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  1. 5

    Considering to buy some gun for self defence

    Agree with Bible Belt and Zekko. For home defense you want something for close quarters. An assault rifle is overkill and will not only go through the target but three or four walls as well. If you want a close quarters rifle go with something like this. It's similar to the MP5 that a lot of...
  2. 5

    South Carolina makes obama care illegal

    Not my area of expertise. Opinions?
  3. 5

    And how many 'cougars' look like her. Most cougars are depressed middle aged white woman who have midlife crisis and need some young **** to make their self esteem rise through the roof. Can't imagine being 19 and having to go through life having old farts with saggy tits care about my psyche...
  4. 5

    Anybody else seen these commercials floating around. Post wall carousel riders wanting a young man? Can you imagine the outrage if the opposite was set up... Older men looking for young girls. Hamster logic at its finest. Am I wrong here??? :crackup: "Its a woman's world"...
  5. 5

    I keep getting calls from National Recovery Agency

    Have you even asked them to validate this date by mailing it to you?? I wouldn't have paid them sht until I had the debt validated in writing. They have 30 days to do this. Debt Validation...
  6. 5

    guide to "getting awesome with women" is being labelled a manual for would-be rapists

    What one man calls his guide to "getting awesome with women" is being labelled a manual for would-be rapists by others. On Wednesday, a popular #Reddit user reached the $16,000 mark for a Kickstarter project to turn his "Above The Game" series into a book...
  7. 5

    How come its only ug fems

    Check this article out on their facebook page. The manginas and white knights are out in force. Would be fun to see some real comments on these emasculated manboobs. Lol
  8. 5

    How come its only ug fems Why do you never see a hot 22 yo pushing this ****. The pic made me want to puke. What the fck is this??? Lol
  9. 5

    Girlfriend wants to meet strange guy

    Damn, that was painful to just read. I agree with the others. No girl who is truly into you would even contemplate such a deed.
  10. 5

    I don't want to live on this planet anymore

    Bokanovsky, Boilermaker, and Who Dares Win all put this thread back into perspective. Refreshing to see sosuave hasn't gone totally down the drain. And as for our 'trailer park girls'. These ex-cons can have them. I prefer not to fish out of a retention pond. Happy hunting. Cheers
  11. 5

    Steroids & The Alpha Male

    Nothing wrong with a cycle or two to add some solid mass. Make sure you run a good anti-estrogen (nolvadex or arimidex) to hold off the water weight. Nothing more silly looking than a water bloated juicer. Most newbies gains are from water weight. Test should be your base. Stack that with a...
  12. 5

    Election implications

    --Abraham Lincoln
  13. 5

    Election implications

    Just to add some relevance to yhe conversation: Do you know what a hijacked programme is? No? You are, as well as your whole country. The same laughing fascism hides in the skin of both your charismatic leaders. It leaked into your machines of bureaucracy and already reigns your lives. The...
  14. 5

    I'm only 17 and I have more game then these pathetic grown ass men aha

    Maybe he should start his own blog.
  15. 5

    Election implications

    The whining never ceases does it. Well stated Slickster. :D
  16. 5

    Seeing game manifest itself in responses.

    Very nice to see you coming along. This site (once you filter through the nonsense) has been very helpful for me as well. Glad to see you reaping some of the rewards. Not familiar with Rollos site I don't believe. Is that the heartiste site or is this another one? Rollo is one of the best on...
  17. 5

    Friends with benefits- I ruined it

    Not doubting you here but why do you say this? Are FWB girls carrying a lot of issues? Sorry to change thread direction but this made me stop and wonder as I am currently nailing a FWB girl. Please elaborate as this may be helpful.
  18. 5

    Why Girls Like Assh*les (From an ex-Stripper)

    ;) Good point. :D