Steroids & The Alpha Male


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2012
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Los Angeles
I would like to hear from some true alphas please.

After much contemplation, research, and talk with friends who cycle, I am leaning towards hitting up a cycle of juice. The gym became a good part of my life senior year of high school and within three years I packed a massive amount of muscle on. I want to get as big as a used to be (5'9" - 175lbs. - less than 10% body fat), but not too big. I think one cycle would suffice.

Questions: What are your thoughts? Is this an alpha thing to do, or is this an AFC mentality?

By the way, I know I can get big again (I did before). I just want to buy time since I have a year and half left of college and know the girls on my campus drip over buff men. So it's not like I don't think I can bulk without juice.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Your d!ck will fall off, but that's okay. True alpha doesn't need a d!ck!


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2012
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Los Angeles
Your d!ck actually doesn't fall off - that's a common rumor.

You guys I am fully aware of all of the side effects. I also know how to mitigate them. So please, useless comments about my pen!s turning into a butterfly or any of that cr@p.

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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No comments from my part sincerly but would be great and helpful for all of us if you would open a thread on the health section and talk about your changes every 2 weeks.

Both physically and mentally,also post some numbers about your concentration level of testosterone in your blood in the beginning and during all the cycle, try to provide as much as possible in terms of info.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
its really a personal choice, but in my humble opinion, a lot of times guys who use steroids end up looking odd. they get muscular, but a lot of times it manifests very disproportionately. you get guys with abnormally huge traps or extra huge popeye arms, or their faces/head starts to look different etc...

my cousin did steroids when he was younger, and he was a lean slender boyish looking guy and it the roids made him look wide and boxy and his face looked old like his dads, it really didnt work out well for him.

on the opposite side i know of guys who looked like steve urkel and after a cycle of some weak **** they looked like the rock, so who knows. everyone will have different results.

personally im going to wait till im 40 or so and then ill get it prescribed as anti aging therapy.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Nothing wrong with a cycle or two to add some solid mass. Make sure you run a good anti-estrogen (nolvadex or arimidex) to hold off the water weight. Nothing more silly looking than a water bloated juicer. Most newbies gains are from water weight. Test should be your base. Stack that with a highly anabolic agent like winstrol or anavar and you should be set. 8 to 12 weeks should give you a significant increase in lean muscle mass. Eat clean and lift hard. A good whey protein isolate should also be added as a supplement especially after workout. My next advice would be to go to a board that actually knows about this topic. Asking whether juicing or not is AFC is kind of AFC itself. If you want to do it do it. Just make sure you do it correctly. In moderation you will not see much at all as far as side effects. Just my .02 cents. PM me if you have any questions.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
Pointless...once you stop cycle muscle will disappear...reason why they are called juiceheada...gotta stay on it so you keep the results..

Personally to me, people who take steroids are afraid of hard work and lifting heavy...I've seen a lot of guys who have used steroids that I would laugh at at the gym...


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2012
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The Windy City
Eh, personally I wouldn't use it. I'm a natural bodybuilder, so that's not something I want to do. Now when I get older in my 50s or so I may get some testosterone prescribed to keep my muscle, but hey that's just me.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
PackDaddy said:
I would like to hear from some true alphas please.

After much contemplation, research, and talk with friends who cycle, I am leaning towards hitting up a cycle of juice. The gym became a good part of my life senior year of high school and within three years I packed a massive amount of muscle on. I want to get as big as a used to be (5'9" - 175lbs. - less than 10% body fat), but not too big. I think one cycle would suffice.

Questions: What are your thoughts? Is this an alpha thing to do, or is this an AFC mentality?

By the way, I know I can get big again (I did before). I just want to buy time since I have a year and half left of college and know the girls on my campus drip over buff men. So it's not like I don't think I can bulk without juice.
if your going to do it, you have to make sure to plan everything out and make sure your knowledgeable of what your taking and what effects it will have on you, plus what are your goals. Depending on what your taking you also have to make sure your diet is in check and getting that protein in as well.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 17, 2005
Reaction score
That is how I view them, to be taken as an anti ageing drug when I can't maintain my body when I am older. There is a lot of misinformation about them, there are a lot of drugs which come under the steroid umbrella. Get the best body you can naturally with supplements, once you have done that, they maybe worth considering. It is certainly not AFC to take them, if you have developed a descent body naturally without them.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
PackDaddy said:
I would like to hear from some true alphas please.
Questions: What are your thoughts? Is this an alpha thing to do, or is this an AFC mentality?
So being an alpha is going to the gym and pump iron? :crazy:

Seriously, why the f*ck do you go ruin your health for some p*ssies...Not to mention why would you listen to your friends. You think if you go ask cocaine addicts if it's a bad idea to give it a try, you think they will say nah dawg don't do it. Of course they will say give it a try, you will start getting b*tches left and right or it'll make you a true alpha...That was just my example.

Don't take the easy way out and then having to pay consequences when you get older, unless you got no game or extremely hideous. I doubt anyone on this is site is hideous, just need some adjustments and good to go.

Don't go out and starting injecting sh*t into your body or buy a mercedes and end up not being able to pay it off just cuz you wanted to get some p*ssies and show the guys you're an alpha.

All I have been seeing on this site lately is PUMP IRON PUMP IRON IF YOU WANNA BE AN ALPHA.

You know what I'd say to those who tell me that in person? I'd say STFU and GTFO. You do you and I do me. I don't need to go pump jack sh*t like a mad man or inject any sh*t into my body, the only thing i'll be pumping is my c*ck inside your mom/girlfriend.

