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  1. A

    What are you listening to?

    "With or Without You" - U2. The perfect band for a Christian DJ such as myself.:D
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    Very Important Message To Everyone On This Site

    Uh, a little hint, son? How they act on stage is completely different from how they act backstage.
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    Hottie's cell phone is broken. E-mail or facebook?

    Sound advice from both of you, it sounds like, although I doubt I'll see her before those days. She's a sociology major, I'm a poly sci major, and "never the twain shall meet," as they say.:p Unless you guys recommend me going to the sociology building to "conveniently bump into her," if you...
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    Possible to make a les attracted to me? (yes i am a guy lol)

    Then provide the article. Otherwise, I call shenanigans on this.:p
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    Hottie's cell phone is broken. E-mail or facebook?

    Her phone broke sometime in the days between when I number-closed her and when I called her. She didn't dupe me, don't worry.
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    Possible to make a les attracted to me? (yes i am a guy lol)

    'course it is. If she's actually a lesbian, her brain is wired to like girls, and there's little you can do to change that, unfortunately.
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    Possible to make a les attracted to me? (yes i am a guy lol)

    I think that, besides causing her to ingest an inordinant amount of alcohol, you're pretty much out of luck on this one. Lesbians view sex with a guy like how you and I view sex with a guy (assuming you're straight). Unless she's really bisexual. And I haven't the experience to tell you how...
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    Hottie's cell phone is broken. E-mail or facebook?

    My dear homeez... Hopefully the title explains it all, but if not, here's a little background: basically, my friend Asen (a Bulgarian who has a certain amount of game and who knows how to party) and I went out to a bar in Hollywood that features arts and crafts. We accompanied a couple girls...
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    A situation regarding two girls who are roommates...

    Oh dear...I DID think it sounded rather sitcommish.:p I'll see what I can do. Any advice on how to go about engineering this without getting expelled for sexual harrassment? ~_^
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    A situation regarding two girls who are roommates...

    Hey hey hey, my fellow DJ's! I'm in something close to a dilemma, although I don't think it's quite an "according-to-Hoyle" dilemma, per se. There's a couple freshmen girls who live as roommates on my floor of my dorm. They're both attractive, but I'm more interested in one than the...
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    Feels Like Im Doing the Wrong Thing

    I like that idea. I've got something of a similar problem myself; I got falsely accused of sexual harrassment a little over a year ago, by a friend of a friend, and I lost a few friends over it. And this is a small school, so one never knows who has or hasn't heard what false rumor, so I've...
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    Anthony Robbins' Awaken the Giant Within

    All I know about Tony Robbins is that he can unhinge his jaw and swallow people whole. Or so "Family Guy" has me believing. ~_^ When thinking about self-help books, always keep the big 20th century classic in mind: How to Win Friends and Influence People. It's a good example of how little...
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    Mother-Daughter Approach..A No, or a Go?

    Mother-daughter sounds tough to me...I don't know how it is with girls, but I'd NEVER, ever want to think about my parents "on the job." *shudders*
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    Myspace is fycking up everything

    Why aren't they bending over to show me their pixellated goods? ... ... ...oh sh!t, did I just say that out loud?:( J/K, glad you dig the smiley.
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    How does one slay the Mother Hen?

    Yeah, I'm actually graduating in less than a month, and I really feel like a rat leaving a sinking ship... Did you miss the part where I said they stay within a cabal of friends and never leave each others' sights? ~_^
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    How does one slay the Mother Hen?

    Oh dear Lord...SOMEONE must have a thought on this.
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    hit a girl?

    My previous girlfriend liked to non-sexually wrestle with me (she was a freak, what can I say ~_^), and one time I accidentally knocked her off the bed. Another time, I sat on her and knocked the wind out of her. That second one scared the hell out of me because at first I thought that I'd...
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    Myspace is fycking up everything

    LOL! We need this smiley for situations like this:
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    How does one slay the Mother Hen?

    Hail, fellow DJs! I imagine we've all seen those delightful Axe body spray commercials about the "game killers," or whatever they're called, and although most of them are beneath my contempt (because I'm better than the people who make them, and, in general, better than the lot of you, as...
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    Myspace is fycking up everything

    Those would be my sentiments too, were it not for the fact that a lot of girls seem to be liking emo guys these days. Dear Lord, I hate emo. -_-