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    The outcome (three threads later)

    krd, As much as we all are rooting for you, let's face the facts:YOU'RE HOPELESS. You have too many insecurities to overcome. You act effeminate and girly, and don't have a backbone. Unfortunately, these behaviors appear to be ingrained into you and there is very little chance you can...
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    Hear me out...

    Matius, Thanks for those random thoughts. Did you really have to post this?
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    $*#@ this BATCH is totally trying to change me...????

    It's funny how someone like you thinks he could get a 9-9.5. Keep dreaming, if any other guy saw her, she'd probably be a 5. You sound very insecure, that is why she wants to change you. Start trying to act like a man, before she gets tired of pushing your puzzy ass around.
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    what am i to do

    hb, Right? You're so good looking that you've only had 1 girlfriend. And all these other girls notice your friend, but not you. Keep dreaming. Don't believe everything your mother tells you.
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    An extended one night stand

    No problem, keep trying to be a DJ. Learning how to write above the 4rth grade level should be your first step.
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    Why don't they call when they say they will call?

    violator, These women probably did not like you. That is why they have low interest and if they call back at all it's later than expected. It could be you are not attractive enough, or you do not act like a real man. Do your best to fix these issues.
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    Do opposites attract? For how long??

    Well, sometimes they do. In your case, you are a loser, however you will not attract a winner. You need to act like a man, and maybe you'll get some.
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    When she learns C/F....

    The Loser, Why do you feel the need to brag. You must be very insecure.
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    Facial or hurt

    As a women, I like facial hair. But if you look to young, forget ever getting a women. You will probably be alone for the rest of your life.
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    Hihi, Have you considered moving back to your native country? Afar away from North America as possible. Continue to work on your English, in a few years someone should be able to understand you. Byebye
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    An extended one night stand

    What an overactive imagination you have, my little firend. We can all tell this story is fiction. Find a hobby and stop wasting our time.
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    A Different Kind of Confidence

    Iceprik, Why do you waste your time writing such worthless advice. Diesel was right to criticize your advice, you just rehash stuff people can already read. You should try and get off the computer and get a women.
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    The Songs All Dj's Should be listening to,No Afc's PLS

    oOh Nasty, Please don't post again until you are at least 5'4. Thank You
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    Putting the F back in C&F

    Oscar, We all know you do an excellent job of putting the F in F A G, and the F in F A I R Y. Now stop pretending to be all tough , and act like a mature man.
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    what should I do???

    flyjesta, You need to act like a man, not stop effeminate, wimp. That's what us women want. Now try to be a man.
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    "I Love You" What's my response

    Abcd, just tell her the truth, that you are a homosexual.
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    Girls allowed?

    Peekabo - Have you sought counseling? You have some serious issues?
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    what am i to do

    Your friend is good looking and you aren't. Just accept the facts and target the average looking girls. You would know by now if you were good looking, which you apparently aren't. Just accept it and get on with your life. Maximize what you do have.
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    Myth about younger girls?

    krd, From a women's point of view I think you need to act like a man. The phone excuse is the oldest in our book. Her phone worked fine, but she didn't want anything to do with you. It probably because you come across as effeminate. Start being a man.