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  1. M

    Advice: Addiction

    So you swapped one habit for another. Both habits are about creating pleasure sensations in your brain. Just thought I'd give you that insight, if it gives you something to think about.
  2. M

    LTR Attraction Rekindle Advice

    No, never overlook. Always be observant. Don't minimize a woman's actions. When she demands something, rather then threatening the relationship, stop her with: "Hmmm. I'll think about it." Then never do it. How does she know that mentioning Jason hurts you? Probably by your retaliatory...
  3. M

    Advice - Confrontation

    I don't think it's necessarily about being a pacifist. It's about practicing restraint. Choose your battles wisely.
  4. M

    No sex? There's the door honey.

    Yes, that's how I meant "dominance". There's a difference between being a leader and being domineering. And women don't eventually dump jerks? Of course they do, when the pain of the abuse is greater then the reward. They're not with the jerk because they want abuse. I'm talking about...
  5. M

    Former DJ... now recovering to be a DJ again!

    When first meeting, I lean myself back in order to create a void to see if they'll lean in and to not signal my interest to them via my body language. And I also don't touch them until they've touched me first (even then I don't touch them and that makes them amazingly more aggressive)...
  6. M

    "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for FREE?"

    I do believe that adage is also used by men to explain why there's no need to marry the chick. But in any event, this expression came from a time long ago when people customarily looked to get married, and it was considered advice for single young ladies to help improve their odds at landing a...
  7. M

    No sex? There's the door honey.

    Women are the ones that terminate relationships most of the time, exit them, file for the majority of divorces, and why? There are only a handful of reasons, and some of the big primary ones are when they feel dominated, abused (emotionally or physically), neglected or taken for granted...
  8. M

    No sex? There's the door honey.

    That sheds a different light on my take of the sitch. I'd say that she's probably beginning to feel used a bit. I still think you handled it well at that moment, yet maybe you wanna do a little "relationship routine maintenance" in the next week or so just so she feels loved and understood and...
  9. M

    Former DJ... now recovering to be a DJ again!

    Sorry that the ex turned out to be a creep, but at least she got flushed out soon enough rather then years down the road and your story of your comeback is inspirational. Congratulations on it all. Actually better: you lost 64 pounds of pure fat and gained 5 pounds of muscle. As you probably...
  10. M

    Letter on my windshield...

    That's Woman Code for "not slender". If she was slender, she wouldn't be telling you what she's not. She'd be telling you, bragging, boastful, about what she is (like, "Long legs, not an ounce a fat on this body!"). Still, may be acceptable to you and so, worth a look-see. ...She has enough...
  11. M

    No sex? There's the door honey.

    Then let me suggest this: women are not static creatures. Just because she did something yesterday does not mean that tomorrow she'll feel the same way. Just because she had high interest before doesn't mean that can't change along the way. Am I right? They go from "I love you" to "I don't know...
  12. M

    Letter on my windshield...

    I was out with a gal pal at a bar and when she went to the bathroom, another chickie came up to me and asked if that was my wife or S.O. I said no, and she hands me a note containing her phone number, telling me I was the handsomest man she's ever seen. Wow. So I think leaving notes is just a...
  13. M

    No sex? There's the door honey.

    I get that she was trying to get you to turn off the movie and get to sexing when she was rubbing you and kissing your neck and all, and you didn't, but instead kept watching the movie and maybe ignoring her some? So later, she decides to pay you back in kind, seeing you as selfish for wanting...
  14. M

    Shy girls

    Okay. Let's assume she's shy. A shy girl that's really interested will still let you know that she's really interested. But you didn't describe anything that speaks towards her interest so I'm not going to sit here saying maybe she is when it seems she's not. I found, over time, that the best...
  15. M

    my first real post....

    She gave you her phone number without you asking for it - that's usually a sign of high interest to begin with. DON'T talk about game with women. DON'T ask questions like, "so, what was it about me that appealed to you?" because it signals that you want your ego stroked - and that signals...
  16. M

    Shy girls

    You mean "still conversing", not "still interested". Looking to the side, short answers, seemingly nervous aka "fidgety", those are all signs of low to no interest. She's talking to you to be civil. If she was fully engaged with you, kept steady eye contact, smiles while talking, leans in to...
  17. M

    Nighthawk's back - with a girl problem, o noes

    Recall I wrote that "A woman can have high interest, BUT come across a deal killer. Then she has to lose that interest, knowing that she has to get out. And women can do that." and it seems to me she went back to find a known entity to fall back on in case she had to exit. This is all a...
  18. M

    Got a 20 yr old's # ... now what?

    I dislike small talk. It's boring. And in text messaging, it serves no purpose. It's just idle chit chat. Doesn't build interest. Has no purpose. I was in a convo yesterday over coffee with a new plate. Our conversation was akin to a flowing river where whatever she said became the springboard...
  19. M

    Got a 20 yr old's # ... now what?

    Two texts in one day + a girl who you haven't had a first date = Too much, too soon. I'd back off more then a couple of days. Call her Sunday night to meet up with her on Thursday. I have to disagree with wise Jeffst1980, though. I don't see her looking you up on facebook and texting you as...
  20. M

    Got a 20 yr old's # ... now what?

    Hey darkstarrr, I get this vibe from your post that you're smitten by her. Try to see her as just another woman. It's not you older man and she younger girl, it's you man, she woman. There's a chick I'm in a play with right now, she's 22. That's 32 years younger then me. Her dad's my age for...