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  1. M

    Really dumb sh1t test. How would you have handled it?

    You should not be wearing a "beanie" in the first place.
  2. M

    Alcohol & 1st dates

    This is sad.
  3. M


    ... That won't work.
  4. M

    vagina questions

    .... How old are you???
  5. M

    The Secret

    .... Thanks for you insightful post, "Lust". LOL. Nice name. I did search and what I found was on a negative bent. I was wondering if anyone had a different view and that's why I left my new post open-ended.
  6. M

    The Secret

    Has anyone used the Law of Attraction as in The Secret?
  7. M

    has anyone here BECOME an ALPHA MALE

    this premise has to be rephrased.
  8. M

    Where do you get touched?

    ... Lesson 1: A guys chest is different from a woman's chest. Stay tuned for Lesson 2.
  9. M

    I Dont Get This Guys

    ... The answer lies in why is she your ex?
  10. M

    Sex Type Thing

    Do you want a woman's perspective on this?
  11. M

    piss drunk but got her number

    No call unless you want a very awkward conversation followed by a no.
  12. M

    What to say to girl who asks you if shes fat?

    ... Just say "I looooooooove your body" --->like you mean it. That should shut her up. And I'm sorry, but if a girl is asking is she's fat, then she's immature and...fat.
  13. M

    Woman I've been sleepin with says....

    ... Maybe it's true but if she's telling you she came like that - and you never noticed it before, then think twice.
  14. M

    Maxim Magazine advice on dating and age.

    I totally disagree. Most "older" women are more confident and less threatened. Wow, do you really think so?
  15. M

    Does having a girl as a friend help?

    of course Of course it helps. The more you ask and learn, the more you'll be comfortable dealing with women in general. Having sisters helps a whole bunch too. Try to get one. ;) If you have any questions, ask me. *If you want. Take care.
  16. M

    Would a girl be offended in this convo?

    I don't mean any offence here, but "if she's a no-show" YOU were nexted. Correction. Don't take this personally, but I totally agree with Sp1kez. One other thing, as a woman, yes, the way you're speaking to her there would totally turn me off, especially if I were shy. It seemed like a quiz cos...
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    Being Average

    ... Lol!
  18. M

    Being Average

    The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than he can think. Discuss.
  19. M

    TORONTO wingmen

    Bwahahaha. Cute.