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  1. B

    Sh!t testing in LTR.

    Ok... So if / when they do what I said in the first post... How do you respond to that particular test?
  2. B

    Sh!t testing in LTR.

    Errr.. Not quite in this case. We have sex daily and things are great 98% of the time. This behaviour only pops up for a day or two each month just before her period i.e PMS. All I need to know is how you'd deal with it.
  3. B

    Sh!t testing in LTR.

    I'm hitting a sticking point with a particular sh!t test that seems to have shown up a few times in my current LTR. Let me start of by saying the LTR is amazing 98% of the time. Now the 2% - probably period related. Sometimes if we go out, she'll sometimes start looking for an argument on...
  4. B

    She doesn't trust me

    Bear in mind: If your "dread" game goes too far, she will come to unconsciously resent it. Then, in the event that someone comes along who can supply the certainty / reassurance / stability she's craving, she'll cheat on you for it. Why? Because she knows she's too into you and it could hurt...
  5. B

    Flake help

    A lot of these 'I am tending to focus on the women who know a good opportunity when they see one' responses are extremely transparent.. it just comes off as insecurity. In my honest opinion, the game is OVER if she's willing to flake on you 3 times. It's over if she flakes twice. Would she do...
  6. B

    whats up fellas, very important question(for me)

    Dude, I know it's a stock answer but you need to "spin more plates" to avoid all this mental investment swallowing your energy up. She's playing games, she has low interest (which yes, will spike here and there when she feels you're rejecting her - human nature) but this type of situation can...
  7. B

    What am I doing wrong on the pickup?

    I haven't read all replies, so I may be repeating what others have said but: Firstly, it's a numbers game. Yes there are a lot of flakes / buyers remorse cases - if those 2 you mention are 2 out of 4, then the problem is that you are putting all your eggs in too few baskets. Approach more...
  8. B

    Foreplay/Sex Tips

    Take a look at this video. 3 pron stars explain the real way to go down on a chick (and if you think it's anything like what you see in pron, you're VERRRY mistaken). The vid is an hour long and goes into a lot of detail about what your average pvssy will respond to best. Obviously NSFW...
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    Question for anyone who ever got into the PUA nonsense

    The M3 model was good. The rest of it was all a money machine.
  10. B

    Here is what the research says is the most effective way to get women

    ^^ THIS. The research the OP mentioned is most likely from people who are presently in LTRs. Of course, it's true.. you can pull a hell of a lot of girls in your social circle, but if you're DJ'ing it, the wrath of scorned women will cause a lot of rifts and long term awkwardness within...
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    Damaged Goods

    A ONS is as far as I go if the damaged goods traits are visible enough.
  12. B

    This woman is frustrating me..what to do?

    If its not what you want, then move on. Or spin other plates too. It could work out to be pretty convenient for you. Women who are interested make excuses to see you, instead of excuses NOT to. If you have all your hopes on this woman, you're setting yourself up for some hard times ahead...
  13. B

    aguing with gf

    She sounds like a nightmare. Had one like that for 6 months. Trust me, you'll get tired of it very quickly. If she makes this kind of ****storm over a hoover, what else will she do it about?
  14. B

    First date follow up question

    If you leave it for a while, you'll find out for sure if she's interested or not. If she contacts you, then you'll know there's SOME interest. Then try getting a day 2. That said, you could just leave it a few days and then contact her. At this early stage it really doesn't matter...
  15. B

    Weird Chick

    True. That said, if you're okay with those terms and you don't give a fvck, then go for a SNL and never call her again.
  16. B

    You guys on here are fvcking pathetic

    Hahaha. I love it. Imagine some of the titles.. "Mick Jagger Discussion Forum" "How to become a REAL Mick Jagger" "What separates the players from the Mick Jaggers..." :D
  17. B

    I smell bs

    Would she say that to Brad Pitt if he invited her to tag along? Tell her you'll pay for her appetizer if she pays for your dessert.. and, don't expect her to reply, cause she wont. I admit, there may be a chance that if you agreed to her little condition and did all the right things on the...
  18. B

    started 30 direct day approaches.. have 7 questions

    I normally do the classic 'I can only stay a sec' WHILE taking a seat. As your game and calibration skills gets tighter, this happens less and less. Once you get that line, it saves energy to just forget it and move on. The lesson is to not trigger it in the first place. Qualifying is...
  19. B

    I wish AFCs didn't exist

    I don't buy it. I dont know what the angle/motivation is (besides making her look bad and get the guy to look like a chump).. but it's too fishy to be true. She'd have to be seriously stupid to post something with that kind of 'OTT subtext', and I doubt anyone's that silly. Some kind of...
  20. B

    Girl friend is losing interest! Help needed!

    If you want them to value you, you have to introduce some uncertainty into the situation. Think about it... if you found out tomorrow that you might loose your eyesight, it would become the single most important thing to you. When we have something available to us 24/7, it looses its value and...