The key to high school success - by someone who never found it


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
All the popular guys I know have a friendly, outgoing attitude. They know they're the sh1t, so they go extra ways to show it, to rub it in at every opportunity. They talk to *everybody*, including the most pathetic losers. That way, everyone loves them.

Tiger, what's your problem? If you are one of the best looking people in the school, you should have no problem getting tang. Just make the first move. This school year, once I made the major change in my attitude, I realized that people are actually friendlier than I thought at first.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
I get tang... just not from girls at school. Its kinda funny, really - you see, collectively all the girls in the popular circle stay away from me. But secretly, they wanna throw me to the floor and make passionate <debate> with me. For instance, I will be at starbucks studying and a girl will walk in who flat IGNORES ME in school. She will give me a hug hello and toss her hair all throughout the conversation. Then I will see her in school the next day and she will be ICE COLD. This has happend on 6 occations with all of the 5 hottest girls in my grade [and school].

Basically, I made enemies my first few months at school. I beat the **** out of a senior [I was a sophomore at the time] and then rejected a bunch of party offers - instead I went downtown to bars/clubs. People had had enough and they decided to cold shoulder me. So goes it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
How do you get into bars and clubs? Are you older than most? Or do you use fake ID?

In any case, tell about the difference between high school and bar/club scenes. Where is it easier to sarge? Which scene is more sexually/socially open? Any other things you'd like to note?

I haven't been to a bar or a club yet, but want to get some knowledge under the belt :D


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
You are so right Disconnect, and I am exactly like you. I hardly got involved in anything or did anything at school other than attend classes, and is my biggest regret. It was simply fear that stopped me doing anything.

I discovered this site half-way through my junior year and then I realised, I don't have to keep on living this pathetic existence. But still, I was afraid of doing anything, because I was afraid of failure, afraid of changing and afraid of what people would say about/think of/or do to me.

GOD how I longed to be like all those people around me. Just doing the simplest things most teenagers take for granted; hanging out, going places, meetning new people, playing sports, pursuing hobbies, drinking, partying, flirting with and kinoing girls, making them laugh, scream and gossip, having relationships, going on dates, kissing, having sex, doing crazy illegal pranks and sh!t.

None of it ever happened. Why? Fear. I did nothing because I didn't want to get hurt. But by doing nothing I wasn't stopping myself from getting hurt, I was making my 'life' a million times worse. I was not living a life, I was just existing.

The worst thing was I had nearly 1.5yrs left of school after discovering this site to change. But I didn't.

Now, I'll be starting college soon, and I want to start again. This is my chance to make up for 6 years of lost life (high school here in Australia is from grade 7-12). Fück it all. I'm sick of this sh!tty existence. I'm going to live the life I should have been living for the past 6 years.

To all those people still in high school, it is never too late to change. Don't waste time. Don't you dare waste a single day. You will regret it. Learn from my and Disconnect's mistakes, and don't waste the best years of your life.