I'm skinny as hell due to my surgery a month ago, but now I'm feeling better, the doctor said I can go back to the gym. Which is what I'll do, in my spare time. It's not my top priority. You will see a lot of guys on here say you need to pump iron and dress nice, me on the hand, my top priority are my communication skills and my looks(guys say i'm ugly, but most girls too shy to talk, so I lean towards the girls, cuz why would I care about the guys lol).

I don't normally speak out, but when someone is thinking of putting his life in jeopardy for some p*ssies, I thought I'd speak up. In the end, it's your decision and good luck.

P.S post up a pic if you're that insecure. I can tell what you need to work on besides pumping iron. I love to prove people wrong. MUSCLES aint sh*t. That's just me. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Mauser96 said:
I've never done steroids....but am pretty sure just taking steroids will NOT make certain muscles grow and not others, lol. What you WORK is what grows.
I think hat he is saying is that certain muscles will grow faster than, if you work various muscle groups, one might grow faster than the others even if worked the same amount...

not exactly sure, but that's what I got out of it...


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
What are you running? What's your PCT? If you do it wrong then bye to your libido, liver and overall health. No comment on if its alpha or not but how old are you as well? If your under 21 its a bad idea. Playing with your hormones while your still prematurally developed is a no no. Also make sure your diet and training is in check. There so much more you could do naturally with diet before you even need a pro hormone or steroid. But we can't stop you.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
marmel75 said:
Pointless...once you stop cycle muscle will disappear...reason why they are called juiceheada...gotta stay on it so you keep the results..

Personally to me, people who take steroids are afraid of hard work and lifting heavy...I've seen a lot of guys who have used steroids that I would laugh at at the gym...
That is 100% wrong. Not meaning to argue but if you run a proper cycle and pct you keep 90% of your gains. People lose it all because they think steroids will magically grow muscle but there wrong. You ha e to work harder and harder and after your off then you use a pct to get your hormones back to normal, as long as you don't slack on training and your diet after you keep most of your gains. There would be no point in steroids or PHs if you lose it all when your off it


Don Juan
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
If you do my friend, make sure to get HCG to take along with it. So your nuts won't shrink. Also some Nolvadex so you won't grow btch tits. Otherwise you will have very small nuts and big lactating breasts along with the muscle ahhhhh


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Game617 said:
If you do my friend, make sure to get HCG to take along with it. So your nuts won't shrink. Also some Nolvadex so you won't grow btch tits. Otherwise you will have very small nuts and big lactating breasts along with the muscle ahhhhh
Broscience at its best. Nolva/Clomid is for a PCT , yes it inhibits prolactin (formation of ***** tits, thats the hormone that does it) but it also restores your libido. You will have no libido for a very long time after your cycle if you fail to do a proper PCT. However that is why a PCT is important and using a SERM like nolva/clomid so you can get your hormones back to a homeostatic environment inside your body.

To be honest, its people that do not do it right that give steroids and PHs a bad wrap. Honestly, if you do them wrong they are very harmful. But thats like saying if you inject a sodium solution into an artery versus a vein... youll bleed out because you did it wrong!

Research and knowledge are your best friends. Im sick of this sh1t. The whole point of PHs and Roids is to train past your natural ability, the only need for them is for when you reach your natural training capacity. Then you will need something, some outer source, to bust through your natural plateau. It is NOT for getting bigger faster, you can do that with a clean and healthy diet and proper training with discipline.

Im only 19 but jesus some people sicken me on this subject because they do not research! Fvcking do some research about everything you put in your body.

EDIT- wtf are you talking about HCG, thats a precursor to progesterone. That is why you take an AI, armatase inhibitor which controls prolactin, estrogen, and cortisol during a cycle.


Master Don Juan
Jul 31, 2012
Reaction score
marmel75 said:
I think hat he is saying is that certain muscles will grow faster than, if you work various muscle groups, one might grow faster than the others even if worked the same amount...

not exactly sure, but that's what I got out of it...
some muscles will grow faster than others, but also some muscles are going to be way overused more than others which can cause disproportion. thats why pro bodybuiolders try to make sure to develope everything evenly and proportionately as possible, and they have coaches to help them with this. a lot of these guys just taking **** and hitting the gym to get big end up looking odd in my opinion.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
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Hawaiian Jungles
bro my personal opinion on this is that steroids are afc as ****

let me break it down

why you gotta be that big?
I mean so big that you can't get there with just being normal about going to the gym?

you lack so much in game that steroids is your answer? like seriously, your game sucks SO BAD, that you feel like you have to compensate with even more muscles?

bro cycling steroids is money. last time I looked into it, to do it properly, its like $3-500 a month for all that insulin, liver protection, the steroids themselves, all that stuff. come on bro, get a hobby.

the gym should be a part of your life, not your life. when I see the big dudes in the gym, I am a little jealous like DAMN that dude is deadlifting like a beast or DAMN look at those pecs, but then I realize that mother ****er is spending like 3 hours a day, and hundreds of extra dollars for those, pretty much useless traits.

why dont you try to get a new hobby with all that time and enjoy your life?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 6, 2011
Reaction score
Hawaiian Jungles
but that above comment comes from someone who is in the top 10% of the population for testosterone so I'm not sure.

man just do crossfit and eat like a wild animal. look at those dudes, theyre all ripped and it takes like 30 minutes a day with no steroids.