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  1. M

    Women who flake

    Then that's not a specific counter-offer, is it? Plus, knowing that you were to meet the next day, she didn't call you back. BIG RED FLAG. But... you left a message the day before you were to meet up? Why? Had she asked you to confirm the day before (which is another sign given when actually...
  2. M

    when life won't cut you a break

    Aw, gee. When I saw Joekerr had posted a thread titled, "when life won't cut you a break", here I thought it was him posting another inspirational thought or two or three. Because, it was just a couple of days ago that I was let down, again, by life's circumstances, as it happens from time to...
  3. M

    Confronting games

    Potato, everything, by definition, can be said to be manipulation. Manipulation is attempting to elicit a certain response/action from someone. It's NOT a dirty word. When I stop a stranger on the street and say, "Excuse me, but would you please direct me to Main Street?" That's manipulation...
  4. M

    Women who flake

    You have to be more specific in what she said: Do you mean she says: "Can't make it. But let's make it another time. Give me a call. Maybe next week would be good?" Or did she say: "Can't make it, But I do want to see you. How's next Thursday evening? That's good for me. Is it good for you?"...
  5. M

    Women who flake

    I hear you, but I think you've possibly got an incorrect assessment on this. When a woman cancels/flakes, yes, I'd agree that she's out. But when she gives you that counter-offer, that's THE sign that's she's possibly genuine, but since we're not sure, you put her on "Pending Approval" to see...
  6. M

    The madness of a future Ex-wife

    I went through a divorce where a female driver, not looking, came out of a driveway and rammed into my rear passenger door as I was (obviously) passing by on the main road. Her insurance company called me saying it's evident she was entirely at fault and they paid for the damages totally. But...
  7. M

    Women who flake

    She asked about tonight? That was her counter-offer. Hmmmm. Try her again.
  8. M

    Women who flake

    >> Are you saying that if you can't get it done a certain number of days in advance you shouldn't try at all? >> No, I was saying don't make it for so soon and certainly don't make it for the weekend. If you spoke to her on Thursday, make the date for something like the following Wednesday...
  9. M

    Women who flake

    I hate to sound like a "Rules" guy - but I have to! They circumvent the unintentional doing of damage. Making a date for two days later, especially when it's for the weekend, does send a couple of messages - unconsciously - whether they're factual or not: 1. I may be the desperate kind; I wanna...
  10. M

    Which bible to read

    Anti-Dump (you can do a search of his posts) covers how to weed out the problematic women in order to next them until you find a keeper. I don't know if he covered certain points, but I see a couple of them in your post, so I thought I'd check in here. That silent treatment: that's a killer...
  11. M

    reengaging in the game

    Woggle! Forget her! Those are just more excuses being thrown at you! She just can't say NO. That's why she stalls and flakes on you. We know that about her already! This is a continuation of the same old method of hers. Can't say no, so she says "I do want to catch up!", making it sound like a...
  12. M

    Women who flake

    You have to practice Flake Prevention by tightening up your method. There are tell-tale signs usually that warn that she's making the date, but going to flake. Let's back up a little first. Women flake typically because they have no real interest in meeting you. They just find it difficult to...
  13. M

    knocked up a girl i've only known 3 months

    Get a paternity test, just to make certain. Then if it's yours, pay for what's yours: the child support. You may be able to work out fairer terms with the mother than what the law says. Then, to help pay for your child support, consider marketing your Ninja Sperm that makes barren women...
  14. M

    moment of truth

    I'll bet this has been on the husband's mind for some time, which is why he brought up the question, as he wanted to confirm the answer. Probably because there's some suspicious things that have happened that led his mind there. And with good reason, apparently. So, she's admitting basically...
  15. M

    Mental state

    We all have times we're in the groove and not. All right, but, this does mean that we have it inside us all the time, this capability, otherwise it could never happen at all. How to make it happen when you're not in the zone? Pre visualizing it may help as it guides you to "being there". See...
  16. M

    Date with a lawyer tomorrow!!

    3rd date would still be rushing things. Let me ask you, what's your goal with women? Is it to have a series of ONS, get a FB, find a long term girlfriend?
  17. M

    reengaging in the game

    But you're beating a dead horse. This thing now only exists in your mind. She's not there. She has left the building and you're still trying to figure out what door you should open in the building to find her standing there. And should you leave the building and run up to wherever she is and...
  18. M

    How To Control The Frame

    Doesn't calling and not leaving a message also risk coming off as somewhat creepy? Almost like a hang up? If I saw someone's caller ID popping up all the time and never leaving a message, I'd think they're trying to get me when I'm in but not letting me know they're calling. Comes off like...
  19. M

    Isn't it a bit late for her to start playing hard to get?

    Her thought is probably more along the lines of "I think he's hot, but what will my friends think of me if they know I'm attracted to him?" and that's because SHE perceives that you don't meet some imagined "standard", and that's because SHE cares more about how she's perceived. For that type...
  20. M

    reengaging in the game

    That's a very weak approach, woggle. And considering how she's not returned messages and has flaked on you, and has demonstracted by her actions that she's not interested, all you're doing is begging for more. Never speak to mutual friends about your love life. There are a number of reasons...