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  1. M

    Come on guys. bam no want pay.....bam bam want eat.......bam bam hunt.......
  2. M

    Human race will 'split into two different species'

    So does that mean that every women is going to look like Angelina Jolie?
  3. M

    Her Ex is stalkin me hardcore

    Is the stalkers name Anakin per chance?
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    need some info on direct game

    Juggler (Charisma Arts), Woodhaven, Sean Newman ( and Zan Perion are all good at teaching natural game. Keep in mind direct game doesn't mean you have too open with a compliment. Those guys will teach you more than I ever could in a single post...
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    Stringing a Girl Along, I Need Some Professional Help.

    Dude, sometimes oneitis can be okay. If you guys like each other then enjoy. Don't get so tied up in wether or not shes a Republican while you pop ectasy and vote for the green party. Alright maybe I went to far but to me it sounds like your trying to follow some ASF/DJ rulebook. Trust...
  6. M

    **** this ****ing life..

    Its alright Dongfu, the guys just messing around. Let him have his fun. If it gets out of control the mods will just ban him. Anakin, I know you're ****ing around but for the record "teach me how to how to get this ***** on my donk." This made my day.
  7. M

    **** this ****ing life..

    I don't believe you.
  8. M

    "I'm too nice"

    Nice guys that have trouble in this department always have ONE THING in common. Zero escalation from personal to sexual. See most nice guys that end up in the 'girlfriend' situation usually look a lot better than they think they do, which makes them that much more endearing (Yes being humble...
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    So my friend didn't introduce me

    Eh its all right. Friends are supposed to piss you off every now and then. Otherwise they're not your friend.
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    When she says you're her favorite guy

    Did you escalate? If no one escalates then both of you stay stuck in the friend zone FOR-EV-ER. Yes both of you. You're not the only one who feels let down when this happens. I bet if I got a chance to see what happened I would be able to point out the following.... 1. Your...
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    How do you approach girls in everyday situations?

    Smile and say "Hi." If she smiles back and says "Hi" then its ON. I can't take credit for the idea (Sigma) but I will say it has worked for me in the past. It also prevents blow outs in public places, which can be common with canned openers used during day game. Don't use canned openers...
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    When Women Cheat

    Great post. Actually I think all of us can use this to nip these problems in the bud. 1. There’s no passion - Be sponatneous, seduce her in public places, use foreplay, read the Kama Sutra 2. To delay a breakup - Read the cues, people are pretty easy to read when their hiding...
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    Pickup Accusations

    Alright well I did an approach today at my gym for the hell of it. Heres how it went: Me: So what your story? Ex-boyfirend cheated on you so now you want to learn how to beat people up. (something to that extent, Martial Arts class) HB: Is this how you always pick-up women? (she wasn't to...
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    Need a comeback

    Read this until you have it committed to memory. Its been my experience that if you give a girl space (that likes you) she'll seek you out. However as soon as you start to get involved she'll start to back off. Unless she is in physical danger from this guy than the best thing for to do...
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    Calling Mystery Method practioners

    Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. Anyway after taking your responses into consideration I've decided that I'll start at 0 hours. This is usually what I do after Day 1 anyway (unless I get her to bounce that same night then let the countdown begin).
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    Looks Debate: Female Perspective

    All right, so after taking a long look at the last thread concering this issue I came to the conclusion that using an opinion opener could finally serve an actual purpose. So as a result I created a female SN on Yahoo Answers and asked the question "Ladies Only: On a scale of 1-10 how...
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    Calling Mystery Method practioners

    All right so I decided to give the online dating thing a try and now I got a meet set up for later this week. Anyway my problem is that the only communication I've had with this girl is through IM. I told her I could only talk for about 20 minutes I ended up chatting with her (online)for...
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    Being Effective on Myspace... Please no flames

    You got an excellent body but you should change the pic. Apparently girls say that shirtless pics in profiles are a turnoff. You'll find what I'm talking about 1:20 into the video
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    David DeAngelo's war against don juans

    You sure about that? Open a Cosmo and tell me what you find. Hot girls are no exception to the rule.
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    i can get dates with girls, keeping em interested is hard

    One thing you might want to do is think of topics that girls like to talk about with guys. For example talking about makeup runs the risk of making you look a little gay, but talking about how your guy friend wears makeup and thinks nothing of it can lead to some "stimulating converstation."...