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  1. M

    I don't expect many replies here, but anyway...

    Here's my question anyway. What's a situation where YOU've been played by a girl? What's something a girl has done to you where you feel you've been played like a violin? It's ok, we're all anonymous here. Like I said, I don't expect many replies excepts for the guys with cajones. Let's
  2. M

    FR: Online shenanigans.... speaking of single mommies

    yeah, it's also funny cos he spells it wrong. But she doesn't notice. lol
  3. M

    Women as they age?

    Agree w/Wyldfire Totally agree, I've never had higher desire than these past few years. I have had countless conversations with my friends (women) about the same thing. They all agree. Thanks for distinguishing the fertility/desire issues, Wyldfire.
  4. M

    Sosuave for women?

    What is it you are looking for specifically? Something like this for women. How could there be a site like this for women? There can be a site like this for women easily, women telling women how to deal with the opposite sex. Why is that impossible? This might be a shallow question...
  5. M

    Sosuave for women?

    Is there a site like this for women? Not that you'd care or prob. know, but man, we want to play you too. Then we can all just meet in the playground and have fun!!
  6. M

    She's Pregnant oh no

    ... if you're scared, imagine how SHE feels? How old are you by the way and have you thought of her feelings at all?
  7. M

    OPINIONS: Can a Man (Married) and a Woman

    oh! ... What's an "LTR?" Lover that rolls? Loser to ride?
  8. M

    OPINIONS: Can a Man (Married) and a Woman

    ... McAvoy - Get it over with?? Did you read the part about "he's married?" Rollo - I got a lot from your post. I agree. It's just hard cos I work with him.
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    OPINIONS: Can a Man (Married) and a Woman

    ... I do. But I won't.
  10. M

    She probably likes me, right?

    My gut reaction is that she's a psycho poised for action.
  11. M

    OPINIONS: Can a Man (Married) and a Woman

    who's not married be friends if the man tells her he has feelings of friendship and strong lust for her? Is that a friendship or an accident waiting to happen?
  12. M

    Does a Woman Know

    if you don't mind I'd like to pose a girl's point of view considering the speculation. A woman knows when her period is coming about a week before. If she is on, she DEFINATELY knows. If you are near a woman on her period - you will even know: moody, bloated, pimply, lazy, craving and...
  13. M

    If women found this site, could you survive?

    ha ha! I found this thread and site. I'm telling all my friends. :cheer: I already know these "tips" anyway. I knew you guys were doing this when I was 14. lol! Anyway, I agree w/Rapsta.