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  1. M

    Brooke Shields laments ageism

    Maybe so, but I still wish more of them would. Unless you really, really like pancakes. Poor Brooke is simply having it dawn on her that life is shorter then she thought it was. Like the song says, "You don't know what you have 'till it's gone".
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    Young women and daddy issues

    In general, I think what happens is that they believe that they MUST act that way to keep control and/or respect over the men they supervise. I think they believe that to keep their new position, they MUST exercise that level of power over others or have their superiors think they're not worthy...
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    The relationship between sex and marriage - from Hef himself

    Of course he's gotten, and still gets (to his surprise), women through his celebrity status, no DOUBT about it. But his AFCism can be seen all the way back to when he was creating Playboy magazine. Keep in mind this guy was promoting a life style where what made you the cool guy were things like...
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    Mainland Chinese Guurlfriend

    You don't think China Doll gets that agressive because she's trying to obtain something out of you, like... money? Go to, go to the forums ("Not your Father's PMB") and read through "Cheap Thrills" for reviews on asian massage parlors (AMPs) and hear all about the...
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    The relationship between sex and marriage - from Hef himself

    The article is a good piece of self-promotion. Insofar as the link between sex and marriage, apparently even Hef himself doesn't know how to keep a relationship decently hot. Doesn't mean it can't be done. He gets dumped by women. He also keeps in touch with exes. They LJBF him. He gets used by...
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    Return of the macho man

    I'm with Str8up on this one. And I have hair on my chest and muscles on my arms. Yet I dress nicely, keep my hair styled, I'm very involved in the arts and I'm masculine and 100% hetero. You can't trust everything you read, women don't really prefer "macho" men, they prefer "masculine" men...
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    Should I tell her

    Instead of lashing out at Warrior, you oughtta take in what he says humbly. You're not the first guy to post a tale like yours where the rest of us plainly see the AFC mind set, and you're not the first guy who gets all defensive and snarky when some guy deals advice to him bluntly. Get over it...
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    Should I proceed with this one?

    An email after three months is NOT a possible "sign of interest". It's a tickler to see if you'll feed her some attention now that she's had a fight with her BF or they broke up or she wants someone with whom to make him jealous again. If she WAS interested, she would've dumped her BF months ago...
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    A little help??

    So if you happen to run across her out somewhere, you act civil, smile and say "hey! nice to see ya. Gotta run!" and go. And otherwise keep her out of your life. They had their shot, but they decided to end things, they're messed up, whatever... you don't need that sub-par treatment in your life...
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    She cheated...

    >> Yep, its her husbands/boyfriends fault for not being able to read her mind/signals and failing to hit the spot. >> Nah, that's not what the author is saying. She's just describing the environment that motivates a woman to cheat. If the guy neglects her or takes her for granted, he's...
  11. M

    Why do low value girls love the game more?

    I just get that she wasn't interested, dude. Why make it out to be all about her issues? Can't take the hit?
  12. M

    When the ultimate flake comes crawling back

    That wasn't the point. The point was that a woman who flaked, who then recycles back later in time, is contacting you because of some need on her part, but not because of interest in you. Could be any one of a number of things. The guy of course starts thinking he has a shot at her now, and he...
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    LTR Attraction Rekindle Advice

    Let me tell you something about womens' "insights" about men: first, this is ONE woman's interpretation, it may not speak for the female population in general and she hasn't (I assume) dated dozens and dozens of women nor been in LTRs with any. which would deprive her of first hand experiences...
  14. M

    When the ultimate flake comes crawling back

    Hey man, how are ya? Read this thread: The chick calls a guy a year after she flaked on him, and it turns out she doesn't even remember the dude's name, ROTFL. But note the answers as to why a chick like that calls (especially my answer...)
  15. M

    Sh!t test or what?!

    edger, I'm surprised you didn't point out this one was an Attention Wh@re! I'd agree with you this time if you did LOL Backinthegame, in the 9 months she was flirting with you, you weren't available to her. She could play. Have her fun. Send you back to your GF when she was done. Came the day...
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    Just Initiated Break Up:Hindsight question

    His take, and I kind of agree with it, is that it appears to him that guys posting their relationship woes here are mostly guys who got into relationships with either the wrong girl, too soon, too fast, or they don't know how to navigate relationships, so until they do and/or figure out how to...
  17. M

    Has the world gone mad?

    Brother, that's so right. Similarly, these older, heavier women that, when they get divorced, then decide they need to lose weight and/or get a tummy tuck, breast lift, face lift, whatever, because they're back in the dating game and they want to hopefully attract the guys - which makes me...
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    women contacting you after a year

    It's a slow day, the guys she really would like to hang with either aren't available or she doesn't have those options at the moment; she's starved for some attention; she's had a fight with her old man; she's bored; every guy she's been meeting has been a jerk or a wuss; she's looking to branch...
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    Q1 Field Report

    My analysis so you can 'fine tune your ability to handle these kind of situations': >> we talk for months over email and IM, but I never agreed to meet up with her because >> You have to do what we actors do, and that's 'turn it on' and just do it and put aside your woes. It's always best to...
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    Hot n cold woman

    "Wow, I'm so impressed by your resolve to multitask."