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  1. N

    Facebook: Stop her knowing you read her PM

    There's a similar problem with the iPhone and its new iMessage feature. If you and a girl both have iPhone and iMessage activated, she can see when you've read her messages and also even when you are typing. Game's getting even more complicated now. Good thing I stopped worrying about stuff...
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    A black guy who isn't a stereotype has it worse compared to all races.

    Yawn... I'd argue that anyone regardless of race who seems unique and individual will have a leg up in the game. And it's sad that if a black dude isn't a "stereotype" the only other type he can be is a 5' 5'' nerd. So untrue.
  3. N

    i keep beating myself up.

    OP, I've been in your boat. You need to start focusing on the times you've been successful. The mind tends to focus on the negative. You need to start training your mind to dwell instead on the positive. Start making a list of the women who've shown interest in you; a list of the women you've...
  4. N

    The I Don't Give a F*CK Approach

    Good example here of "clarity of intent." No tip toeing around the issue. You wanted her. She wanted you. Even when she threw you a bit of a curve ball (**** test) you didn't change course. A+ post.
  5. N

    Controversial Topic - how do you feel about interracial dating?

    This post is a good example of other races failing to read between the lines. Because calling this "selfish" isn't even the half. If you think don't think there's a relationship between continuing to stigmatize white women who go out of their race (calling them "undesirable", pretending that...
  6. N

    Controversial Topic - how do you feel about interracial dating?

    The first and last thing I'll say in this thread: When a white guy refuses someone to date a white woman who has dated outside of her race, that white guy is also speaking volumes about how he truly feels about the men of that race. I would say something about insecurity, but it's already been...
  7. N

    How to be a smooth talker?

    Ever talked to a girl (or even a dude for that matter) who you consider yourself superior to? Bet you were witty, confident etc... I think half the battle is rewiring your brain to act that way regardless of how the woman looks, acts etc. You need to learn how to regard a HB 9 Model the...
  8. N

    When Should A Man Stop Going To Nightclubs?

    I was one of those guys who never really went back to his college to party, even when I was only a few months out. At 24, I can definitely say I've grown tired of the college-type bar, too. Living in L.A., there are plenty of those and I'm done with them. Too many shallow people. I've abandoned...
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    A Few Tips for Shy Guys

    I've done everything to try to overcome social anxiety, from exposure therapy to even briefly SSRIs. Nothing has been more effective than cognitive behavioral therapy, basically the idea that thoughts influence behaviors and vice versa, and working on changing both. One technique I learned...
  10. N

    How do I handle a manipulative gf?

    I bet you're the one who initiated the "what are we" talk. I bet you're the one who forced her to make things "Facebook official." Should be the other way around. She's just not that into you. Learn from your mistakes and try again.
  11. N

    Was this one of you guys?

    Story was all over Facebook yesterday. Didn't even bother saying anything. It's the kind of thing that doesn't need any more publicity.
  12. N

    Need help with this one.. I'm confused

    OP, man, in college I was just like you. Shyness, issues with confidence, having girls show that initial interest in you (I believe this girl WAS interested initially) and then landing into the friend zone... It's a long arduous process but things can change if you dedicate yourself to that...
  13. N

    Give your experience of how a girl showed you that she was (is) attracted to you

    "Accidentally" bumping into you, initiating contact is a big one. An "innocent" question ("what time is it?", "where is xyz?" , "how do you do this?" Basically all those subtle cues that women give that aren't so subtle as you get older/get more experience. In fact, I think women are pretty...
  14. N

    How to end dry spell quickly?

    Settle. By this I mean don't let your standards get the best of you. Confidence is built around momentum. During a dry spell your confidence dips but your standards often don't so you end up waiting around the club for the perfect 10 to appear and she never does. Instead, go out early and...
  15. N

    calm, cool, collected versus ****y and funny

    When I first got into a game a few years ago, I only used C+F. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn't. But it was the only tool in my toolbox at the time. That was a problem. I realized I was alienating girls who were already attracted to me before I even approached them (or in some cases...
  16. N

    FR - meet girl, pass sh!t tests, blow out guys, take her home

    This is what it's all about. Nice.
  17. N we go again. "Where are all the good black men"

    1. Sociological & psychological "studies" have always been used to exploit, harm or otherwise deceive people of color. Sorry, I don't buy it and shame on anyone who does. How do you, for example, reconcile this study with the Psychology Today "study" saying black women were the "most...
  18. N

    Whats a "5" in your town?

    I'm not really a fan of the fake L.A. blonde look. Latinas have (unfortunately) adopted this too and are way better in NYC & Miami. But Jewish (2nd to NYC), Armenian/Persian & Black women are all on point in L.A.
  19. N

    No contact is for chumps

    Interesting thread. My most effective use of NC first came just as I was transitioning out of being a rAFC almost 2 years ago. I literally grew up b/c of this girl. Basic rundown is that we were seeing each other for several months but she was very flaky: "busy w/school, hanging out w/friends"...