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    How do I get her into bed?

    Have you managed to get her shirt off? That usually speeds things WAY up. Rub her sides while making out, get her shirt further and further up, tease her a bit with it, then get it off.
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    Anyone have examples of good conversation?

    I think that in 99.9% of all situations, you'd be right. However, I go to a school of only about 1,700 students, and each and every one of them, for one reason or another, hates the school (usually it's the administration that gets the blame). Everyone here is so jaded, so boring...whenever I...
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    Anyone have examples of good conversation?

    Yes, I must say, I'm captivated.:p So pimp and Mctwist4: Yeah, I've seen those, but I'm a college student, so a lot of those questions don't often apply. I know why a lot of girls are here, because, like me, they're here to go to school. So, unfortunately, I've gotta come up with more...
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    Anyone have examples of good conversation?

    My dear fellow DJ-ers, I got out of a six-month relationship in December, and I've been pretty focused on my schoolwork and just being a dumb college senior this semester. But I'm looking to get back into the game, or at least get laid a few more times before I graduate. My problem is...
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    Is anyone out of a DJ-er's league?

    Indeed, although it should be noted that Kierkegaard, though generally considered to be the founder of existentialism, really is the odd man out in that list, as a Christian. ...well, and the fact that he lived and died a hundred years before the others. ~_^ Still, he's my favorite out of...
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    What are differences in macking white girl or asian girl?

    So, by your logic, I'm neither good-looking, nor healthy, nor muscular, since I had an Asian gf for a few months?:rolleyes: Maybe you'd better refine your hypothesis there a bit...
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    Is anyone out of a DJ-er's league?

    That's a hard question to answer, since, let's face it: ethics differ from person to person. For me, at least (even though I know you didn't ask for mine, but that's just tough:p), ethics stem from my belief that each individual's purpose in life is to serve one another - and by serving each...
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    Is anyone out of a DJ-er's league?

    A point of clarification - this is less about me in particular and more "in-general." Just so you guys don't get the wrong idea. ~_^ Not that I won't take encouragement from what you say, and I hope others do, too.
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    Is anyone out of a DJ-er's league?

    I figured that this would be an interesting quasi-philosophical question for you, O my fellow DJ-ers. Once a guy manages to exorcize his inner AFC, if he really wants the hands-down-might-as-well-be-a-matter-for-legislation-hottest girl at school, should he go for her? Even if he gets turned...
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    Girls who say they've given up on LTRs for a while

    Ex-ACTLY. Thanks for getting it. Our convo about relationships and guys and girls and whatever came up when I asked her why she liked Virginia Woolf's writing so much (I think it's all right, but I really can't stand writing that's just depressing for the sake of being depressing, you...
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    Girls who say they've given up on LTRs for a while

    I really don't think that's what's going on here, and part of me thinks that you guys aren't really reading my posts, beyond the parts where I say, "She says she isn't interested in LTR's right now." If I'm right, and that's the case, then I really urge you to read my posts in more detail...
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    Girls who say they've given up on LTRs for a while

    W=...what? I would think this is true if I'd spoken to her on the topic more than just this one time, but we only have talked about relationships for this one ten-minute increment. I think a lot of you have got the wrong idea about this, and that's partially my fault for not articulating...
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    So who here has actually read Byron's Don Juan?

    It goes back way further, from what I understand. I've never read the book, but I've seen Mozart's opera of it, "Don Giovanni."
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    Girls who say they've given up on LTRs for a while

    I don't know if she noticed me, but I DID get a whole bunch of phone numbers last night - not from the hawtest girls, but certainly acceptable, "unf"-able ones. ~_^ A-men to that. I know all too well from past experience not to make that mistake. Girls are so incredibly clueless in so many...
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    Girls who say they've given up on LTRs for a while

    Hear hear! I'm positive she's at least slightly interested in me; I was just asking if any of you think that someone who is really into depressingly tragic female literary characters and related poetry would be too much of a hassle. But I don't think this one is; I went to a senior night with...
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    Girls who say they've given up on LTRs for a while

    Re: Re: Girls who say they've given up on LTRs for a while *nods* Right, I figured. Don't worry, I'm not oneitising over this one; I can just tell I'd have a really good time with her, but if I don't get her, I'll just move on. Hah, that's a particularly funny topic with this one...
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    Girls who say they've given up on LTRs for a while

    All right, droogs, here's the deal...there's a girl I'm pursuing who lives in my dorm, a couple floors beneath me (yeah, I'm a senior living in a dorm; yes, it's sad, but it's L.A. Housing ain't exactly cheap), who I like to talk literature and music every now and then with. I don't usually...
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    The Ultimate Pick-Up Spots

    My thoughts exactly. The first two sound fine, but if you've ever successfully picked up a chick from Victoria's Secret, I want to know EXACTLY how you did it, EXACTLY what you said, down to a "t", because if so, you're clearly a cleverer man than I. ~_^
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    Christian girls

    Meh, some Christians believe that, but the vast majority don't. The ones who do are just louder and more shrill than the others. ~_^
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    What are differences in macking white girl or asian girl?

    I just got out of a serious (but only four-month) relationship with an Asian girl, and I must say, I observed in her some bizarre trends that I can now see growing amongst other Asian young adults today. One of these is a strong set of mixed feelings towards their parents - even quite a bit of...