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  1. T

    get rid of aproach anxiety.....

    All this is, is something called the Callahan Technique. It was created by a psychologist to help people overcome phobias and disorders. It all really boils down to tapping different acupressure points with your fingers. There's really no scientific proof it works, but I guess you just need...
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    is it just me or are vaginas ugly?

    It's just you. I love me some va-jay-jay! :) Thundercat
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    I am pathetic and desperate

    Do yourself a favor, my friend. MOVE OUT IMMEDIATELY. Find a new place. Just leave. Don't look back. Ditch her, and change your number. You don't want to put yourself in a situation where you're going to be miserable constantly. You need to change your surroundings and break free...
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    Why might a girl you're friends with suddenly want more?

    Good post, Rollo. I think the important thing to remember here is that the "friends zone" isn't a permanent fixture. It's based on the emotions a woman has toward the guy. If the guy can change the emotion, he can get out of the friend zone. Acting "Alpha" is not really a strategy in...
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    Thinking of getting a tatoo

    It depends on the type of guy you are and the type of girl you're going after. Having just a SINGLE tattoo isn't going to hurt you. In fact, tattoos can make you a more interesting guy, maybe even give you a routine if you have a story as to why you got the tattoo. Having a LOT of tattoos...
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    I think a lot of this has to do with the way you went about picking her up. She may have given you IOIs, but that just means she found you attractive or interesting. That doesn't mean that she doesn't think her boyfriend is MORE attractive or interesting. It sounds like you may have raised...
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    A relationship Without Attraction ?

    I find that if a woman's willing to go out with you in the first place, there's usually some measure of attraction present. My guess is you're probably just not escalating into sex properly. Do you do any rapport building, emotion triggering, or sexual tension stuff? Thundercat
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    Help me with writing an email please.

    Being in the "Teddy Bear" camp myself, I don't see anything wrong with it. Women love teddy bears. They may not be overtly sexual, but there's a lot of emotion tied to those things. (And they're good emotions too. Emotions of security and safety and comfort!) That said, I wouldn't make...
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    Her feelings when she gives you her #

    Hi Dearl, It all depends. I say this because there are two factors involved in every number-close. Factor 1 is the Girl. Factor 2 is how well you gamed her. You could game a girl to perfection, but maybe she just isn't in the dating mood, so she doesn't call you back. Maybe the...
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    Too nice-lacking in edge

    Better then getting an edge, try sitting down, makeing a set of rules you live by, and if anyone breaks those rules, kick them to the curb. Women respond to strength and honesty. If you make it clear that you will not put up with certain behavior, they can either abide by that rule, or you...
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    today is a new day for me

    Congrats on your new outlook. Here are some articles on inner game to help you out... Unlearning What You Have Learned The Fallacy of Supplication Failure Does Not Exist The Secret Of A Natural The Secret of Success and the Gift of Anger Be A Renaissance Man Are You...
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    Are You Really "Yourself" When You're "Just Being Yourself?"

    Hi wind20mph, Not sure what you mean by how well I understand the products sold on the internet. I'm familiar with a lot of them, though. My Art of Approaching book is meant to be a step-by-step guide for beginners, so I tried to make it read as clearly as I could with step-by-step...
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    Are You Really "Yourself" When You're "Just Being Yourself?"

    It's the advice we always hear, from pretty much everyone we know when we lament about not being able to get a girl._ Be it from parents, siblings, friends, and even other girls, the advice is always the same: Just be yourself! I'm sure that just reading that line above caused a clenching...
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    The Secret Of Success, Deservedness Issues, And The Gift Of Anger

    A good friend of mine, MasterClass, who probably has one of the best understandings of human nature I've ever seen, once told me something very profound._ He said: "People tend to fall back on emotions that are comfortable, even if those emotions are bad ones." See, we're all trained from...
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    Best way to rebuild reputation

    True, but they'll accept it more easily if there's a time passage in between. It's the difference between "Oh, so-and-so is acting all wierd" and "Wow, what happened to so-and-so?" I've had experience with this, so that's the advice I'm givin.' Thundercat
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    Social Success = Women Success

    How many other ways can we say "confident?" Thundercat
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    Congruency, the essence of the successful PUA

    Congruence is definitely the key to being successful in anything. A congruent guy can pretty much get away with murder because people come to accept his actions as part of who he is. Pretty powerful stuff. Thundercat
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    The Playbook

    TV will always be toned down for broadcasting, so take what you see with a grain of salt. None of the advice they give you is a good substitute for what you can learn on a message board or other websites where guys can be honest about what works and what doesn't. Thundercat
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    Don't ever take your dad's advice. i want my balls back, please help!!!

    Well, you've got a tough run at this one. First off, I'd consider bypassing the girl you F'ed up with, and go for her friends who are Bi, then use them to get other chicks for you to have threesome's with. Then, just go for the Field tested, doctor approved "double induction massage"...
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    interesting first date tip

    Nope. That's completely original. :D Thundercat