How do I show her I'm not her evil ex?


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Aight, I don't know if any of you gents remembered my previous thread about the chick with trust issues, but I've found out a bit more about the root of said issues.

This chick's last boyfriend was an interrogator in the military, and I guess he liked to play mind games with her. Not because he was a sadist, per se, but simply because that was what he did every day for his job and it was tough to separate work from pleasure. Not that that makes that excusable, by any means.

So I basically need to show her that I'm not him.

Any idears how I can gain someone who has a reason to be somewhat-distrustful?


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
You don't need to show her any s***!!!!!

Either she accepts you as the man, or you move on

Read the DJ bible... you are the prize man!!

If you are yuong in your early 20's, don't get too frustrated with a new girl's ex problems... YOU ARE THE PRIZE ;)


Master Don Juan
Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria
she shouldnt have any reason to be distrustful of YOU.

you are not HIM

you are a totally different person and she should think so instead of blacklisting you to be like him

if she does, then fvcking next her. she's not going to give you a chance to be yourself if she has already stereotyped you to be like him. she cannot be distrustful of you. seriously. she has no reason to be.


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
First and foremost... do NOT listen to those two who just posted before you. ;-) Guys, he's obviously known this girl for a while, therefore, there's no point in NEXTing her, especially if you already have that friendship level built up. (She's being honest with you, isn't she?) The mindset you should have (even though this has nothing to do with your original question) is that you are her friend, and that you are not EXPECTING anything more. However, that shouldn't stop you from flirting and making little moves. Don't go looking for approval with her, either. You are still the man. The girl is obviously been messed with mentally, she's gonna be unstable, and it's going to take some time (perhaps a lot of time) to get over it. Plus, by expecting nothing more than friendship, just in case the road takes a sudden turn, you won't be heartbroken over it. This helps tremendously.

In a recent example of something that happened to me, this girl I've been talking to has been really responsive. Didn't really have a high interest level when we first met, but after a month or so of getting to know each other as friends, her interest level began to increase a LOT. I began to notice things she did differently around me compared to around her other friends. So I persued a little further. Well, the girl's past is a little rocky, and she's trying to get herself out of it, and the thought of having a boyfriend scares the **** out of her. And she recently has that scare with me. She completely stopped responding to me, didn't even make eye contact. The only reason I found out she "just wanted to be friends" was through a friend of mine. Of course, I'm going to take that as BS because if she really meant it, she would have confronted me about it. (She's normally VERY VERY confident.) However, I didn't call her on it. Because of the mindset I had, when she stopped responding, I stopped responding. Two days later, she apologizes to me. Things from there went very well from there. It allowed me to show her that I'm not that potential "**** things up" AFC boyfriend she doesn't need and that I have my own life and things I need to do, the IDEAL boyfriend that she needs. ;)

Anyways, also what might help would be to talk more about her feelings. Get her to display her emotions, and show her that you actually care about them. This is the easiest and one of the best ways to build trust.

Simply, don't listen to ALL the DJ rules... I like to say there's only a couple rules that apply at all times.

Never seek approval, be the leader, and have fun! It's okay to be the nice guy every once in a while around 'em, just show 'em you're in damn charge and that you're not afraid to lose them, because there are plenty of other women out there.


Master Don Juan
Aug 14, 2004
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria

i'll agree with you that if you expect nothing more than friendship you cant go wrong if things take a sudden turn. and if things go your way then its good

but i think the girl should accept him for who he is.

and he doesnt have to show her that he is any different from her ex

because he is his own person and if she cant even give him that credit and chooses to be distrustful then i think he should next her.

unless he's not looking for a long term thing, then its alright, but i can see in the long run, this will be a problem again. an issue of sorts

haha i dont know, this sort of girl aint for me... but others may feel he should give her a chance and SHOW her that he isnt like her ex.

but not me.. everyone's got different ways of handling situations i guess :D interesting insight you got though


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Originally posted by Skweints

Anyways, also what might help would be to talk more about her feelings. Get her to display her emotions, and show her that you actually care about them. This is the easiest and one of the best ways to build trust.
Your post was extremely insightful, but I think this part in particular is the most-helpful. I was just thinking the same thing earlier today after we had lunch together at a little Mexican restaurant she likes that she took me to (****ty place, really, but I didn't say that, of course). We were talking, and I realized that she suppresses her emotions quite a bit, if my sixth sense is not misleading me. Every now and then, I can get her to break past her facade of utter diplomacy, and gush out her discontent in my presence. I have a feeling that's something I ought to try to do more-often...associating myself with a pleasant release must be a good thing, at least as far as my reasoning is concerned.

