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    How do I SMOOTHLY move onto the topic of sex?

    Okay... Now how do I segue into that without her accusing me of sexual harrassment?;)
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    Christian girls

    Dayum...that's DEFINITELY not what I'm looking for.:down: Still, definitely an amusing post. ^_^
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    Christian girls

    I myself am a Christian, although I'm a sexually active one who drinks and swears like a sailor. What can I say? Show me a perfect Christian and I'll show you the Resurrected Christ. But still, I'd be very pleased to hear from expert DJ-ers with experience in this particular field. How...
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    How do I SMOOTHLY move onto the topic of sex?

    Aight, my fellow DJ-ers...I got out of a four-month relationship in mid-December, and although I'm meeting new girls, getting some phone numbers, having good conversations, etc, I think that a little bit of my "game" needs to be recalibrated. I've gone from being able to just bring up sex to...
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    Tips for long-distance boyfriend assassination?

    Hello hello, DJ Forums, you delightful sausage-fest! Here's the deal with me at this particular instance in time... I'm a junior in college, and had me a damn fine party in my room Friday night, with all the necessary ammenities (booze, drunk guys playing guitar, *****es, etc). So I hit...
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    "Enjoys being single"? Srsly?!?!?1

    UPDATE: ****, guys, she just ain't interested. She only sees me as a friend. Too bad. I really, really, REALLY wanted this one, too. Ah well, thanks for your help anyway, guys. A friend of mine has hooked me up with a cute slut sometime this week, so I'll be fine, overall. I don't...
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    How do I show her I'm not her evil ex?

    I don't believe I ever denied that I was seeking affirmation.:cool: I was looking for more along the lines of a prognosis, ie: chances are still good, or chances are nonexistant.
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    How do I show her I'm not her evil ex?

    Your post was extremely insightful, but I think this part in particular is the most-helpful. I was just thinking the same thing earlier today after we had lunch together at a little Mexican restaurant she likes that she took me to (****ty place, really, but I didn't say that, of course). We...
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    How do I show her I'm not her evil ex?

    Aight, I don't know if any of you gents remembered my previous thread about the chick with trust issues, but I've found out a bit more about the root of said issues. This chick's last boyfriend was an interrogator in the military, and I guess he liked to play mind games with her. Not because...
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    "Enjoys being single"? Srsly?!?!?1

    She has a few guy friends, but plenty of girl friends, too. She doesn't come off as "one of the guys." I've fruitlessly pursued plenty of them in my lifetime. Still, this story ending like all the others is a possibility for which I will have to steel myself as it is, so it seems. Ah...
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    "Enjoys being single"? Srsly?!?!?1

    She wants to go to a toga party with me tomorrow. Good sign, methinks.:D
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    "Enjoys being single"? Srsly?!?!?1

    Aight, gents, here's the deal: I'm a junior in college, and there's this chick who I've recently become friends with who is REALLY super-friggin'-hawt and SO smart and she and I get along very well. We're both very politically active, although we have some ideological differences, so we have...
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    Help with a slightly-obstinate Asian chick...

    All right, many thanks from both of you. I'll give it, like, another week and see if there's any improvement. If not, *shrugs* the show must go on.:cool:
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    Help with a slightly-obstinate Asian chick...

    A cute Vietnamese chick who lives in my residence hall recently caught my eye, and I've been pursuing her since then. Unfortunately, she, like so many other Asian chicks, is rather obstinate, quiet, tough to read, that sort of thing. Now, of course, it would be easy enough to ask her out, of...
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    Dating without a car.

    Aight, sounds logical. Think that won't seem too terribly moochy of me, though?
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    Dating without a car.

    To my great dismay, just about a month and a half ago, I was rounding a corner in a suburb at sundown when the sun caught me in my eyes, blinded me, and caused me to crash my beautiful 95 Honda Accord into a parked Nissan Pathfinder. Now, thanks to the ass-demolishingly high insurance rates in...