Congruency, the essence of the successful PUA


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2005
Reaction score
Congruency... what is it exactly guys?

Here is my opinion:

It is when the wavelength in your head equals the wavelength of your ******d attitude.

In other words:

The same stuff going on in your head is in your attitude.

What this means in real life:
When you are depressed, you act closed. Your head is down, you may cry. You are introverted or talking too much about your problems.

You are congruent, but it is a depressed congruency. Not good.

How about this:

-You are very happy in your head, but shy and hesitant. You just aced your midterms or just sky-dived. You are feeling great... nevertheless, you are at a party and you see a group of HB8,9,10s and you freeze up. You still feel euphoric from earlier in the day, but now you are stumbling and feeling like a nervous little *****. You aren't congruent. You come off as uneasy and for some reason, sadness and depression show through positive feelings.

Think about this, when you are feeling nervous, but were once happy... doesn't it make it look like you are forcing yourself to be happy (which looks stupid). It’s the opposite of what was true, but it’s how you seem. So basically, you had a great day but lost state and now you are nervous and hesitant. So your inner game was once good, now it’s off.

-Then there is the guy who is sad inside and forcing himself to act positive. This is just like the last example. The negative shows through and it makes you look like an ultra creep.

-There is ONLY one state you shall be in: the positive congruency. This is where you are happy inside and nothing phases you. You don't lose state.

To accomplish this congruency, you may need NLP* to get state (a positive talkative state), state-control to keep state, and conversation topics/openers to keep the vibe. (This is if you aren't a natural)

If you are a natural, you may not need NLP. You could be the natural (or naturalized, meaning you have become a natural from experience) alpha and always be in a positive, talkative state. When you are the true alpha, and you know it, you won’t need NLP to get into a positive state.

You may not need state control if you naturally don't give a ****. There are threads on this forums dealing with state control (search for "State Control") basically if you are not a natural, you need to focus on NOT focusing on your inner voice. You need to be ******dly focused, not inwardly focused, in other words.

You may not need canned conversation topics or openers if you naturally vibe well. This is rare, and if you can do this naturally you probably never needed to come to these forums because you already have it. I don't have this skill, I need to memorize openers. I am guessing less than 1% of you guys can vibe naturally, so please memorize openers - any opener and naturalize yourself with them.

Just because you are not a natural now doesn't mean you can't be the one. You can be the equivalent to a natural by naturalizing yourself. It takes lots of practice, experience, failures, and time.

Once you are naturalized, you are congruent. BOOM!!! Done. You will spark attraction in almost all women and it will be your choice where to take the interaction or relationship.

But it starts at home in your mind. It starts with NLP if you can’t get into state. Then it comes down to state control in order to KEEP that state. Then it comes down to memorizing and naturalizing yourself with canned openers if it is hard for you to naturally vibe.

These skills do take years to master. I am no master at this stuff, but I know what I need to do. Knowing what you need to do is a HUGE part of it and it took me up till this point in studying DYD and social interaction to understand what I need to do.

We can only go up from here.

*NLP = Neuro-Linguistic Programming

BTW: an example of NLP is something like this: visualizing yourself talking to a HOT babe and vibing with her. By visualizing it in your head going well, you get yourself into a good state. If you find yourself in a shy, ****ty, or hesitant mood in your sarges, learn some NLP techniques and just use them till you get your status and inner game together. NLP will help, but getting yourself to be a true alpha does take success and high self-esteem which isn’t exactly instant.

Fake it till you make it. But fake it correctly :D

NLP is the quick fix, but it is temporary. It’s better than nothing. You’ll find that when you actually are vibing with a chick, you don’t need the NLP (as long as you have state control) and you naturally will be in a positive, talkative mood.



Don Juan
Dec 28, 2003
Reaction score
Great post Setarcos!!!

I´ve been there; I have been in times when I felt great, and then try to "match" that state without success.

I think we should go for having an interesting life (get the job you like, do the hobbies you like...) without women... and when you feel naturally well with yourself, women can come by themselves.