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  1. P

    Welcome to Australia

    These Lebanese thugs and the yobbo Aussies that are trying to fight them are such a small minority of the population; the media is just blowing it all out of proportion and making it seem like we're all a bunch of racists. But it just ain't true. I live in Sydney and have been to that beach...
  2. P

    I Feel Fvcking High on Life

    Dam man, I'm feeling happier just reading your posts! :D I know exactly what you talk about, because I've felt the same. You feel like nothing can stop you. Everything's possible. Fück it's the greatest feeling isn't it? But the problem for me atm is that feeling doesn't last very long. Maybe...
  3. P

    Why am I afraid of girls?

    I think you have Avoidant Personality Disorder (APD): "Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by extreme social anxiety. People with this disorder often feel inadequate, avoid social situations, and seek out jobs with little contact with others. Avoidants are fearful of being rejected...
  4. P

    High School 101: Body Language

    Great post Sammo. Very perceptive. :) It really is amazing how influential your body language is. Because I go to uni now, I see thousands of people every day, and I find it fascinating just observing other people's body language. You can tell so much about a person with one short glance...
  5. P

    Get Enlightened

    Great posts Roly. Sounds exactly like my current situation. I'm pretty much past that stage where I think I know everything and I've realised that in fact, I don't know all that much! :P I've thought a lot about happiness, and just about life in general. I've been becoming much more...
  6. P

    talkin too much?

    Exactly. Talk to a person about themselves and they will listen for hours. :)
  7. P

    The Evil Educational System: The Path to Slavery

    Very wise words A Unit. Knowledge is power. It’s tragic that we have created such an imperfect world for ourselves. But it’s our own fault. We are responsible. It’s not a conspiracy of the rich to enslave the world. It’s just human nature. You can’t blame government, corporate America et al...
  8. P

    talkin too much?

    Lol I have the same problem sometimes. I just keep talking about anything random and often say too much about myself! Talk about egotistical lol. :p And it's incredibly ironic because only a year ago I was the complete opposite; I didn't talk much, especially about myself. I think you just...
  9. P

    Reality just hit

    I used to be like you. I used to tell myself those exact same things. But that was the problem: I was perpetuating self-limiting beliefs upon myself. Yes you are introverted, I am too. All introverted means is that you get your stimulation, inspiration, drive and ambition from within...
  10. P

    Everyone should read this

    That speech was inspiring. Although isn't it ironic that he never graduated from college yet is giving this speech to a bunch of students graduating? :p This is something I've really been thinking a lot about lately. Every day I ask myself: "What do I really want to do with my life?" "What...
  11. P

    F1 U.S Grand Prix

    It's all Michelin's fault. How can they bring an unsafe tyre? They've been to Indy before and they know what they have to do! Then the situation was made worse by the FIA refusing to installl that chicane. It wouldn't have been that hard. They should have run the race with all 20 cars and...
  12. P

    Advice to teens (money)

    Why are you only getting 4.5% interest jiza? I have about 4-5 grand in an ING account as well and the rate is 5.40%! I started first year uni this year and I'm also doing something that I'm enjoying, but not loving. Ask yourself, do you...
  13. P

    Dating older Girls

    "It's not the years in your age but the age in your years." ;) Get what I'm saying?
  14. P

    "What am i afraid of doing RIGHT NOW?"

    That's a great quote and it is so true. I'm gonna write it down and stick it on my wall. :) Wow. I've never thought about procrastination that way, but once again, it is so true. I always procrastinate and hate it, yet like that example you illustrated, as soon as I start something, like...
  15. P

    Language Classes

    I learnt Italian in HS, now take German classes and I have just started teaching myself French, and a bit of Spanish. Not only is learning languages fun, it is useful when you travel to other countries, are applying for a job and even for just communicating in your own country. For you...
  16. P

    Said I was "sweet" then made out with me

    I feel that way too when a girl says that, I thought usually you use the word 'cute' for girls. At least that's what I say anyway. But I guess it's better than saying your 'ugly' lol. :D
  17. P

    Am I The Shortest?

    Mate that's the question I've always asked myself. I'm 163cm (5"4 and a bit) and shoes usually add about 2cm, getting me to 5"5. Of the 90 guys in my high school grade, I was always the shortest. But I started uni this year and I have noticed more guys who are my height or even a bit shorter...
  18. P

    Time of your life

    I assume you read that article in the Weekend Australian Magazine? It is very similar to what you wrote. I read it yesterday, and it really made me think that life is short. If I live till I'm 80, thats 467,200hrs I'm awake. And I've already been living for 106,180hrs. That's 22.7% of my life...
  19. P

    Behind the moderating: The True Story of crazykid

    Thanks for sharing your story with us crazykid. That was painful. I've thought about telling my own story one day, when I am a DJ and I can say I have suceeded in becoming the best man I can be (which I hope will not be too far away). You give me inspiration that I can become who I want to be. I...
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    Asking her what's wrong?

    You: "Hey, what's wrong? You don't seem yourself lately." Her: (most probably) "Nothing's wrong." You: Keep on persisting like you care (which I assume you genuinely do) about HER, and not just the fact that she's ignoring YOU.