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  1. J

    How to add "drama" to a relationship?

    I do think drama is good for a healthy relationship. Just don't force it or go overboard. What I just had with my gf, IMO, was the 'fix' she needed at the time..anywys..a couple things I posted before..funny, to another guy "Ronin".. From my point of view, you can really do 2 things to make a...
  2. J

    help me cuz I haven't got a fukkin clue with this one

    Puerto Rican-sorry it took so long to answer you. In all honesty, this whole drama became a non issue for me. We talked it over and for now, it is resolved. But I'll still address some of your concerns. First, her being late, it was closer to an hour than 2 hours (I donyt know what I wrote) At...
  3. J

    Just how powerful is jealousy?

    At the same time, people often mistake jealousy for interest or love for the other. Don't be a fool. Jealousy is, and always has been, about yourself-YOUR fears and YOUR insecurities. Nothing else.
  4. J

    DJ's aren't Mysogonists right?

    your mom.:p Haha, actually, it's fastseduction.cizzom. Check it out puerto rican playboy
  5. J

    To My Girlfriend

    ok, but don't assume that we know what situation you're in. At the end of it all, I'm not condeming you for that email, although the hardcore bible thumpers will. My beef is that I don't understand why the hell you're posting this? There's no point. Do you want our praise and our attention...
  6. J

    Need Help In Controlling Jealousy/Insecurity/Anger

    I'm young, but I was having problems with jealousy mostly with my crazy ex gf and a little with my current gf, when I knew deep down there was no realisatic foundation to back any of my fantasies up. I talked to my bro about it. Hes older, and has a shyt load of experience with girls. He told...
  7. J

    My Girlfriend's 'guyfriend'

    I'm young, but I was having problems with jealousy mostly with my crazy ex gf and a little with my current gf, when I knew deep down there was no realisatic foundation to back any of my fantasies up. I talked to my bro about it. Hes older, and has a shyt load of experience with girls. He told...
  8. J

    Really good 1st date: When should I call her to hang out again?

    whats happening here? OTR- Wasnt it you who was posting not so long ago about dealing with trust with your girls guy friends...? What happened with that chcik? I'm assuming something went wrong seeing that youre dating now..maybe I missed something, but Id liek to know what happened with...
  9. J

    help me cuz I haven't got a fukkin clue with this one

    Jake, thanks for replying. My replies are in the quotes next to the hyphens.
  10. J

    help me cuz I haven't got a fukkin clue with this one

    guys, wait. No, seriously, wait. I just read over this thread and have come to the conclusion that some things maybe aren't meant to be understood. Which is a shame because I just spent about 25 minutes writing that long assed post, but I honestly cannot see how any of you guys, who are...
  11. J

    help me cuz I haven't got a fukkin clue with this one

    I have no doubt that this site has shed some extrmely valuable light as to how a woman's mind thinks, but there comes a time when the things they do or say STILL baffle me. At this point, I rather not even try to understand what's going on in those crazy heads of theirs. A brief story 'bout me...
  12. J

    What a waste of time. Read some of the thread titles.

    I love it when guys on this board put all their efforts into striving to convey themselves as some sort of alpha pimp..with their hardline policies and chastising personalities. To the thread starter: You're not fooling anybody. Oh yeah, and this thread sucks.
  13. J

    Why I am leaving this forum FOREVER, and the ending results with HBOreo...

    oh shyt dude, sorry. I thought I remembered you saying you got banned bla bla bla, and then someone called you "echo"!..and it was settled. But yeah, maybe you're not. And I'm the fvckin pope:D
  14. J

    Annoying ****blocking friend pestering my girl!!!

    ohh, the fvckin pessimists on this board...where would we be without them.. Your girl likes him? Watch out for signs that she's losing interest? Keep an eye out on her? Sounds like a whole bunch of 'chump'... There's not enough information to support any sort of claim that you should...
  15. J

    Why I am leaving this forum FOREVER, and the ending results with HBOreo...

    echo is 100% on the money. Tantric, your blame lies in the wrong direction. This was a case of severe low IL on her part (don't kill yourself trying to find out 'why'), not a lack of 'emotion' on your part. Her saying that it was was a complete cop-out. I hope you can reflect a little bit...
  16. J

    "My boyfriend might be mad if it's just you and me..."

    OHHH man, I think this is NUTS! To each his own though, this debate is indeed a hot one. How you can get away with that without coming across as a desperate, jealous and pathetic chump beats me :confused:
  17. J

    Got Drugged, Quarreled, Now Feel Awkward Towards GF

    StScN- I agree with drix-It appears your true emotions towards your girl (and maybe even towards youself) came out during your flight through intoxication. I'm curious about this-Do you really feel jealous and possessive about towards your girlfriend, only to supress these feelings because...
  18. J

    Isn't it embarrasing to think about your past?

    Dude-the only mistake I really thought you made was exactly the one you know you made-Telling her about your breaking into her email. FDefinitely dumb, but hey-I've done it before. You get overwhelmed by the feeling of betrayal and you just want to see the girl quiver in her own guilt...
  19. J

    Exhilarated by "thrill of the chase" ... then MY interest drops. Can anyone relate?

    Slickster is absolutely correct. But with his frame of mind (enjoying your youth etc) I wouldn't be so gfast to commit. I can have all the fun I want with as many girls as I want, with the smallest regardws to her personality, compatibility etc. IF I was just dating them casually...something I...