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    Christmas Presents

    I'm in the same boat. I have just started seeing this babe and was wondering if I should even get her something. I may end up getting her something small but nothing more then twenty if that. What do yall think.
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    milk is bad... then answer this

    Actuallly I was fed cows milk and goats milk as a child that was raw and I have never had the flu, chronic cough, colds for more than a day. I am one of the healthiest kids in my school and it has all come down to how much work I have done for my body. You have to do everything in moderation...
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    milk is bad... then answer this

    Actually goats milk and cows milk that is unpasturized can be good for you. You just need to find a farm near you that sells the stuff from one of their cows and not the ones they use to sell to mass companies because those have anti-biotics, map virus, and almost all nutrients are destroted so...
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    im a weird person

    "I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo What the hell am I doin here I don't belong here." -Radiohead That song popped in my head right there Sorry about that but thats how I am as well. I am always told I am weird but the girls all laugh while they say it so I keep going.
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    Good or bad idea?

    Cool, yeah I don't normally have to many long relationships. Most are around two months. Thats why I worried about this a little bit
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    Good or bad idea?

    What do yall think about dating a girl in one of your classes. I feel like it is like dating someone at work and it should not be done. But I feel like asking someone out in a class and I do not know if I should push forward with this one. I dont know! Thanks
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    I am empty (help me get a hobby)

    Parkour thats all I got to say Learn the movement learn the way
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    Sleep and it's effects on your game

    Me the less sleep I get the more hyper I get but then I cannot hold a conversation because people think I am weird. It is not my fault I cannot sleep and am on a lot of meds.
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    Looking for some cool sunglasses

    You cannot get a good pair without spending at least one hundred dollars. What kind do you want. Sporty or classy or business.
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    Saying "Hi"

    I like to say hi to everyone to be nice plus if they become interested and start talking to me because of it then it is a plus for me.
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    Maybe moving

    I do not know what to do. I may be moving soon and this girl I like keeps checking me out. I do not know how long it will be until I move but it may be as early as a month and I do not know if I should waste my time on her or not. I know she wants to go to junior prom and I do not know if I...
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    I do so well with girls I'm not interested in

    I have the same problem I can talk to pretty much any girl I am not interested in but if I am then I cannot talk to them. It is like some sort of boundary until I just get up so much nerve to just go and talk to them. My convo does not flow as much as it does when I am not interested.
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    TO:All 'depressed' teens

    Prom is a huge ass waste of ****ing money.
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    mcdonalds diet

    Um, McDonalds is one of the worse things you can put into your intestines. By doing this you are more likely to get sick by having a weak immune system. And like someone said above it could make you sterile.
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    Question on Female interests

    What do boobies look like?
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    hairy ass

    I have a hairy ass and am very proud of it. It looks like animal fir. Just joking. I do not think the girls really care that much.
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    Take a look. PLZ?

    If you tell me more specifically I can help you out with the amount of pages. But I think you should just find quotes by people you like and use their quotes and mannipulate them to be used for you. For instance I like Seinfeld so I could just watch a show and apply it to how my life is...
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    How many people here have actually read the bible and done the boot camp

    I've read the Bible and am in the middle of the bootcamp almost done though.
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    the quiet guy

    I have also made that name for myself so this year I made it a point that I would just talk to everyone that sits around me. I started just doing that. Then I started answering questions from teachers. Now I just go around the lunchroom and talk to kids that I sit around in other classes. It...