She's an extremely hard worker, though, too, and she's working on a lot of papers and applications to various programs all the time, so I also don't want to intrude on her life to the point where I'm becoming an extra burden, obviously.

Anyway, I guess I'll keep doing what I'm doing, but I really feel like I'm making progress with this one. ^_^ Thanks very much for your advice, Skweints!


Senior Don Juan
Sep 14, 2004
Reaction score

A classic example of a oneitis, AFC question in a DJ site. Classic. You have NO intention of changing, you are seeking affirmation.


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I don't believe I ever denied that I was seeking affirmation.:cool:

I was looking for more along the lines of a prognosis, ie: chances are still good, or chances are nonexistant.


Master Don Juan
Jul 24, 2003
Reaction score
Oneitis...Dead man walking!!

It is worse when he gets AFC advise affirming his oneitis...

Listen, you don't need to prove anything to her... that is exactly the wrong thing to do... do not "talk about her feelings"... thats chump need to be the man and either she accepts or she has low interest... then move on...or face a life of AFCism.

Trust us old geezers who were AFCs for longer than you have been alive...



Master Don Juan
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Anyways, also what might help would be to talk more about her feelings. Get her to display her emotions, and show her that you actually care about them. This is the easiest and one of the best ways to build trust.

In other words, become an emotional tampon. Maybe if he's lucky, they can paint their toe nails together and do each others hair. Last time I checked, this was the quickest way to enter the Friend Zone.


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Keesler AFB, Mississippi
I can get her to break past her facade of utter diplomacy, and gush out her discontent in my presence. I have a feeling that's something I ought to try to do more-often...associating myself with a pleasant release must be a good thing, at least as far as my reasoning is concerned.
Wait wait wait... you want to be her emotional tampon? :confused: What you should want to associate yourself with is her smiling, laughing, having a release of pleasure, not complaining, reminding herself of all that junk.


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Hey, you all are right. I had NO IDEA what I was thinking.

Listen, I see the points they were trying to make. (Had a relapse during that post.) What they're saying is absolutely valid. I apologize for the bad advice. If she honestly WAS interested in you, the thought of you being like her exboyfriend wouldn't even cross her mind. In my honest opinion, I would just give up on her. It seems like you made it into that friendship zone already, so you might as well get over her before it gets any harder to. Like dietzcoi said... oneitis.... dead man walking. You're only setting yourself up for failure.


Master Don Juan
Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
If you are happy when you are with her, and so is she, there is no problem. Just have fun together.


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I just got some advice from one of my good buddies who is the absolute man when it comes to women. In my post, I mentioned even a few things I shouldn't have done (and nobody caught 'em, either. ;) )

Trance said it right... have fun together. The number one thing that scares women away from a relationship is the fact that somewhere, deep in your mind, there's a plan of attack to get her to fall in love with you. She doesn't know what it is, but she knows its there, so it's gonna scare her away from you. You have to keep her COMFORTABLE. A lot of things in the DJ Bible that is taught is to be assertive and aggressive. The harder lesson it teaches, though, and I missed it myself, is when to be assertive and aggressive and when it's best to back off, relax, but remain aloof. It depends on your ultimate goals. One night stands? You better be nothing but assertive and aggressive. Long term relationship? Aggressive at times, passive at others, mainly because you're dealing with someone who you already are friends with.

