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  1. N

    You're biggest fvck up with a chick.

    I left my greatest failures in college thankfully but let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we: 1. Met a girl my junior at a party. Danced with her for a couple of songs and then she put her number in my phone and said "Call me anytime." We played telephone tag for a bit and I finally ran...
  2. N

    Dealing With **** Tests in Social Circles

    Here's a tricky one I dealt with last night. So I'm hanging out at a house party with a bunch of dudes and girls I've known since college, some better than others. I'm a new man now, a better person all in all but sometimes I revert back to my old ways-- or better yet-- am afraid to express...
  3. N

    How to handle "bad behavior" and rudeness from women who clearly are into you?

    Dealing With **** Tests In Social Circles delete
  4. N

    Mega Oneitis...

    This was tough to read especially because I have stories just like it. What stands out reading some of my old journals and reading yours here is just how melodramatic they are. It's a girl man. Seriously, we're talking about a girl. One girl. A girl man. A girl you didn't even get sexual...
  5. N

    have i wrecked it or is there still a chance?

    Painful. Interesting how you said you knew what you were doing was wrong and yet you still did it. Not saying I'm above that either. :D But really, it's the biggest impediment to success. Even worse than when you just don't know any better.
  6. N

    New rating scale for girls may change your life

    Putting this to work. Nice!
  7. N

    Girls who don't talk much..

    Granted I'm more talkative than I used to be, but I've had girls in the past tell me they loved that they could be with me in silence and it's not awkward. If you don't act uncomfortable, they won't either.
  8. N

    I hate this [FR]

    THIS. She was interested. But for some reason you had a negative perception going into the date, during the date and leaving the date that you couldn't see it. Just my opinion, though, of course :D
  9. N

    Could really use support, stuck in a huge rut.

    I spent the first two years out of college going to big clubs. Had some success but a lot of the time girls just flaked. I think I read somewhere that some girls have a rule that they just won't "date" someone they met at a club. Who knows? My third year now I've become a regular at a couple of...
  10. N

    Las Vegas

    If you want a cheap but pretty decent place to stay on the strip, I'd suggest The Jockey Club. It's literally right under the Cosmopolitan so it's pretty much like you're staying there. You get entry into their pool during the day and are in close proximity to Marquee, the hottest club there...
  11. N

    How should I deal with guys hitting on girl?

    Why did you tell the dude you were friends when that's your girl?
  12. N

    Weird use of 'hon', and myself wanting a smack in the head

    Exactly. OP is the one that started the negging. Sounds like the friend didn't want to engage with you but the fact that the girl you're interested in responded means she does feel something-- maybe it's positive, maybe it's negative. Sarcastic girls are kinda my thing so IMO, I'd go with...
  13. N

    starting to attract females

    Depends on the girl but in general I'd say it's safe to use that line on a HB8 or above. You have the strike the balance between smiling when you say it (so it's clear you're not completely serious) but more of a coy smile (so it's still a little in doubt). It's a challenge.
  14. N

    According to many women, I appear "very calm"

    I used to get this, at least the "you seem older" part. But that was back when I was quiet and took myself way too seriously. Now I crack jokes more and am much more open and expressive.
  15. N

    Give me ****y funny!!

    Assume it's intentional, which it probably was. Recently a girl literally bumped into me, stepped onto my foot and then held onto me after. I said "whoa, whoa, how obvious are you?!"and took from there.
  16. N

    Frustrating Text Convo

    The whole green vs. blue iMessage and email vs. phone number showing up pisses me off, too!!! Heh, this girl is funny.
  17. N

    Here's the problem 99% of the time

    Pretty much agree with what's been expressed so far. But I will say this... as someone whose mind is great at over analysis... at coming up with worst-case scenarios at the expense of being in the moment, your brain also has the power to do the exact opposite. I have a really good...
  18. N

    Facebook: Deactivate? Or just Unfriend recently-minted ex-GF ?

    Neither. A few girls have unfriended me but I never give them that satisfaction. Instead, there's a setting where you can just make it so you don't see any of their updates or Facebook activity. Only way you'll know anything about her is if you actually look on her page. Problem solved.
  19. N

    Rate this girl & describe the criteria you use to rate a girls BEAUTY ONLY

    1. Legs and face are the most important for me. In general I like slender, but not skinny, girls. Some curves are good. 2. The girl is a 5, IMO. I can tell she has height from the picture which is a plus, but I don't find her face attractive. And I don't think she has much of a figure.
  20. N

    The Solution to Social Anxiety

    Don't you get it, dude? You're not afraid of other people. You're afraid of yourself Brilliant. And true. Great post!