Steroids & The Alpha Male


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Alpha males have confidence. Guys who do roids don't have confidence, which is why they do roids. Ergo, if you do roids you're not alpha. You might look alpha, but once the chicks get to know you they'll realize you're not.

Unless you're raging and punching your fists through walls, some chicks get off on that ;)


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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JohnChops said:
That is 100% wrong. Not meaning to argue but if you run a proper cycle and pct you keep 90% of your gains. People lose it all because they think steroids will magically grow muscle but there wrong. You ha e to work harder and harder and after your off then you use a pct to get your hormones back to normal, as long as you don't slack on training and your diet after you keep most of your gains. There would be no point in steroids or PHs if you lose it all when your off it
Really? Ask Brock Lesnar how that worked for him...dude looks HORRIBLE now...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
marmel75 said:
Really? Ask Brock Lesnar how that worked for him...dude looks HORRIBLE now...
How old is he? Does he still lift hard? Hows his diet? Did he do a proper PCT after his cycle? What did he cycle? There to many questions to be asked about him , everyone is different. Ive seen multiple people on PHs still retain 90% of their muscle and strength. Bodybuilders are failing at older ages because they use insane amounts of steroids and PHs. INSANE amounts. And then they hurt their body to a point of no return, hence why they look like a$$ after there done cycling and done with bodybuilding.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 22, 2012
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My 2 cents:

I ran a cycle before, been lifting for 6 years. Im what is known as a hardgainer, over 5 year span of lifting i gained maybe 30 lbs. of mass. I was by no means skinny at this point, but my friends were using cycles with good gains so i decided to.

Did a bunch of research. Some of these guys are suggesting clomid and nolvadex for PCT. They are correct, always use a SERM and not an OTC PCT, especially if if its straight test and not a PH. I used Torem. New SERM out there, supposedly has lower sides than the other two and kickstarts your balls faster. Im currently on my last week of PCT right now.

As for results. 13lbs. of mass in 5 weeks. Strength gains went up about 30-40% on all lifts. Dropped about 3% body fat. Definetely noticeable.

Side effects: Acne on the back, my balls went from walnuts to peanuts. My d seemed to get bigger, at least i thought. Some mood swings, but roid rage overall is a myth. My road rage got worse though. Higher confidence for sure.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
jay07 said:
My 2 cents:

I ran a cycle before, been lifting for 6 years. Im what is known as a hardgainer, over 5 year span of lifting i gained maybe 30 lbs. of mass. I was by no means skinny at this point, but my friends were using cycles with good gains so i decided to.

Did a bunch of research. Some of these guys are suggesting clomid and nolvadex for PCT. They are correct, always use a SERM and not an OTC PCT, especially if if its straight test and not a PH. I used Torem. New SERM out there, supposedly has lower sides than the other two and kickstarts your balls faster. Im currently on my last week of PCT right now.

As for results. 13lbs. of mass in 5 weeks. Strength gains went up about 30-40% on all lifts. Dropped about 3% body fat. Definetely noticeable.

Side effects: Acne on the back, my balls went from walnuts to peanuts. My d seemed to get bigger, at least i thought. Some mood swings, but roid rage overall is a myth. My road rage got worse though. Higher confidence for sure.
Thank you someone who finally is researched to come in this thread besides myself. Whatd you run?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 22, 2012
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Adex/Test Prop only 8 weeks. Considered DBOL.

But after my 'normal' period after PCT month I plan on running EPI/Havol cycle in either January or February (which is a prohormone).

Prohormones seem to work just as good for whoever said you lose all your gains. If your dumb your gonna lose them all yes, that is what these high school kids are doing. Taking 5 weeks of PH and not using a PCT, then coming to the gym with bit*h tits and being even skinnier than before.

Just make sure you EAT EAT EAT. Number one thing. Actually, if your not a hardgainer or looking for competition, i suggest you not run test and run a PH instead, or just up your caloric intake by 1000 calories a day. Do your research man, it could be beneficial to your body if done correct.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
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U.S. East
-Gain muscle and strength faster (depending on steroid)
-Reach your goal faster

-Depending on the steroid you are taking you have increased risks for hair loss, gyno, extreme lethargy, high blood pressure, liver toxicity. Some of these can be mitigated, but mitigated, not eliminated.
-Messes with your hormones which is very bad no matter what age you are, but especially bad if you are young. You can solve this by taking even more drugs to try and return hormone levels back to normal, but even then your body may never be completely normal.

You probably already heard this a million times but I will say it again: Most people looking at steroids DO NOT have their diet, sleep, exercise and consistency at the best level it can be. If they did, they would already have their ideal body in some time. IMO there is no reason to be taking steroids unless you are an athlete doing it for money or a professional bodybuilder.

You are trying to get the body you want to maximize your happiness in the 1.5 years of college you have left. But remember body building is an investment, you are still going to have it after college...

