Anytime a girl brings up her boyfriend, you should get the hint that you are not wanted!! If yiou think she is on the verge of breaking up with him, then you can ask if it is a serious commitment betweenn the two - if she says yes, then say, "ok, I respect that". She'll think highly of you and if she ever breaks up with dude, she'll remember you in a favoable light!! Don't beg or hound a woman, you'll look desperate and be less than a man!
There is no such thing as a woman "friend" - in terms of 'hangin out'! Only a chump b/f would let his girl 'hangout' with groups of guys and girls without his presence.
There is no such thing as a woman "friend" - in terms of 'hangin out'! Only a chump b/f would let his girl 'hangout' with groups of guys and girls without his presence.