the quiet guy

we all eat food

Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2005
Reaction score
whenever im around people. in school everyone says i dont talk, and when i do talk, there like "thats like the first time you ever talked"I wanna change this persona of me. I have no life outside of school and sports, but i just feel so awkard and out of place talking and being funny, i just dont have that technique to do it right.

i hate life.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
I have also made that name for myself so this year I made it a point that I would just talk to everyone that sits around me. I started just doing that. Then I started answering questions from teachers. Now I just go around the lunchroom and talk to kids that I sit around in other classes. It helps to raise your confidence and you have at least one person you can talk to at the table. I have made many more friends and many of them are girls with hot girl friends. I hope this will help a little.

Don't hate life!!!!!!!!

T Money

Senior Don Juan
Feb 9, 2006
Reaction score
seriously man, i went through the same **** in high school.

listen to stand-up comedy, something that gets you in a good mood, then you'll start to develop happy thoughts for things that you don't like now.

Check out Mitch Hedberg, he's the most unique stand-up comic i've heard.

And whatever you do, don't end yourself.

Think about what that will do.

You'll die, people will grieve for about a month or two, maybe a little longer (mother, father, brother etc.). Then about 3 weeks later people will forget about it and go on with their lives. You think you'll have an impact on someone if you kill yourself because they'll realize what they had once it's gone.

Well, go ahead, but it's not going to prove anything. And do it somewhere where some poor guy doesn't have to clean it up, because i'm sure he cares more about his wife and kids then cleaning up your brains.


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
Reaction score
Dude, don't hate life. There have been times I've felt like life is a b!tch, but I've come to realise that life IS a b!tch and that complaining about it doesn't help a thing. A while back, I adopted a new mentality:

I now like to think of every single setback as a good thing. How? Everytime something 'bad' happens to me, I tell myself that one day, when I'm successful, I can look back, laugh and tell people stories of how all these things happened to me and how I overcame every single one of them.

My life is not the best, nor is it even close, but I can honestly say I enjoy most of it.

As for your quiet guy reputation:
I've said this before, and I'll say it again. Don't let your reputation determine who you are because YOU make your reputation. People say you don't talk much? Well, prove them wrong by talking to more people.

At first, people may go 'thats like the first time you ever talked' and maybe the second time they may say the same thing. However, do you think they will say that the fourth or the fifth time? The more you talk on a daily basis, the stronger your new reputation will grow and people will begin to forget your old reputation.

I admit I'm not the most out-going person and I get tongue tied all the time, but I am trying to work on it. Trying is always better than giving up.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
Originally posted by T Money
seriously man, i went through the same **** in high school.

listen to stand-up comedy, something that gets you in a good mood, then you'll start to develop happy thoughts for things that you don't like now.

Check out Mitch Hedberg, he's the most unique stand-up comic i've heard.

And whatever you do, don't end yourself.

Think about what that will do.

You'll die, people will grieve for about a month or two, maybe a little longer (mother, father, brother etc.). Then about 3 weeks later people will forget about it and go on with their lives. You think you'll have an impact on someone if you kill yourself because they'll realize what they had once it's gone.

Well, go ahead, but it's not going to prove anything. And do it somewhere where some poor guy doesn't have to clean it up, because i'm sure he cares more about his wife and kids then cleaning up your brains.
LOL where did u get the idea that "We all eat food and sh*t" was suicidal? lol :crackup:


New Member
Feb 12, 2006
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I can understand how you feel. This is my senior year of high school and I've enjoyed the title of "the quiet guy" for all of my last four years. Let me ask you, when did you first discover that people thought of you as the quiet guy? Was it a surprise?

I can clear remember the first time I heard it. I was talking to some girl in a class half-way through my freshman year and out of nowhere she says, "Why don't you ever talk?"


I couldn't understand why she'd say something like that. I talked to everybody any body that would listen. I had no fear whatsoever of talking to any body. Then the teacher, who had apparently been listening to everything, came over says something to the point of, "Go easy on him. Guys like him are just nice and quiet and..." You can see where she was going.

Then I made the greatest mistake of my life, I listen to them. Over time I stopped talking when I didn't absolutely have to, I slowly stopped taking chances, I might as well have stopped living. Eventually I even managed to make myself fearful of talking to people, even friends. I was running on a deranged autopilot.

But I'm awake now, and it sounds like you are too, and it's time to be dedicated to change. The last week I've been reading over whatever I could get my hand on about self-improvement. I'm pretty skeptical and I've got to say that a lot of that stuff is hard to read without just dismissing it as crap. Somehow out of all that stuff I made my way to the Don Juan forums and the idea's made since. I think this place is definitely a good place to start.

kev me723

Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
Did Viper try to smack talk someone by saying "band is COOL!"?? Ok everyone, i think we've been deceived. Viper is actually just someone pretending to be the wierdest kid in the world and is playing this cruel joke to waste all of our time. I'm done here for good.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by kev me723
Did Viper try to smack talk someone by saying "band is COOL!"?? Ok everyone, i think we've been deceived. Viper is actually just someone pretending to be the wierdest kid in the world and is playing this cruel joke to waste all of our time. I'm done here for good.
You know what? Yeah, band is cool and I personally don't give a f*ck what you think. You hear that? Your opinion doesn't mean sh*t, assh*le. Don't flame band, just because some hot chick in band, turned you down. Man, are you sure you guys didn't name this site incorrectly, I think you guys should of named it, "*******s R' Us".
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Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
You know what? Yeah, band is cool and I personally don't give a f*ck what you think. You hear that? Your opinion doesn't mean sh*t, assh*le. Don't flame band, just because some hot chick in band, turned you down. Man, are you sure you guys didn't name this site incorrectly, I think you guys should of named it, "*******s R' Us".