It's your body, you are going to do what you want despite what people say. But if you do do it, make sure you have all your bases covered and do it the safest way possible.
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Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
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Dude 175 is big to you? Why on earth would you juice to obtain that weight? Anyway I'm getting the idea the reason you want to do this is to attract girls. You can get to that weight naturally, but you don't have all the time in the world right. I mean personally i would never take them, but to each his own. Im about 5'11 and about 190 lbs. btw. Never really had a hard time gaining weight, damn slow metabolism lol. . Anyway I just rock REALMASS and Jack3d for my protein and pre-workout drink, seems to do the trick. Also follow a daily regiment of fish oil pills. To me it seems a little AFC, low confidence. I mean if my profession depended on me taking them, then I would experiment but if all your trying to do is attract girls then eat big, lift big, get big.


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
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Also, just wanna point this out that 9/10 girls would say that guys who take steroids or juiceheads are unattractive due to the disproportion compared to the guys who do it naturally or have a more athletic physique.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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It also sends cholesterol soaring, which should tell you what its doing to your body as cholesterol is used to repair damage to the body...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
marmel75 said:
It also sends cholesterol soaring, which should tell you what its doing to your body as cholesterol is used to repair damage to the body...
Cholesterol is also used to keep cells at a homeostasis environmental and to keep the cytoplasm at a perfect viscosity. That means, you need cholesterol to make sure your cells dont burst/fall apart/ or become immobile. Take vitamin E, omega 3 fatty acids and a multi vitamin and boom your cholesterol is in check. Like i said marmel im not attacking you, im just telling you facts. ITs a fact that dumb people who do PHs and Roids sometimes have no idea what they are doing and end up causing issues for themselvs and those are the idiots that end up on the news giving those products a terrible name.

@Jay, agreed. Highschool kids shouldnt even be touching the stuff! at 16 kids doing Hdrol and Superdrol is a good way to **** their bodies up big time. IF your smart about it , some are, you keep 90% of your gains. HAve you ever ran any winstrol or test tren? Im looking into some of that in a couple years down the road but who knows new things come out every week .


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
TheWolfMan said:
Also, just wanna point this out that 9/10 girls would say that guys who take steroids or juiceheads are unattractive due to the disproportion compared to the guys who do it naturally or have a more athletic physique.
They are lying , unless the guys your showing her are fat huge and now shredded huge. If their shredded huge i can guarantee theyll bang them in 3.1 seconds. But some girls hate muscles in general as well. Everyone different


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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I shake my head when I read threads like this. You guys are injecting yourself with a chemical soup of consisting of God knows what, using at best questionable information you find on the net as your guide...You are basically playing russian roulette with your long-term health and to what purpose? To look a little buffer? And that's supposed to be "alpha"?


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
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to each his own.

What's it to you?

GTFO, if you are not interested.

No need to shake your head.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Boilermaker said:
to each his own.

What's it to you?

GTFO, if you are not interested.

No need to shake your head.
Well, the purpose of this thread is to discuss whether doing steroids is "alpha". I would respectfully submit that playing russian roulette with your health to look a little more pretty is not "alpha".


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
yup. Girls aren't that picky anyway, you can get fitness model buff without juice. Juice is for roid freak mass and striations. And if you're short you will look freaky at 165+.
How short? beause im 5 foot 8 and im 180lbs at 13% Bf ... i dont look big at all , atleast to me i dont


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
powpow said:
but that above comment comes from someone who is in the top 10% of the population for testosterone so I'm not sure.

man just do crossfit and eat like a wild animal. look at those dudes, theyre all ripped and it takes like 30 minutes a day with no steroids.
Yep! you wouldn't believe how well crossfit + paleo has worked for me. And fast too, I'm big, lean and ripped. Guys who do crossfit every day or twice a day for 6 months+ have PERFECT bodies. You couldn't compare the aesthetic appeal of a clean, lean, fit, healthy, functional, proportional crossfitter's body to a bloated, pimply, bulky, malfunctional, unhealthy roid-head's body.

Taking steroids is LITERALLY the WORST POSSIBLE option for a young man, unless he's like an actor and is going to get paid $8 million for a movie role which necessitates him looking like a super human.

But it fvcks up your body's own endogenous production of Testosterone! Don't do that! Instead, use natural methods to maximise your own body's production of Testosterone! Surely that is the more sensible thing to do?!?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
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Steroid use is becoming more common and it seems to becoming that way for much older guys, doctors are often prescribing test replacement and various things. I saw something about the masters are the fastest growing competition in Bodybuilding, I think the easy availability may have something to do with it. As for being natural, it is becoming a farce literally, virtually everyone advertising or endorsing bodybuilding supps arent using supps at all. One thing I have notised about Crossfitters is that many are former bodybuilders, very few seem to have got that way from Crossfit alone. In terms of natural I think this guy is pretty good.