Welcome to Australia


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
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man i was gonna move to sydney but now i guess i should be looking for somewhere else , since my parents are from India..... =/
I am born and raised and live in Norway and ive had enough of racism for a hole lifetime these past 5 - 6 years .... ive gotten called many names and even old 50 - 60 year old ladys where saying out loud that people from my background should get out of the country... Ive gotten a wannabe nazi gang after me and many more ****..
so i just wanted to move to a place where i could live without being called something racist...
but i guess ill meet racism whereever i go anyways so i dont know....
guess ive got some thinking to do.....


Don Juan
Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Being from Indian decent wont get into too much trouble mate...

It's the Lebonese that this racial attack is aimed at..


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by adamjones
Being from Indian decent wont get into too much trouble mate...

It's the Lebonese that this racial attack is aimed at..
these kind of people dont give a ****... if u aint like them then ur the ones they want , just cuz u look like an middle eastern guy ur a target , just like in america , a indian guy got stabbed cuz they thought he was a muslim terrorist , yet he wasent even a muslim....
Im staying out of america cuz they dont like people from my background very much over there anymore, even though im an atheist....and idont want to stay here in the north anymore , and i cant go to japan cuz they really dont like people from my background.... so ive got less and less choices ...
but as i said , im gonna meet racism everywhere and anywhere i go these days , so i should just go to the country i would like to go to....


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Morphiex
these kind of people dont give a ****... if u aint like them then ur the ones they want , just cuz u look like an middle eastern guy ur a target , just like in america , a indian guy got stabbed cuz they thought he was a muslim terrorist , yet he wasent even a muslim....
Im staying out of america cuz they dont like people from my background very much over there anymore, even though im an atheist....and idont want to stay here in the north anymore , and i cant go to japan cuz they really dont like people from my background.... so ive got less and less choices ...
but as i said , im gonna meet racism everywhere and anywhere i go these days , so i should just go to the country i would like to go to....
In Toronto you will be just another face in a multicultured crowd. We got pretty much every ethnic background here in large numbers and people get along.


Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Morphiex
these kind of people dont give a ****... if u aint like them then ur the ones they want , just cuz u look like an middle eastern guy ur a target , just like in america , a indian guy got stabbed cuz they thought he was a muslim terrorist , yet he wasent even a muslim....
This is about getting rid of Lebo gangs from public places. Lebo gangs sell drugs, gang-bash and stab people for no other reason than you may accidently have glanced in their direction.

It's about time Lebo gangs got dealt with.

Indians have no problem anywhere in Australia. There are thousands of Indians who've migrated here, and they're respected members of the community. Dunno about Americans because they tend to be paranoid, but in Australia you don't get attacked unless you bloody deserve it. Unless, of course, you're attacked by a Lebo gang.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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I think the whole incident started because two life-guards got stabbed by lebo-gangs a couple of days ago.

Anyways it's not an excuse for people to go ape**** like they did this time. A crazy mob lynching is not the answer.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Many Australians blame Lebanese and Arab gangs for starting this mess.

According to this logic, if 1 white person commits a crime or joins a gang, all white people should be lynched.

Reminds me of this quote from a book - "Crime is committed by the living; therefor, the living are all guilty"


Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies

According to this logic, if 1 white person commits a crime or joins a gang, all white people should be lynched.
If you look into it a little you'll find that that specific beach has been taken over by Lebo gangs in the past few years, who have driven away most people from that specific beach with their unprovoked violence. After they went so far as to bash surf lifesavers people decided enough is enough and went to 'reclaim' the beach.

Your quote is in no way relevant in this instance.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by manuva
If you look into it a little you'll find that that specific beach has been taken over by Lebo gangs in the past few years, who have driven away most people from that specific beach with their unprovoked violence.
Yes, but the lynch mob didn't just bash Lebo gangs, they basically started a rampage in town, attacking anyone who looked Arab.

Two small girls were attacked; how were they associated with Leb gangs?

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies

Two small girls were attacked; how were they associated with Leb gangs?
It wasnt "2 small girls". It was 2 teenage lebo chicks getting sh!t thrown at them by Aussie teenage chicks.

I'd take a guess that your "lynch mob" finally got fed up being assaulted and decided enough is enough and anyone of Middle Eastern appearance was probably fair game in the eyes of an angry crowd.

Its going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.

de silva

Don Juan
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
Yes, but the lynch mob didn't just bash Lebo gangs, they basically started a rampage in town, attacking anyone who looked Arab.

Two small girls were attacked; how were they associated with Leb gangs?
Apparently they went up to the crowd and said "f--k off you Aussies".

The Lebanese are a big problem in Sydney. It's obviously unkind to focus in on people like this, but this isn't anything new, they have been causing a a lot of trouble for the past 15 years. Virtually no other ethnic group seems as universally disliked as Lebanese in Australia. There's a reason for that, and it's not "racism".

Australians are some of the fairest people in the world. Everyone that comes here is given the opportunity to make the most of his life. And even if those people prove to be trouble makers, Australians are willing to give them many chances to improve their behavior. This "riot" was simply people finally getting fed up with the antics of Lebanese who think they are better than everyone else and the rules of normal society don't apply to them.

Unfortunately, this "riot" will prove to have done nothing except enflame the Lebanese even more. We can expect more random beatings, more violence from them now. That's for sure.

The NSW police needs to take off the kid gloves when dealing with Lebanese.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
People don't need an excuse for violence. They can make up crap about any racial group and use it to go on a race bashing spree. Asians? They eat cats. Indians? They steal our jobs. Blacks? They're violent and drunk. Arabs? Terrorism. Whites? Racist.

I have an Arab friend who is neither a terrorist, nor a gangster. He lives a respectable lifestyle, and contributes to community programs. Yet he could easily get bashed because 1500km away, 1 Lebanese teen got into a fight with some white kid.

