidence and make them realise that they, too, can change into something better than they are now.

So there you go - you can hate on me all you want for advertising my book via a contest (like everyone hadn't figured that out by now - you're a bit late to the party there; maybe your "lifeforce" is dim). By responding to this post, all you've done is put it back at the top of the page, which helps me advertise this thing even more. Gee, maybe that makes YOU the shallow & greedy one :confused:

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"


Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Lifeforce said:
Instead of having women sucking their money from them you take it from them. If there is anything lower than gold diggers it's people like you who take money from men who are desperate. Anyone here with some experience can write together a book and sell it, but most of us share the info for the greater good. It's strange, there always have to be some greedy bastard who want to make a buck in every field.

This is nothing more than a shallow attempt at advertising for your book.


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Agreed with Lifeforce though this does bump the thread


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
I'd like to enter the contest please!

My worst failure was very recent. I have been studying all the techniques from a book called "FROM PIMP to WIMP: The Non-Juan's Guide... to LOSING the Girl of Your Dreams!"

I don't know what went wrong.. I followed all the advice from the book word for word.
Me : "Hi, you have a nice arse, can we go back to my place for an enema?"
Girl : "Huh?"
Me : "Don't worry. I said you look like the type of girl that likes to masturbate over pictures of siamese midgets!"
Girl : "Excuse me!?"
Me : "Oh for ****'s sake. Can you just cooperate? I'm out of Rohypnol."

I copped a face full of mace and now have a permanent record. :(


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Mr. Non-Juan said:
Oh boy, here we go - I see we have a "hater" on our hands!

First, to quote lifeforce:

"Instead of having women sucking their money from them you take it from them. If there is anything lower than gold diggers it's people like you who take money from men who are desperate. Anyone here with some experience can write together a book and sell it, but most of us share the info for the greater good. It's strange, there always have to be some greedy bastard who want to make a buck in every field. This is nothing more than a shallow attempt at advertising for your book."

Allow me to answer his main allegation: yes, this is a shallow attempt at advertising for my book. So are all my other posts that I write on here where I state "don't forget to check out the first three chapters of my book by going to!

(You see what I just did there? I advertised my book while rebuttling your allegations! How shallow is THAT?!?)

Allow me to answer your other allegation: yes, I am a greedy bastard who wants to make a buck. So is every other person who goes to work for a living - they ain't goin' there for their health, they're goin' there to get M-O-N-E-Y!

So if, by your definition, I am shallow and greedy for attempting to give out a FREE book while at the same time advertising it to others so that I can earn extra money, then yes, I am shallow and greedy. So are David DeAngelo, Doc Love, and the countless others who charge money for the materials they publish.

But wait? Are we really THAT shallow and greedy? All of us give out FREE information via newsletters and posting advice on these types of boards. We also don't force anybody to buy our stuff, nor do we attempt to sell items the public doesn't want.

If you open your eyes and LOOK at the opening paragraph of the original post, you will see the part where I say "I've been selling quite a few copies of my book lately." This means that (a) there is a demand for the book, which means I would actually be greedy if I decided to hoard my info to myself; and (b) that I can afford to give a copy away for free to someone who might use the info to change their life - that's definately not shallow, since shallow people don't think of others.

Lastly, this contest also serves a purpose for newbies out there who are finding their way to this site for the first time. They may feel distraught that they suck with women, like there is not hope for them to get better. Having a post full of examples of dating screw ups from people who are now "ladies' men" will help boost their confidence and make them realise that they, too, can change into something better than they are now.

So there you go - you can hate on me all you want for advertising my book via a contest (like everyone hadn't figured that out by now - you're a bit late to the party there; maybe your "lifeforce" is dim). By responding to this post, all you've done is put it back at the top of the page, which helps me advertise this thing even more. Gee, maybe that makes YOU the shallow & greedy one :confused:

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to Be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"

First thing you should learn if you talk to me I'm not a person who is impressed by manipulating words. A fact is a fact no matter how you portray it. Yes, I am hating, that is a fact, and yes there is good cause for it.

Everyone is greedy, you are absolutly right, but there is a moral difference between building a house for a paycheck and feeding a pipe dream to some schmuck telling him he can get any woman he wants. The only way to really get as many women as possible is to supplicate to a woman, trying to become what she wants in a man. You can get women this way and yes, I've done it myself. But no woman is worth changing who you are for. You are not "getting" women, you are used by women! Imagine looking back at your life and seeing yourself sitting at bootcamps or meetings with people trying to find out how to get women. Learning how to best please a woman. Talk about AFCness and wasting of perfectly good time. How much better it could have been spent.

What most gurus seem to fail to grasp, and mostly the entire "seduction" community is that women are not the same. They don't work the same. All these general main principles or "what not to do" just work fairly good on almost everyone. But they do nothing beyond this. Thanks to the gurus like ross jeffries and the like we will have emotionally empty men walking around trying to fill their void with sleeping with all the women they can find.

