I am pathetic and desperate


Don Juan
May 21, 2007
Reaction score
I recently had this girl move into my house.

she is extremely overweight and i just brought her a long because i am lonely. She doesnt have a job and is expecting me to partially support her. She also gets money from her reserve because she is indian. Man do I feel pathetic. She has been here for 2 weeks and i already told her i love her. I just feel like crap. I need to get my self-esteem up.

I have no backbone. I want to kick her out but im scared i cant find anybody else to **** in the mean time.

how pathetic am i right now?

anyway ways to try and booste my self-esteem? like any programs cause im just drinking all day long


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2007
Reaction score
"if you believe in yourself.....I will believe in you":whistle: :crackup:
Dude you have a lack of confidence yet your on a site that teaches you how to better yourself. READ THE DJ BIBLE, what were you expecting a pity party WAH WAHWAH WAH i'm a lonely loser living with a fat ***** who is in the same situation with me but i don't have the drive to want to change and better myself.

You can start by kicking that fat ***** out of your house and reading post here on how to better yourself. I alone could go into much detail on how you can improve yourself, but you seem like the kind of loser who has always had people do **** for him. So if you actually want to help yourself then look for some useful post. Your situation will never get better UNTIL YOU MAKE IT BETTER. IN THIS LIFE RARELY DOES **** FALL IN YOUR LAP WE ARE MEN AND WE HAVE TO WORK FOR WHAT WE WANT. "Boy's get what they can and men get what they want"


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2004
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Do yourself a favor, my friend. MOVE OUT IMMEDIATELY.

Find a new place. Just leave. Don't look back. Ditch her, and change your number.

You don't want to put yourself in a situation where you're going to be miserable constantly. You need to change your surroundings and break free. Don't beat yourself up, focus on positivity! Go after what you WANT instead of despairing over what you have.

Having sex with a woman you hate will drain you dry. It's better to get a hooker than continue to be with a girl who makes you unhappy just because you can bang her. If sex is the only thing keeping you to her, use some of that money you're WASTING on her to get a hooker occasionally. Seriously. That way you can break free from this chick who's causing you to beat yourself up and be miserable.

Your happiness is the only thing that's important in life. Don't allow it to be lost over something as stupid as a sure thing.

Good luck,



Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
Reaction score
"I have no backbone. I want to kick her out but im scared i cant find anybody else to **** in the mean time."



Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2005
Reaction score
South Carolina
passionman said:
I recently had this girl move into my house.

she is extremely overweight and i just brought her a long because i am lonely. She doesnt have a job and is expecting me to partially support her. She also gets money from her reserve because she is indian. Man do I feel pathetic. She has been here for 2 weeks and i already told her i love her. I just feel like crap. I need to get my self-esteem up.

I have no backbone. I want to kick her out but im scared i cant find anybody else to **** in the mean time.

how pathetic am i right now?

anyway ways to try and booste my self-esteem? like any programs cause im just drinking all day long

I'm going to go against the grain here a little and say that at least you've got something at the moment. It might not be what you want, but you're getting puzzy. At least keep her as a *uck buddy until something better comes along.

I guess the reason I think like this is the fact that I've been a long time without sex. There aren't too many girls I would turn down right now.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
My gut tells me that there's more to this. I'd go see a professional.


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Its like being an alchoholic. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery.

Now, that you've admited it what are you going to do? Wallow in your sh1t or stand up and move forward?


Don Juan
May 21, 2007
Reaction score
yes i am going to go see a professional. the other day i went to the doctor and got them to set me up. I got an appointment at the hospital for an assessment so we will see how it goes.

other than that, i think i just needed to here some encouragement...and thats wut I am getting. So thankyou for that cause i need to sharpen up. I mean she is such a slut i cant even trust her, she is telling me all these slut stories and it makes me feel like bad cause i know she is gonna screw me over

but yes thanks for the advice, i just needed to hear it.
Mar 23, 2007
Reaction score
your not pathetic man ...**** happends man.times like these require soul searching read the bible man! and please if you have a gut feeling that yo feel miserable and something is going wrong go with your instinc and kick this overweight girl out man , because she will only caue you future problems.. and will only hold you back on doing the things you want..

whenever I feel like if am nothing I read the gunwich method in the bible and as soon as I am done I feel like if am on fire man i go out and say **** here iam !bring it and i get this huge confidence boost like a redbull but for your ego...(damn it feels good to say that)! just try it man


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
passionman said:
I recently had this girl move into my house.

she is extremely overweight and i just brought her a long because i am lonely. She doesnt have a job and is expecting me to partially support her. She also gets money from her reserve because she is indian. Man do I feel pathetic. She has been here for 2 weeks and i already told her i love her. I just feel like crap. I need to get my self-esteem up.

I have no backbone. I want to kick her out but im scared i cant find anybody else to **** in the mean time.

how pathetic am i right now?

anyway ways to try and booste my self-esteem? like any programs cause im just drinking all day long
Are you serious with this post.....


Don Juan
May 21, 2007
Reaction score
**** you im not at troll. If you dont have anything good to say then gtfo cause my life is the ****s and i dont need people telling me that im not even worth the time cause im making it up. **** you!

and besides that yes she is very heavy....... im 220 and she is more than me and shorter.

but besides from that i think i am gonna kick her out cause right now i just do whatever she tells me to do.

I started reading the bible and i am a total AFC. She rewards me for sex when it should be me kicking her ass to the curb


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
Use her for tax breaks

Indians dont pay taxes on ****

thats a plus
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
passionman said:
I recently had this girl move into my house.

she is extremely overweight and i just brought her a long because i am lonely. She doesnt have a job and is expecting me to partially support her. She also gets money from her reserve because she is indian. Man do I feel pathetic. She has been here for 2 weeks and i already told her i love her. I just feel like crap. I need to get my self-esteem up.

I have no backbone. I want to kick her out but im scared i cant find anybody else to **** in the mean time.

how pathetic am i right now?

anyway ways to try and booste my self-esteem? like any programs cause im just drinking all day long
Yes congratz you have no balls and you DID A FAT CHICK! :crackup: Get yourself a hot clean hooker and then go to a strip club with some buddies, bring a stripper home and make sure your fugly bbw will see you cheating on her and then move out.
Nov 8, 2005
Reaction score
***** palace
passionman said:
yeah the appointment is on monday, so i'll tell you all how it goes.
When I got alcohol poisioning I had to see a psychiatrist and that was the biggest waste of my time. It was pure bullsh*t... they all say the samething. Do yourself a favor and locate your nutts and start acting like a MAN. Women talk about their problems cuz they're emotional... men do not talk about their problems but actually does sh*t to fix it.