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  1. P

    Age Gap

    "Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't." I read that quote the other day and now that I think about it, it is so true. In this situation, you know that society doesn't look fondly upon such a situation like you are in, but you wish it weren't true. But...
  2. P

    A survey

    I've been coming here for about a year too, just reading, and I only recently registered. I have never told anyone about this site. I have given out a bit of advice to friends, but I guess I'm too paranoid to tell anyone about this site, out of fear of the consequences. I delete the history...
  3. P

    Public Service Announcement

    OK then. :D The only reason I ask is because I'm learning German and that word order is always a bit confusing. They put the second verb at the end of a sentence, like we used to in Old English. BTW, Nocturnal, sprechen Sie Deutsch? ;)
  4. P

    stupid kids...

    It's kind of interesting that when we are a kid, we want to be an adult and treated like one, but when people get old, they want to be young again. Just enjoy the last moments of childhood surface1030, you have decades more to be an adult. :)
  5. P

    Wow. Everything on this site is true.

    I sometimes feel the same way. I discovered this site a little over a year ago (halfway through grade 11) and today, with year 12 finishing at the end of September, I kind of feel like I wasted my first 5 years of high school. But I guess it's better discovering this site later than never. :)
  6. P

    Public Service Announcement

    Completely off topic, but out of curiousity Matrix, how come your sig is "Something wicked this way comes... " not "Something wicked comes this way"? :confused:
  7. P

    has your mum every read your diary?

    I have a whole display folder with about 40 pages of stuff I printed off here, and some pieces of writing I have done when I have had some spare time. I also have a exercise book which I use as a Kaizen dairy, which I write everything I do each day in (thanks for the great idea Sammo)...
  8. P


    5'1 is pretty average in year 7, I was about 4'4 at that age. I grew a bit in 8, but had my growth spurt in years 9 and 10 mainly. I think I have stopped growing now.
  9. P

    I am no-one.

    Think and act like the king and you will be treated like one. ;) I'm in the same situation as you mate, only 6 weeks of school left, excluding these weeks with the trail. Just do whatever you want and don't worry about anything. Nothing to lose now...
  10. P

    Will I ever have a girlfriend?

    I'm not going to answer your questions, as I'm sure there are people who have a better idea then I do, but let me just say one thing: There is absolutely nothing in the world stopping you from getting a girlfriend except one thing: You It is completely and totally up to you to improve...
  11. P


    I procrastinate too and I absolutely hate it! It's such a hard habit to break. What you should do is, as soon as you think about some assignment you have to do, or any task for that matter (including DJ things), just do it. Think of the rewards your hard work will give you. Think, once you...
  12. P

    Operation: Carpe Noctem

    LOL, sounds like the movie The Great Escape! Seriously, just ask your parents to stop being so strict and let you out later!
  13. P


    Great point. I'm short too, about 5'4 and a half, (shortest guy in my grade), and always have been. Before it really bothered me, as I was about a head shorter than the average guy in my grade. In grades 7-9 I could not walk around school for longer than a minute without someone making some sort...