Calling Mystery Method practioners


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
All right so I decided to give the online dating thing a try and now I got a meet set up for later this week. Anyway my problem is that the only communication I've had with this girl is through IM.

I told her I could only talk for about 20 minutes I ended up chatting with her (online)for about 2 hours. Does this count towards 7 hours?


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
I don't think chatting online counts toward the 7 hours, but the phone conversation does. Remember also that MM is designed more for club/bar pickup.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Shiftkey said:
I don't think chatting online counts toward the 7 hours, but the phone conversation does. Remember also that MM is designed more for club/bar pickup.
You bring up a good point. Although emails and IM do count as communication, it's not consistent communication. There's a bunch of lulls and breaks. What would you guys think electronic communication should be; 1/4 or 1/5? I don't want to get into some huge mathematical equation (besides, it's already been done) but I would like to point out that electronic communications lend little if anything to the actual social interaction.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 15, 2006
Reaction score
Thanks, I really appreciate the feedback. Anyway after taking your responses into consideration I've decided that I'll start at 0 hours. This is usually what I do after Day 1 anyway (unless I get her to bounce that same night then let the countdown begin).


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Personally, I wouldn't count any of the chatting time towards the 7 hours. It's too impersonal with people you don't know already. Infact it's best not to do it at all if you can avoid it because not only does it count less or no time toward the 7 hours, but you're using up material to talk about when you do meet.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2001
Reaction score
Orange County, Ca
Just calibrate the situation and calibrate the girl:-

- What stage is she at?
- The location you are in? - Bar/Home/Cafe
- How she is responding to you/your touch
This kind of calibration requires more experience than I'm betting the OP has. The point of the 7 hour rule is the same as the point of MM's canned reutines. It allows people to use successful models until they're able to calibrate.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
Mystery doesn't really seem to be an advocate of online dating. I think he'd prefer you tried meeting women locally. Having said that I have fclosed a lot of women online the first time we met. The 7 hour's is something Mystery believe in. My experience with online dating says you need a lot less time than that to score with most chicks on the net, you should get the lay within the first 2 times of meeting as a general rule. If you are really worried abiout flaking, I've found if I just talk and talk and talk on the phone most chicks will actually ask me out. In that situation I've never had one flake, then again flaking is pretty low anyway.. around the order of like 10% or less.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
despite the in personal nature of emails and msn, you can ellicit feelings from an HB, you simply use patterning style language..beleive me its crazy but i does work, hell try it out, its not like you have anything to loose.

regarding the M3 model debate, maybe i'll be able to shed some light as i was once asked to be an approach coach with the two lead instructors in the UK

M3 model is an observation and a guideline, past a certain level you need to get creative and take what you know and develop it into something you can call your own and is calibrated to your personality.

7hour thing is just a guide line and like the M3 model they are there to allow you to guage at which point you are in the interaction. the analogy being, say you were lost in the wood without a map...its far more difficult to know where you are and how far you ahve to go. the M3 suffices as this map, its useless with out you and you have to understand/learn how to use it, but once you grasp it, you will beable to guage where and how far you are from your objecctive, eventually you tread the same path enough you dont need the map and you can even experiment with other ways of getting to your objective, but you are still relying on those basic skills that you learned when you first got the map.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
Reaction score
The problem I have with the 7 hour deal is that it seems to ahve potential to become a self-fuffiling prophecy, if guys believe that, chances are it will probably come true. As much credit as Mystery deserves, I've found I routinely get laid on the first or second meeting as I am sure Mystery does also. How many hours I spent with them, I have no idea. A typical situation for an Internet girl is some phone calls, meet, makeout or have sex. If makeout only, sex would generally occur on the next meeting. Sometimes it took several meetings due to external factors. If it has ever taken more than 6 or 7 meetings, I don't remember. I suspect I would've given up before then. I don't really believe the number of hours is that important, although I haven't tracked this due to a lack of interest. If someone is sitting around with a timer, that's just insane. Loosen up! It shouldn't matter what happens with any one particular girl anyway, if it's that touchy a situation it's a time bomb anyway.

We use naturalistic observation which can show general patterns if biases and a reasonable amount of observers agree . No one I have ever met in the seduction community had the capabilities of demonstrating cause and effect. Even if someone was qualified to do this, they probably wouldn't take the time and energy needed to set something like this up in a way that has construct validity. I think it's best to say, chicks put out very fast. Our ideal goal is to make them feel very comfortable doing this with us, but we can do a rather bad job at it and still get minimal fools mates.