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  1. M

    What do you make of this text that I got after the 1st date?

    >> because If a girl is into you, no mind games of missing you will mean jack **** >> I'd have to seriously, seriously disagree with that. If a chick is into you, and you dissapear for a couple of days, it ramps up her desire for you. It's a very strong psychological pull. Look at it this way...
  2. M

    How many times...?

    This might very well be another area where Jophil and I agree, and everyone else may disagree. I simply think he and I have been at this longer. The guys that disagree will tell you about the time they persued a flake and three months later happened to nail her. Jophil and I tend to think that...
  3. M

    How many times...?

    >> How many times will you ask a Girl to meet you? >> Once. They'll either say "yes" or find a thousand different ways to say "no" without usually saying the word itself. >> ME: "I mean you gave me your number...what did you think I wanted?" >> If you find yourself saying anything like that...
  4. M

    how difficult is it to date HOT women who are under 25, when you are 50+ yrs old?

    You may not be factoring in that life isn't a straight path, that it's impacted by randomness, dead ends, obstacles and unforeseen circumstances. I think it's a trait of your age to make such plans; my son, who's in his 20's, also has a tendency to map it out. I'm saying that a factor may be...
  5. M

    What is sex like with a woman who is in her fifties and sixties?

    Does she date other guys or are you bragging about your prowess?
  6. M

    how difficult is it to date HOT women who are under 25, when you are 50+ yrs old?

    Exactly what I'd like to hear Miss Teen USA say if asked by Perez Hilton.
  7. M

    What do you make of this text that I got after the 1st date?

    Wondering: Why did she say that saying goodbye was awkward? She sent you that text immediately after the date and you replied right back? Silence for a few days after every date for a while is always good. Keeps them guessing. Keeps them on their toes. Makes them miss you. And it's also always...
  8. M

    Why walking away is your only real option

    Anything else that could be written about this (and make no mistake about it, more can certainly be written) is summed up in the above. For no matter what you do next, if it's engaging in contact with her, you become the mouse to her cat, period. And they will do that to stop you from becoming...
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    I'll tell you this: there's a dude I knew who was doing just that: emailing jokes to girls he met and if he got into a topic with some chick he met he'd send out more boring info he dug up about whatever the topic was. Long story short, he was striking out left and right with the girls. One of...
  10. M

    Should I proceed with this one?

    >> I'm almost falling asleep thinking about this. >> Dwell on something else. She's not dwelling on you. >> I see what you are saying. Shall I reply?>> That seems to be an oxymoron. Look, she lives far away, she writes intermittently just to stay in orbit, never showed true interest in you...
  11. M


    No. Why not? You may inadvertently offend a chick with the humor (you send out a joke about a gay midget with cancer and it turns out her cousin is a midget or her brother is gay or that her mother died of cancer, for example, or they just read it the wrong way) and turn her off to you or they...
  12. M

    how difficult is it to date HOT women who are under 25, when you are 50+ yrs old?

    If you can maintain your physique and looks, and have money, then it makes it a bit easier to attract women under 25. You'll attract golddiggers and nutjobs with daddy complexes, but so be it. If you're good looking, groom yourself and dress fashionably well (nice clothes, right fit), you will...
  13. M

    New world record set for worst AFC moment

    What happens is that both men and women build a fantasy idea of what the other person is like. The more they email and IM, the more they feed that fantasy. They envision this is the greatest person ever. Consider that they don't see the day to day warts and boils of everyday life with that...
  14. M

    to persue her or just give it up

    Hey, if you really think she's "damaged goods", then why are you making a lunch date with her and bothering asking for advice on how to proceed and recover from your screwing it up and calling her a "real dish" with a "great personality"? In caps, even. It really sounds more like you're calling...
  15. M

    Talking about ex´s with new girls - Tactical advice

    That's what I hear too: speak nicely of the ex. A brief, "hey, it just wasn't meant to be, but I wish her all the best" and change the topic seems to be a good way to go. Not only do you then come off as okay and not deranged because of a breakup, but classy too. You're sending the signal that...
  16. M

    Ex comes back and tells me something awful

    Emotional Attachment can bring that crippling emotional pain when our "Love Object" leaves us, either by exiting the relationship or by death. But note that it's to the degree we've attached ourselves that we became dependent on that person that we suffer. That's what Emotional Attachment is...
  17. M

    All she wants to do is Fvk!!

    >> this cant continue forever, I know that! what usually happens eventually in this situation? >> I have a similar "problem". This past weekend we must've hit the sack at least 20 times. I was completely, literally drained. She's insatiable. Says she can't get enough of me. She stayed...
  18. M

    Ex comes back and tells me something awful

    When something doesn't make sense, that's typically the big clue that it's bullshiite. Hey, this is a woman who cheats on her husband, correct? Even misleads the person she's cheating with into thinking there is no husband. Who'd then expect her to be truthful? I wouldn't trust ANYTHING she has...
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    Lose your job? You suck.

    >> Have Gender Roles Reversed in Your Home? Tell ABC News. >> Ah, how the media bashes men. What about all the female CEOs, other businesswomen, female doctors, even Presidential candidates, positions that were traditionally occupied by males? Note that's all considered equal op and...
  20. M

    Getting sh!t tested by a 20 year old!

    He's probably tired of her antics. You know what they say: whenever you see a beautiful woman there's a guy somewhere real glad to be rid of her. "Oh, I was sleeping" is on page one of their Excuse Book. Texting can get you caught in their game if you're using it like they do. When they...