Sad world, eh?

Not Quite There

Senior Don Juan
Dec 30, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
Many Australians blame Lebanese and Arab gangs for starting this mess.

According to this logic, if 1 white person commits a crime or joins a gang, all white people should be lynched.

Reminds me of this quote from a book - "Crime is committed by the living; therefor, the living are all guilty"
lets be honest though

there are positives and negatives from immigration

but everywhere you go in the western world you are likely to come across immigrants commiting their fair share of crime.

thats not a racist statement, its pretty much a fact to anyone who's got their eyes open.


Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
People don't need an excuse for violence. They can make up crap about any racial group and use it to go on a race bashing spree.

In this instance it isn't made up. Take it from someone who has been on the sharp end. Personally I don't blame the Aussies up there taking the war to the Lebos. Serves em right, hope it gives them something to think about.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by de silva
Apparently they went up to the crowd and said "f--k off you Aussies".

The Lebanese are a big problem in Sydney. It's obviously unkind to focus in on people like this, but this isn't anything new, they have been causing a a lot of trouble for the past 15 years. Virtually no other ethnic group seems as universally disliked as Lebanese in Australia. There's a reason for that, and it's not "racism".

Australians are some of the fairest people in the world. Everyone that comes here is given the opportunity to make the most of his life. And even if those people prove to be trouble makers, Australians are willing to give them many chances to improve their behavior. This "riot" was simply people finally getting fed up with the antics of Lebanese who think they are better than everyone else and the rules of normal society don't apply to them.

Unfortunately, this "riot" will prove to have done nothing except enflame the Lebanese even more. We can expect more random beatings, more violence from them now. That's for sure.

The NSW police needs to take off the kid gloves when dealing with Lebanese.
Agree 100%.

This is only getting started. I just hope for the lebanese sake, that the Australian bikey gangs such as the Rebels dont get involved, because that will cause an all out war that the lebs will cop the worst of.

I know some great lebs, dont cause any trouble and earn an honset living. These guys on the beach however, are not these kind of lebs.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Not Quite There
there are positives and negatives from immigration

but everywhere you go in the western world you are likely to come across immigrants commiting their fair share of crime.
It depends on the type of immigration.

"Good immigration" (ie. skilled labour, educated students) is useful (since Australia has a low birthrate), but "bad immigration" (ie. refugees) will cause trouble.

Like say, Australia's current influx of wealthy Asian overseas students are less likely to cause trouble. Whereas a bunch of Afghan refugees might be more crime-prone, since they're uneducated and used to violence. That's probably why Howard was less reluctant to accept the refugees, but okay with rich students.

Don't forget, Anglo-Saxons in Australia/US can't really use the immigration argument, as they're descended from a bunch of immigrants (many were criminals!).


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2004
Reaction score
These Lebanese thugs and the yobbo Aussies that are trying to fight them are such a small minority of the population; the media is just blowing it all out of proportion and making it seem like we're all a bunch of racists. But it just ain't true.

I live in Sydney and have been to that beach many times. From my experience and from what other people have told me, these gangs are a serious problem.

They go around intimidating everyone and harassing girls because they wear skimpy clothes and bikinis and threaten to rape them. There was a story in the newspaper about how one guy stood over a girl lying on the beach and said "She's not worth 55 years" (referring to the jail sentence a Lebanese guy was given a couple of years ago for pack raping a girl).

But these guys are just a minority. All the Lebanese guys I know don't behave like this. But these guys who would never do these types of things get harassed by a small bunch of racist "Aussie" guys anyway.

These gangs give all Lebanese guys a bad name, and all these racist yobbos fighting back give "Aussies" a bad name too.


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Morphiex
these kind of people dont give a ****... if u aint like them then ur the ones they want , just cuz u look like an middle eastern guy ur a target , just like in america , a indian guy got stabbed cuz they thought he was a muslim terrorist , yet he wasent even a muslim....
Im staying out of america cuz they dont like people from my background very much over there anymore, even though im an atheist....and idont want to stay here in the north anymore , and i cant go to japan cuz they really dont like people from my background.... so ive got less and less choices ...
but as i said , im gonna meet racism everywhere and anywhere i go these days , so i should just go to the country i would like to go to....
Good because we don't need any more illiterate ****s coming into the country.

Originally posted by diplomatic_lies
According to this logic, if 1 white person commits a crime or joins a gang, all white people should be lynched.
This is a very ignorant statement because it's not just 1 or 2 lebos. If you have ever lived in a highly Lebo infested area you would know how bad they are. In the short time I spent in Sydney I had a friend of mine raped, and another stabbed by Lebo gangs. At least once a week I would be threatened by some of them in passing, saying **** like "Full cool mate, I'll hit this white boy with my chain." And in the end we had to leave because all our windows kept on getting smashed by them. I have never had any problems with any other race or religion but in my opinion they are just ****ing scum. If they came to Australia with open arms and were willing to accept the Australian Culture I would have no qualms with them. But when we are generous enough to let them come and live amongst us and then they threaten to hit us, try to take over our beaches and think themselves superior to other races I have a problem.

I think the main problem though is due to the high % of lebos that are Muslims. Which in my opinion is not a religion compatible at all with democracy. As they place the rules of the Koran above the laws of the state. But I don't really want to get into that.

I live by a simple philosophy if someone push's you, push them back. But even so I probably wouldn't have shown up to the rally if I was still in Sydney because of the high number of Bogans that seemed to show up.

I would defiantly say Australia would be a better place without lebos or any Muslim fanatics. It would probably be better without Bogans as well. Yeah I am a bit of a racist, but Lebs are the only race that I hate outright. But if you preach to me I know you have never lived in area with a lot of lebos.