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  1. M

    Ugly situation

    True, that women, people, are unique individuals. However, in this respect, all people are the same: they all have the same common human behaviors. It's part of the human condition. If she may not understand, what's the point in communicating. Might as well speak French to an Italian. You're...
  2. M

    why cheating hurts the cheater most

    In my first marriage, I cheated. In my second marriage, I didn't. I had the same tingling sensation in my loins during both marriages. I cheated and I didn't cheat, because of my choices, not because of any tingling. Your natural urge for sex just makes you want to have sex. It doesn't make...
  3. M

    BPD & Attraction. Conclusion: You're playing with a loaded deck.

    This is a common mindset of the emotionally abused partner in an emotionally abusive relationship (as the dysfunctional partner, due to BPD or other, is being emotionally abusive): the thinking that it's YOU who must be doing the "wrong" things that have turned your partner into this "alien"...
  4. M

    Are all females with the name Kelly crazy?

    >> One is a teacher who describes herself as being brutally honest.>> "Brutally Honest" is one of those terms that are a red flag to me when a woman describes herself as such. Brutally Honest woman-speak adjective. synonyms: a. "I'm very direct". b. "I will always tell you what I'm...
  5. M

    article: what women want from men.

    "We had this amazing sex in my room, and afterwards, I went downstairs. When I came back up a while later to see what he was doing, he had cleaned my entire bedroom!" Sure, she loves that anal neat freak now, but here's how it ends up down the road: "On November 13, Felix Unger was asked to...
  6. M

    why cheating hurts the cheater most

    Yes, I recall reading that research paper in the Journal of Evolutionary Scientists in May 1989. Fascinating. Thanks for enlightening us as to the particulars. The urge to merge is biological/physical, but so is the urge to eat and crap and scratch our butts and be comfortable. Doesn't mean we...
  7. M

    Ugly situation

    It's not that it's an "act of submission". It's that confrontation doesn't go anywhere. She'll deny. She'll lie. You'll escalate into an argument, get emotional. You'll demand she change, you'll plead, you'll bargain, she'll play along. That's what happens. The confrontation should be calm...
  8. M

    Ugly situation

    He may obscure the truth and lie as well. Or deny everything. He may belittle your manhood and laugh at you. Or not speak with you at all. Or even worse: He may tell you every graphic detail of his sexing your woman. Things she did with him that she'd never do with you. Once you hear any of...
  9. M

    Ugly situation

    My strong guess is she called her boyfriend, Captain Save-a-Ho, and he came and fetched her. We made arrangements for her to come pack her stuff and move it out. It was the most difficult episode of my life, so far. You were probably correct in your assumption that this was not an innocent...
  10. M

    Ugly situation

    The problem with confronting is that the cheater typically answers in one of three ways: 1. Deny 2. Tell you you're imaging things 3. Accuses you of being the cheater Even if they admit to it, they won't tell you the whole truth. And since she's shown she can lie to you, you won't even know if...
  11. M

    The Rock vs. The Cushion

    I think what you've described as being the "cushion" is not actually a cushion, it's not an airbag of sorts. In fact, I know it's not. What you've described the cushion as her 'feeling desired, sense of security' are emotional needs women have. If the "rock" is their "object of desire/lust"...
  12. M

    Your input on how this went

    >> I unknowingly enacted DJ principles with her by not giving a fvck, but giving her enough to make her go crazy for me.>> Just a thought: I think the way it works is that you didn't give her enough - and that's why she was crazy for more. >> she got transfered to a city roughly 40 mins. from...
  13. M

    Does sleeping around decrease your value?

    ...Coming up next, on NBC Dateline.
  14. M

    My First Next

    Why get hissy at all? I mean, when someone flakes, naturally, you're not going to like it and you'll have a moment to experience that lousy feeling, but then your brain needs to check in and say, "Okay, Self. She flaked. This stuff happens, don't dwell on it. Instead, you know what that means...
  15. M

    I actually encountered something new

    Well, you may be hustling other numbers, but something went wrong with that last one, and you wouldn't want to go through new girls and unintentionally repeat old mistakes, true? One of the pitfalls on this forum, as I see it, is the tendency for some guys to thump their chests and say "it's...
  16. M

    My First Next

    You did well. Obviously she decided that seeing her GF was more of a priority then respecting the plans she had with you. That warrants not just a next for tonight, but forever. And if she calls, you have to hear a sincere apology - not an excuse - along with an offer that she makes of her own...
  17. M

    Women who claim they are sweet people

    Isn't that feeling of lightbulbs exploding on, casting light on your life events and finally making sense of it all, just simply wonderful? Glad to help. High interest is what you're seeing there. "Insecure" would be a message from her blasting you for not calling or hurting because "you're so...
  18. M

    Does sleeping around decrease your value?

    When I was much younger, I thought nothing of screwing married women. After some near scrapes and personal growth, I'd still like to bang some married women, yet I think there are, in being a man, some values more important then getting an itch scratched. What is a man? The woman may be the one...
  19. M

    I actually encountered something new

    It doesn't matter much if she's fresh out of a relationship and is looking for ego strokes, because just about everybody on the rebound fits that description. And if she's anywhere near hot looking, it won't be long before she hooks up with somebody and if that somebody really attracts her, it...
  20. M

    Gut Feeling Vs Reality

    Correct. Unless you're overly paranoid or jealous and creating those emotions through your own imagination, you can't have a gut feeling that something's amiss unless there's something amiss to create that gut feeling. Like a detective who has a hunch about something because the facts don't seem...