A situation regarding two girls who are roommates...


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Hey hey hey, my fellow DJ's!

I'm in something close to a dilemma, although I don't think it's quite an "according-to-Hoyle" dilemma, per se.

There's a couple freshmen girls who live as roommates on my floor of my dorm. They're both attractive, but I'm more interested in one than the other, this really cute Japanese-American girl from Hawaii. The other is also a really sweet girl who's pretty cute and laid-back, but I'm not quite as attracted to her physically. Still, she definitely has a thing for me.

I was gonna ask the first girl out to a movie tonight or this weekend, since she mentioned to me earlier in passing, while I was rushing off to class, that she's just working on essays this weekend. But I'm a little nervous that, if I go to her room and knock on her door, her roommate will be there, and then if I ask her out, her roomie will get hurt or disappointed. Which, of course, would ruin my chances with her, along with it simply being not a nice thing to do to her.

So what would you do, fellow DJ-ers? Chance it? Try to catch the first girl when her roomie's not around? Or try to catch the first girl when she's not in her room?
Aug 8, 2005
Reaction score
The Cold North.
Antedeus said:
Hey hey hey, my fellow DJ's!

I'm in something close to a dilemma, although I don't think it's quite an "according-to-Hoyle" dilemma, per se.

There's a couple freshmen girls who live as roommates on my floor of my dorm. They're both attractive, but I'm more interested in one than the other, this really cute Japanese-American girl from Hawaii. The other is also a really sweet girl who's pretty cute and laid-back, but I'm not quite as attracted to her physically. Still, she definitely has a thing for me.

I was gonna ask the first girl out to a movie tonight or this weekend, since she mentioned to me earlier in passing, while I was rushing off to class, that she's just working on essays this weekend. But I'm a little nervous that, if I go to her room and knock on her door, her roommate will be there, and then if I ask her out, her roomie will get hurt or disappointed. Which, of course, would ruin my chances with her, along with it simply being not a nice thing to do to her.

So what would you do, fellow DJ-ers? Chance it? Try to catch the first girl when her roomie's not around? Or try to catch the first girl when she's not in her room?

Did you see the Seinfeld episode?

If not, the answer is: threesome.:yes:


Don Juan
Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
brucevangeorge said:
Did you see the Seinfeld episode?
Oh dear...I DID think it sounded rather sitcommish.:p

If not, the answer is: threesome.:yes:
I'll see what I can do. Any advice on how to go about engineering this without getting expelled for sexual harrassment? ~_^