I thought you were supposed to change and not to give a shìt about what people think of you. Expecially on this forum.

But, as a lot of people foresaw back then, nothing has changed.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by Adone
I thought you were supposed to change and not to give a shìt about what people think of you. Expecially on this forum.

But, as a lot of people foresaw back then, nothing has changed.
Yeah, you guys still talk about a bunch of sh*t you don't know. Unless you've ACTUALLY talked to me or know something about my life, you have to no right to say that nothing is changed. And no, I'M NOT taking back the band thing, just because YOU don't think band is cool. The world isn't all about you, assh*le. And you're one to talk about people not caring? If you did not care, you wouldn't have replied. Difference between me and some of you guys, I'm improving, but most of you guys are always going to be *******s, who aren't open to other peoples opinions. Don't waste your time replying, this is about we all eat food, not you thinking you know sh*t.
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Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
we all eat food change and be more outgoing but keep some of the persona you are right now, misterious, people find you intriguing i bet, because they dont know much about you.mistery is a key to success, learn to use it well.


Don Juan
Jan 16, 2006
Reaction score
Well I'm also a quite guy but I do talk sometimes, sometimes its hard for me to keep conversation going.

What I do, I always see things positive. This will get your attitude feel better, and more confident. Try to be happy and fun will come now and then. People will notice it, and say something like "there is something new with you today". Don't worry in thinking what to say, just be positive and everything will get better every day.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2004
Reaction score
Mitch Hedberg.. too bad he passed away March last year..

My favorite comedian.


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
Yeah, you guys still talk about a bunch of sh*t you don't know. Unless you've ACTUALLY talked to me or know something about my life, you have to no right to say that nothing is changed. And no, I'M NOT taking back the band thing, just because YOU don't think band is cool. The world isn't all about you, assh*le. And you're one to talk about people not caring? If you did not care, you wouldn't have replied. Difference between me and some of you guys, I'm improving, but most of you guys are always going to be *******s, who aren't open to other peoples opinions. Don't waste your time replying, this is about we all eat food, not you thinking you know sh*t.

Viper, there was absolutely no need to call me an asshòle and to insult me, since I was just expressing my opinion about something that has been brought up on this board a lot of time: whenever someone makes a remark about you, you start swearing and calling people names.
If you don't want people to express their opinions, then there's no point in writing something personal in your posts.

Regarding your sentence "band is cool", well, band is commonly perceived as uncool. Nobody's saying you should get out or that every guy in the band is necessarily a geek. We're just saying that the band (as the chess club) is commonly considered uncool. It can be cool to you, but your opinions don't necessarily reflex common view.


Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, Ohio
Originally posted by Adone
Viper, there was absolutely no need to call me an asshòle and to insult me, since I was just expressing my opinion about something that has been brought up on this board a lot of time: whenever someone makes a remark about you, you start swearing and calling people names.
If you don't want people to express their opinions, then there's no point in writing something personal in your posts.

Regarding your sentence "band is cool", well, band is commonly perceived as uncool. Nobody's saying you should get out or that every guy in the band is necessarily a geek. We're just saying that the band (as the chess club) is commonly considered uncool. It can be cool to you, but your opinions don't necessarily reflex common view.
By who, the majority? Screw the majority, if I think it's cool, than it's cool in my opinion and don't care what anyone else thinks. Despite the stereotype, few kids in band, are actually geeks, at least at my school it's like that. And just because you're giving your opinion, doesn't mean that you can't be an assh*le about it.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
not telling :P
Originally posted by we all eat food
whenever im around people. in school everyone says i dont talk, and when i do talk, there like "thats like the first time you ever talked"I wanna change this persona of me. I have no life outside of school and sports, but i just feel so awkard and out of place talking and being funny, i just dont have that technique to do it right.

i hate life.
eat big n lift big n then get like 200lb with 6% bodyfat, then u wont hate life n then you wont be quiet lol

on a serious note...
i'm in the same situation as you, just grab your balls, say to yourself 'heh i gotta live my life to the full and not waste it i never know when i will die.'
and then start talking to people and be the person you want to be.


Master Don Juan
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Viper
By who, the majority? Screw the majority, if I think it's cool, than it's cool in my opinion and don't care what anyone else thinks. Despite the stereotype, few kids in band, are actually geeks, at least at my school it's like that. And just because you're giving your opinion, doesn't mean that you can't be an assh*le about it.
Saying "It's cool" implies that it's something considered "OK" by most people (since something's "coolness" is given by how many people like it). You should have said "In my opinion, it's not bad". I don't want to be anal about this (although I'm actually being), but I hate when someone thinks he's right although he's obviously not.

In what way was I an asshòle in my first post?


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
If there was a band at my school I would kick the guys arses and go on dates with the hot chicks. To bad there isn't one here at my school :(