Sleep and it's effects on your game


Master Don Juan
Dec 25, 2005
Reaction score
I'm mainly looking for insight from anyone who's actually trying to meet and start stuff with girls, the more experience the more valid your opinion will be.

I'm not the best when it comes to girls, but I notice I'll become ****tier ten fold if I don't get more than 7-8 hours of sleep. I'll try to avoid conversation, run out of things to say easier, and energy is just not there when I do converse with others, but I must say I'm calmer than usual which can be a plus.

Has anyone had similar effects on their game when they get to sleep late or does it sound like just an excuse to have a crappy game for the day?


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Man, I just pound back the coffe and let it speak for me!

I have a fear that I am developing an ulcer though...

Are you talking about going to sleep at 10 and waking at 6 and going jogging? Or are you just thinking about going to sleep whenever, and waking up at minimum 7-8 hours afterwards?

I tried both:D

The coffee is definitely the best stimulant, clear thinking, right up until about 30 hours of being awake... when my mind cannot focus for more than 20 seconds at a time on a single subject....


Don't listen to me though... all you are really going to get after this are "no duh's" and you should try to become attuned to your sleep rhythm(circadian, biological, physiological, ultraradian etc...) or they might tell you to try out the 90 minute pattern, they might even tell you to quit your job, eat right, workout, and become a 24 hour buyer seller.

My best advice I can give to you on the subject...

Oversleep for a few days. plan everything around it. Screw going to clubs at night, sarge during the day and do your manly duty during natural light.

Set your bed proper, stop reading or doing anything in your room during the oversleep period. listen to light music, shade your eyes. Don't eat or sleep at least TWO hours before going to bed. Let your mind rest, meditate, whatever you used to do as you lay in bed thinking of nothing. Slow your breathing and let yourself fall asleep due to slowing your brain waves down.

If you've followed the dim the lights, and sleep early, oversleep, and listen to music, than the FIRST time you wake up in the morning, you HAVE to wake up.

THAT is when I feel great through out the day and I am happy and witty, and funny with the perfect touch of ****y. My face isn;t flushed, my body is stronger, I can eat more, I don't WANT coffee or cigg's. My body language and movements are smoother. I notice things in other people's speech that previously wasn't there, and my thoughts flow smoother...

generally, not sleeping properly, makes you less of a DJ(-30 points)


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Me the less sleep I get the more hyper I get but then I cannot hold a conversation because people think I am weird. It is not my fault I cannot sleep and am on a lot of meds.
Aug 25, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego
I've noticed something about me. I NEVER talk in the mornings. So in first and second period, people think I'm shy. It pisses me off that i just can not get myself to talk in the mornings. It really affects my game because last year in the first semester i sat next to a hot check the whole time adn then the second semester i had her in 5th period and she thought i was really shy and not confident because i never talked in first period. So, for me, sleep REALLY affects my game.
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
*before i posted this i put a dollar in a pepsi machine and got 3 bottles of pepsi and a mountain dew! Im feeling lucky*

Anyways, I've only gotten a total of 6 hours of sleep in the past 4 days and I'm fine....ZZZZ...ZZZZ...ZZZZ

Whoa, :yawn: thought you lost me there ha?

Umm, I'm not sure but I've heard that some ppl sarge better when they're sleep deprived because they're not caring anymore or are aware of how others are responding to them because they're tired and they don't give a damn. Most need some form of adequate sleep.

For me it doesn't matter if I get 2 hours of sleep or 14 because once I wake I'm like a shooting star and I'm talkative and energetic in the mornings but by like 1 o clock in the afternoon I'm miserable and when i sarge I lose my patience with girls and their stories.

I do need sleep though...get adequate rest


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
Reaction score
Wow darrell

one of the few posts where you don't have to resort to any underhanded conversation techniques. No swearing, no pointing fingers and judging...

I guess this site can change people:D