thank you sosuave, it's working!


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
So I had this random encounter last night that I can attribute to SoSuave 100%. I don't even know how it happened, as I'm usually really shy and am just starting to learn.

I'm working at the video store, and these two girls come in. One is quite overweight, the other is smoking hot. Redhead, big blue eyes, big boobs, long long legs in heels. Great milky white skin. I'm busy as all heck but I manage to get away from the counter and get in an "can I help you guys find anything? you look lost" to which they both get defensive and respond "no we're fine".

Later they come up to the counter with a couple of movies... and they make sure to come up to my till. The big one comes up and tells me she needs an account, her hot friend hangs like ten feet away. She ends up not having the right stuff for the account, and I'm kind of making fun of her for it. Her friend jumps in "I can do it!" noticing full well how smooth I'm being.

So I'm setting these girls up, notice she's from out of town. Instinctively (well, not instinctively!) I start asking what they're doing here. The fat one does most of the talking, the other one sits there kind of shy-like. They're visiting for a week. I ask them what they like about the city and so on, they talk about how they're scared to go out a little. I'm talking to the fat one, completely not making any eye contact with the cutie... and then I say "so you come into a new town, and rent movies? How LAME!". Yeah, you're not supposed to neg the not-hot ones... but she was tough and had a good sense of humour.

They both giggle at this point. And, just to make this the best moment ever, I look down and see from the hottie's DL that she is 19. 19! I am 31.

So the fat one says "so what SHOULD we be doing tonight?", to which I respond that Wednesday is the best night in town to go out.

From there, it's on. I tell them to come back when I close. They do. The redhead looks like a f*cking goddess all dressed up... god, the legs and tits on this girl are phenomenal. And she's 19.

We go to the club, and it's so easy from here. I hang out with the two of them, they have a couple of drinks. I bump into a couple of friends, get the fat girl to hang with them, and isolate the cutie. Took her outside for a walk, she almost jumps me. Full on makeout and grope session in the park, and I'm almost feeling bad because it's too easy after all the groundwork I laid on them earlier.

Anyhow, I didn't end up going all the way with her because the fat one was always around. Note to self: see if you can find her someone too. But we have arrangements to go out again.

This whole thing may not seem like a big deal but if these two girls had come in to my store a year ago I would barely have talked to them. Since reading stuff on sosuave I have learned a TON, much of it subconsciously, and it's starting to work.

Thank YOU guys.


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
realsmoothie said:
she is 19. 19! I am 31.
..And she's 19.

lol How old was she? j/k Nice work, man. Chicks dig older guys. You know it, I know it. ;)



Don Juan
Jul 24, 2006
Reaction score
Hey - great job! Thanks for a good report :rockon:


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
awesome man. this site is like the light at the end of tunnel for me. It has got me excited and alot more confident with appoaching women. I havent really gotten to use my new knowledge about women yet, but hopefully I'll get to make a post like your's before too long.


Don Juan
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
Sweet man - nice work. So wheres the nearest video shop then?