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  1. M

    FR: Girl making dinner. A "special one"

    Happens in business too when you're dealing with women. Earlier today had a business appointment with a prospect cancel. She claimed her mother was on the way to the hospital and needed her. Sound familiar? I ask you to consider: How is it that these emergencies coincidentally occur at the same...
  2. M

    A weird thing happened with a girl and I and need advice...

    <<Early last week I went over to this girl's house that I hooked up with a couple weeks before. We had some wine and a good talk and everything was great. Then, there's a knock on the door, a family member comes in and drops some things off. He is very nervous but is nice to me, I know for a...
  3. M

    is this acceptable behavior by gf?

    " CHeating begins when one party turns OUTSIDE the primary relationship to a third person in order to fill emotional or physical needs ." That's right, because the DECISION to step outside has already been made in their heart or mind (whichever floats your boat). Therein lies the point of...
  4. M

    I suck at leaving Voice Mail

    Ditto some of the other posters. Just because there's such a thing as VM doesn't mean you have to abide by it. These are TOOLS and you USE them to YOUR benefit. You haven't been and that's why it doesn't work for you. You've just been going along with the program. Here's my standard message for...
  5. M

    Fooling around with no complete sex,first night, need advice can't detach myself yet

    What I think: Well, no offense, but the description of your time together does sound to me like two little kids on a date, what with hanging out with daddy and playing guitar hero and all, except for the BJ part. But other then that, don't, don't, don't get so attached already. Are you...
  6. M

    FR: Girl making dinner. A "special one"

    >> there is often some "crisis" of the day that they always claim to pre-empt/excuse their flaking. I'm learning to simply next.>> Exactly. Guys give the benefit of a doubt when the excuse sounds plausible and they rationalize it when it's not plausible. I take the position that if the girl's...
  7. M

    FR: Girl making dinner. A "special one"

    >> the problem is I was not so thrilled of her bringing the dish to the class in the first place anyway.>> The thing is, that's what she offered, and she offered to bring it to class, she didn't offer to have you come over for dinner. You have to think on why that's so. If she was interested in...
  8. M

    how do you guys survive without contact with a woman?

    I got hugged a lot when I was baby AND breastfed, so I'm good if I'm without for a while...
  9. M

    Matrix is becoming more than the norm (wife cheating thread)...

    >> together since sr. year of high school, They have a 5 year old and a 1 year old. She yelled at him, she threw temper tantrums >> This story always seems to end the same damn way. Sorry to hear it happened to your friend. I can't believe other men are taking the Oprahish position telling...
  10. M

    FR: Girl making dinner. A "special one"

    >> She texted me saying she was at the hospital all day today because she had to take her brother to the hospital. She will be coming to the dance though >> You're not at all wondering how if her brother's condition/treatment required her being at the hospital **all day long**, that she can be...
  11. M

    Need advice for extreme approach anxiety!

    >> the only girls I get are ones that are interested in me first. Tonight, at an outdoor concert, a girl with a 9 body and a 7 face was dancing in front of me. Her nice ass kept hitting against me. >> Which means she was interested in you first. >> I tried to mutter some words to start...
  12. M

    Bored? I've got a long story and need advice.

    This most likely isn't what you're looking for, but I thought I'd cover it. When I read stories like yours, I get a good laugh, honestly, because the guy describes a lousy situation with a lousy chick, but then always asks for advice on how to get her to stay. C'mon, that's funny! You have this...
  13. M

    What is love? Baby don't hurt me lol

    The ancient Greeks had different words to describe different types of love, whereas we English speaking people only have one, and that's part of the problem with understanding what love is because without those definitions the concept of love doesn't make sense when attributes of one kind are...
  14. M

    Do chumps realize they are mocked by women?

    To "mock" someone means to make fun of them by mimicking them, it's like a contemptuous ridiculing, it isn't easily mistaken for being humorous, mocking comes off as mean-spirited, angry, spiteful. I don't get that making a joke about his shirt design having to be drug inspired was mockery...
  15. M

    A new hope

    Dude, you are so getting played. She's sussing you out to see if you're really as aloof as some of your statements seem to make you out to be, but then you're letting her know you're really NOT. Such as telling her "let's just let things develop naturally. We really can't tell how it will...
  16. M

    A quick question....

    She was verbally abused for four months, and the result is she's had suicidal thoughts? Sadly, she sounds seriously damaged. She also appears depressed and flip flops on how she feels at any give moment? Plus getting drunk to boot. She's unfortunately a mess. There's nothing you can do for her...
  17. M

    Do chumps realize they are mocked by women?

    I do think guys don't realize sometimes when they're being put down. But how do you know she was mocking him and wasn't simply negging him?
  18. M

    Whats better: a wealthy, successful "7" or a regular "10"?

    You would choose the one that treats you with respect, no drama and who adores you and whom you don't have to support. Not who has the better ass.
  19. M

    Look at this! I met a cheating wife on Craigslist

    >> It's not even about jerking off or not anymore. >> That's true. Even with the hottest chick, you're still a guy. You'll still jerk off. Even if it's fantasizing about the last time you tapped her.
  20. M

    "The path" is a LIE!

    It's always been the ploy of the weak to dismiss any virtue as conforming to the mold as that's easier done then being strong.