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  1. P

    The time has come...

    If she lives down the street just go to her house or ask her to yours. You could sneak into each others' bedrooms during the night and... ahh, imagine the possibilities. ;)
  2. P

    Don Juan Traits

    Hey Jay-X, parla italiano? Perché ho studiato italiano in scuola per quattro e mezzo anni, e adesso che ho finito scuola, non ho nessuno con chi da parlare! Sarebbe bene se io potessi parlare in italiano con un'altro DJ!
  3. P

    The key to high school success - by someone who never found it

    You are so right Disconnect, and I am exactly like you. I hardly got involved in anything or did anything at school other than attend classes, and is my biggest regret. It was simply fear that stopped me doing anything. I discovered this site half-way through my junior year and then I...
  4. P

    Andrews Bulking Thread

    You are like an exact double of me lol! My name is Andrew, I'm 18, I'll be starting my first year of university (college) soon, I'm 5'4, I even look a little like you! :D But you weigh more, as I'm only 49kg (108lb). I want to start bulking up this year too, and I've been doing research for...
  5. P

    Feeling like a LOSER while WINNING

    I've heard good things about Maltz's book, and I'm looking for it in book stores (but so far I haven't found it), and it was checkout at the library. I really want to read that book because I feel exactly the same way often too. When I succeed at something, or someone compliments me I feel...
  6. P


    Re: Re: Re: Gifts... I don't get you... why is that not surprising? :confused:
  7. P


    "Gift" is German for "poison". Go figure lol...
  8. P

    First Date Ever

    Don't worry about little things; Just have fun. :D
  9. P

    Feeling of dissapointment

    OK, sorry if I interpreted that the wrong way. I just finished my senior year, and I didn't have a gf. At the start of the year, I felt like I should've had one too. But more than half my grade wasn't in a gf/bf relationship. Really, you don't need one. I felt like you at the start of this...
  10. P

    Results of teeth whitening strips?

    I had braces for nearly 5, yes 5 years. I cannot express how terrible it was. I kept my mouth shut and I never wanted to smile, talk or laugh. Terrible. But thankfully I got them off earlier this year, and I did get 3 long term benefits out of it: 1. I stopped the habit of biting my nails 2. I...
  11. P

    Feeling of dissapointment

    She won't. You make yourself happy, you DON'T need one. Ask yourself this: Imagine you were a girl. Would you want to be a part of your life? If you don't like your life (which you obviously don't) why do you think some girl would want to join that life? Concentrate on improving yourself...
  12. P

    Sammo's 8 Week E-course

    I'm like you jiza101, just finished year 12 (results come on Friday eh?) and I got a lot of time on my hands. I'm ready to devote my life to self-improvement... I have been procrastinating far too long. Sammo, I'm not lieing when I say your posts have helped me more than any other user, and...
  13. P

    age question..

    2 years is fine. Age is just a number. If you two don't mind the age difference then why worry what everyone else thinks? Also, I remember reading on this site a simple formula to work out how young is OK (in the eyes of others): divide your age by 2 and add 7. So, 20/2 + 7 = 17.
  14. P

    why? lol

    I think because you have the reputation as being quiet, people are a bit surprised when you talk, because it is so unlike you. I've seen it happen to others before, and I think it might have happened to me in the past. Like you, I was naturally a very quiet person, but over the last 2 years...
  15. P

    Funny guy with no respect

    I kind of had a similar problem up until about last year (when I found this site, everything changed). I had no respect from basically anyone, and was treated like sh*t. But it was my fault because I let myself get hurt and didn't stand up for myself. Today, because I no longer give a sh*t...
  16. P

    How to Not Care ABout What Other People Think?

    You obviously care what other people think because you are not happy with yourself in one way or another. Do you dress bad and care what people think of you? Then buy new clothes. Not happy with your physique and you think people think badly of you? Go to a gym. All you have to do is get rid...
  17. P

    An almost complete list of where a lot of people are from...

    OK so Canada is as smart as us too. :D
  18. P

    once in a lifetime opportunity?

    Don't waste time; go talk to her the next time you see her. Life is short. High school is even shorter. You don't want to live the rest of your life wondering what could have happened if you talked to her. And BTW, you say "I hate myself." Ask yourself 'why?' What don't you like about...
  19. P


    That's true. I'm 5'4 and you don't know the number of times I've said that to myself. Yet after nearly 18 years, you'd think I'd just accept the way I am. But it's not easy, and somedays it just gets to me so much I just... I always ask myself 'why'. Why am I like this? Why can't I be normal...
  20. P

    My essay

    That's pretty inspiring that you overcame such an obstacle, I like that last sentence. Well done mate. :D I have a friend who also has a speech impediment, and you can hardly understand what he is saying most of the time, because he slurs his words. But the weirdest thing is, he is one of the...