My mistake I made, which luckily I was able to recover from, was the fact that I did just that... I had a plan of attack to get this girl to become my girlfriend... when I shouldn't have even THOUGHT about it. I should've been concentrating on having fun, getting her out on a date, etc. Not worrying about becoming official with the girl. If you do everything right, that -WILL- happen naturally. I noticed in myself that when I started trying to get this girl to become my girlfriend, -I- even felt uncomfortable at times. After what we went through, we had a little talk, and it gave me the chance to realize my **** up, and that I should move on. I consider this girl a friend now, and I'm working on moving on to meeting and dating other women, and things between me and the girl are almost 10 times more comfortable than they ever were, which is a great feeling, btw.

That's why you keep things at a friendship level. Go out, show her that you are fun. Scratch the whole "talk about her feelings" **** I said. If she wants to talk about them, listen, but don't seem entertained. Only half-listen. This will get her going crazy, especially if you go from being super interested to appearing bored. If she likes you, and has a high enough interest level, she'll try and figure out what to do to make things better and get you more interested in her.

I do agree with a few things they said, even though I told ya not to listen to their posts. Basically, they are right, and I just didn't see it. You don't NEED to prove to her that you are not like her ex. She will learn that on her own will. If she wants to see you as her exboyfriend, then she will. If she has a high enough interest in you, she will doubt herself, and take action accordingly. The way to do this? HAVE FUN WITH HER. Take her out on exciting dates. Don't go to dinner all the time and talk about stupid ****. That's what every other guy in the world does. Don't worry about her being distrustful of you. That's what AFC's do. Worry about you, and whether or not you're having a good time. If you're not, start from scratch with another woman you don't have feelings of attachment towards. It's the only way you'll learn because you'll see it for yourself, very much like I did. Hope this helps.

PS- The reason I made this post so long is because I feel as though this forum is very ANTI-FRIENDSHIP oriented. A lot of posts made by people with advice usually tends to say that "you should never become friends with the girl, EVER, because if you do, you're in the friendship zone, and you can never get out of it." While yes, this is true, there are circumstances that put you in the "friendship zone" or merely make you "friends." Does anybody else feel this way? Or am I talking out my ass?


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
i had issues early on with my girlfriends ex.

she went out with a rich mumma's boy. he had a far nicer car then me, a motor bike, a jet ski, a good job (40k per year at 20 years old, with prospects and security), was looking to buy a house, snow boards etc. etc.

then i'm just some kid (20 at the time) who's studying at uni, with little money, a bad car, not really much idea where this uni course will take me, and not too many outside interests like jet skiing/snow boarding.. mainly just drinking and hanging with my mates..

but i'll tell ya what when she would say "he used to do this and this" i said "i'm not him, if u want him and he'll make u happy, go get him" then she'd crack it, but apologise later and tell me i'm great etc.

and i know for a fact that she is far more into me then she ever was with him. and i'm still just this kid at uni with not a lot of direction and still like hangin with my friends and having fun, and my cars even worse now! a few crashes and now a major engine problem!

but you've just got to be yourself. (so long as yourself is someone who has fun. it works great guns for me.)


Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Antedeus
Every now and then, I can get her to break past her facade of utter diplomacy, and gush out her discontent in my presence. I have a feeling that's something I ought to try to do more-often...associating myself with a pleasant release must be a good thing, at least as far as my reasoning is concerned.
Be careful with this. You have to realize, your "reasoning" is very different from a females "reasoning." You're definitely overanalysing here, as well. Think about it this way. If you had two girlfriends, one of which you could talk about anything with, but never really did anything other than TALK, and the other who really didn't listen to stuff you had to say, but instead decided you should go out and do something together, something fun, who would you end up being more interested in? Who would you consider the "better" friend? If they both looked the same, which one would you want to hook up with? Honestly?

She's an extremely hard worker, though, too, and she's working on a lot of papers and applications to various programs all the time, so I also don't want to intrude on her life to the point where I'm becoming an extra burden, obviously.
You shouldn't be worried about becoming an extra burden on her life. Think of it as you would be a wonderful addition to her life, and that she would be crazy to not want that. In order to do that, you're going to have to keep yourself busy, and lead her into you. Don't talk to her for a week or two... see what happens. See how many times she calls. If she gets pissed wondering why you didn't answer, tell her you've been busy.

Gimme an update when you get the chance.