The REAL key to getting value for your time when you meet women is NOT to understand women. It is to understand yourself and have the confidence to be who you want to be. Meeting women is such a small thing in life it's scary how many people make it the main thing in their life. I know alot of people on this board who get women without having to do anything. No rules, no scripts, no nothing. If you are worth something then women will realize it. This is why it's so sickening to see people trying to sell stuff like this when it is so easy to get women.

The question is what people prefer. Supplicating to women to get them or improving who they are so women naturally will be attracted to them. I daresay that the latter choice is a far better one. =) There is no need to spend time on trying to understand women. Just spend time on yourself and become a great person and just enjoy women being attracted to you without having to care why.

Take care

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score

Wow, I've never seen people get so uptight about a friggin' contest! I try to do something nice like set up something where someone can win a FREE book, and people like Lifeforce and Rocker get all uptight about it! Perhaps you guys have too much sand in your vaginas?

As for Lifeforce's statement that it's not worth changing yourself for women, I totally agree. In fact, the whole point of my materials is that changing yourself will not - I repeat, NOT - get you a woman, it'll make you a Non-Juan because, no matter how much you try to change yourself, supplicating will usually make the woman want you LESS. Go back and read all my previous posts to see what I'm talking about.

At any rate, the contest stands as it is. Anybody lookin' to win a free copy of my book can still post their stories up here so others can learn from their mistakes. And let's not be so uptight, maaaaaaaaaaan!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"


Don Juan
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
My 5 Seconds of Fame

Ok - this was said during an argument with my Ex-GF at high school in the middle of an extremely crowded area.

Girl:Your such an A#RSEHOLE!

Jezz: At least I don't have a D!CK!!!

(Long Pause)

Suffice to say that this was quoted incessantly back at me over the course of the year :rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2003
Reaction score
Mr. Non-Juan said:

Wow, I've never seen people get so uptight about a friggin' contest! I try to do something nice like set up something where someone can win a FREE book, and people like Lifeforce and Rocker get all uptight about it! Perhaps you guys have too much sand in your vaginas?

As for Lifeforce's statement that it's not worth changing yourself for women, I totally agree. In fact, the whole point of my materials is that changing yourself will not - I repeat, NOT - get you a woman, it'll make you a Non-Juan because, no matter how much you try to change yourself, supplicating will usually make the woman want you LESS. Go back and read all my previous posts to see what I'm talking about.

At any rate, the contest stands as it is. Anybody lookin' to win a free copy of my book can still post their stories up here so others can learn from their mistakes. And let's not be so uptight, maaaaaaaaaaan!

-Mr. Non-Juan
"Teaching Men to be Better With Women... by Showing How to LOSE Them!"
Since people like Ross Jeffries, Robert Greene, D'angelo nearly ruined my life with their "advice" I get a little edgy when I see someone selling something on how to get good with women. To this day I've seen alot of people on this board who's as brainwashed as I was from all the gurus. They are heading straight the way I was heading as well as misogyny running rampant alongside.

The fact is, players are nothing more than polished AFCs. What do they do? They try to please women so the women will have sex with them. The focus of the whole exchange is the woman so she might reward the player. The difference between an AFC and a player is better success. Sure, some of them might improve their physique, their confidence but they just do it for the woman so they can brag for their friends IRL and on the internet of the 9 they banged. (The rating is of course +3 or something so they feel alot better about having sex with the first girl desperate enough to fancy their manipulation).

Teaching people to be successful with women is really beside the point. All we want is a percieved value in the person we are with. You can either fake it like the players do so they appear better than they are or you can actually be worth something. And people who actually got value will experience the great feeling of having women try to prove themselves worthy to them instead of the other way around (doing wonders for your self respect). If the girl admire you there is alot more you can do "wrong" and still have her feel very strong for you, rendering most guidelines/rules/beliefs absolete.

But then again, I just have sand in my vagina, right.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, I'll bite.

I had this very sexy girlfriend. I told her I loved her every five minutes, got her glasses of coke whenever she asked, and let her hang out with her guy friends. She ended up getting fat because I was doing all her running around, and going to the store to fetch her chocolate bars whenever she craved one.

Eventually, the sex disappeared, but I still bought her chocolate bars.

She began hanging out with her guy friends, staying out all night and not coming home until three in the morning. She told me she slept in, and I believed her.

Eventually, she told me she didn't want to be with me anymore. I showed how much I loved her by curling up into a ball on the floor, crying, and begging her to stay. She called a cab and fvcked off.

Instead of paying bills with my last bit of money, I bought her a boquet of roses, a big stuffed teddy bear, and wrote her a card, telling her how much I worshipped the ground she walked on. She never came back.

Thanks for all your help Mr. Non-Juan, and I hope that I win! I'll buy you some flowers if it'll help you make up your mind on how you feel about me and my story!


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Mine was a serious entry.
I can't believe it's not being accepted.
That's it.. I'm not promoting your book anymore!

Mr. Non-Juan

Don Juan
Dec 21, 2005
Reaction score
Ha ha ha, very funny Rocker. Unfortunately, none of that info can be found in my book - my advice isn't that crude. Sorry to hear about the permanent record, though :D

Keep those entries comin'!

-Mr. Non-Juan