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  1. M

    From 12 year Reserves to Active!

    Hey! That's a shaming statement! Oh, maybe I had it wrong. She was going after you, a hot chick trying to bed you for a full ten years and you finally were horny enough to let her? Then it was on your terms. My bad. But I didn't need to know about your shoulder fetish. Yet you know...
  2. M

    From 12 year Reserves to Active!

    “D!ck in a glass case. In case of emergency, break open glass.” - Chris Rock She lets you think it's on your terms. Truth is, she's deciding she wants it now.
  3. M

    Got a 20 yr old's # ... now what?

    What makes you think you HAVE to respond so quickly, unlike the 20-something boys in her life with their thumbs at the ready, heads bowed at the altar of text? What if she got to wondering about you and why you haven't responded, and then you contact her in a day, because, you're a busy guy, and...
  4. M

    The "Shaming" thread

    What I do find alarming is Obama's intent in establishing the council on women and girls, according to the author: "He says the council's job will be to ensure that the feminist agenda saturates public policy on all levels". I also think the author is somewhat misguided in thinking that men and...
  5. M

    "nine reasons people cheat"

    Quotes from the Yahoo article, "9 Reasons People Cheat" The premise of the article is incorrect. "Certain situations" do NOT CAUSE people to cheat. To cheat is to make a the choice to cheat. "Certain situations" merely create the environment where cheating can occur. The definition of...
  6. M

    From 12 year Reserves to Active!

    If it happens, make sure you wear a condom, and destroy its contents when your mission is accomplished, soldier. You may be in the MakeMePreggo Zone.
  7. M

    Interesting article and comment about Julia Roberts being too old

    Thinking on this article further, I'll bet it's that the writer figured to use the "age bias" thing as the slant to make it "newsworthy". I mean, how much less newsworthy would it have been to write a piece saying "Julia Roberts doesn't have much talent".
  8. M

    Think I’m being played. Any views?

    Harkens back to my point about controlling the environment. You're right, I missed that. She didn't have to say it to get you to go. Right. But she said it for a purpose, and by default, I don't take women for what it *seems* they mean. It could've been, but then, maybe she was baiting you...
  9. M

    The "Shaming" thread

    Use any of these when anyone tries to tell you how to live according to their world: "Is that a fact?" "Really?" "Is that so?" And why do you hang with these people? The last woman who was verbally critical of me in not conforming to her paradigm I dropped from my orbit in 2005 after she...
  10. M

    Interesting article and comment about Julia Roberts being too old

    Maybe there is a God? Another comment there reads: "The man [Clive Owen, her co-star] at 44 is not "over with", but the woman who pulled in godzillions of dollars is." Of course, that woman, Julia Roberts, who pulled in 'godzillions of dollars' could do so in her prime as the lead, drawing on...
  11. M

    Think I’m being played. Any views?

    You've only been played if you were, for example, buying them drinks. You weren't, were you? >> Girl (1) she’s attractive, walks up beside me alone as we are going to the nightclub and says, "I’m staying with Girl (2) tonight, but it doesn’t have to be that way" >> Yet, it turned out that...
  12. M

    Retribution or Forgiveness?

    Could be, BUT she chose to behave in an inappropriate way. And, unlike Miss McShytNugget, even though now you were having a bad day, YOU chose to conduct yourself in a very upright and appropriate manner. Good for you. This is part of being a Man. You don't relish having to stand up for...
  13. M

    Becoming less submissive

    What I've found is that it's useless to *argue* about most things. That just raises their defenses and there are so many ploys that people use, inherently, when arguing (like going off-topic, bringing up old grudges, shifting blame, rationalizations, etc) that it just becomes a routine that...
  14. M

    Two random questions about women...

    Because cars don't come with lots of closets. Because after getting married, 9.9 out of 10 women get to hate their husbands and make themselves unattractive so he'll leave them alone. Also see: "Why do women get fat after marriage?"
  15. M

    Get back ex or move on with the next?

    Sure that's annoying. Maybe she has that gut feeling that things aren't what they should be or maybe she's just insecure, but you know what? No one's ever going to be 100% great all the time anyway. Yopu feel bad because you argued with her, and you really like her and don't want to come off...
  16. M

    Get back ex or move on with the next?

    It's too bad you weren't honest about the nature of your relationship with her up front and during these last two and a half years (that you didn't consider it "exclusive"), one reason being because she can now never fully trust you. And if you're with her, then there will be times she brings it...
  17. M

    $43 million post-nup not enough!

    You can't avoid child support. Last time I got married, I had my then fiance sign a pre nup that basically stated "what I earn is mine, and what you earn is yours". Her GIRL friends urged her not to sign it, but she was in love and she did. Honestly, women ought to see pre nups as being VERY...
  18. M

    "I'm seeing other guys, just wanted to be honest"

    Yeah, I see how well it's working :) I think the problem you're describing could be worked this way: Don't ask Ms. Popular out for a weekend night. Make it for a Monday or Wednesday (IOW, a weeknight) instead of when she's more likely to have things scheduled. Yeah, that's why you're posting...
  19. M

    "I'm seeing other guys, just wanted to be honest"

    Yeah, I hear ya. In this case, she happened to utter it. Maybe she didn't neccesarily want to LJBF him at this point but felt she had to "issue a warning statement" of some kind to the OP? There's probably more to this story then we know, that's my hunch.
  20. M

    Reasons why men should NOT ever have a "girlfriend"

    If you're in a committed, exclusive relationship, doesn't that by definition means there are no others? That's right, and it's been discussed in these forums before that Don Juan is not really the best icon to describe what this site was meant to help us attain to as men. So you get guys here...