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  1. D

    pook's 15 lessons are MISLEADING... also why SELF IMPROVEMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS

    WORKING OUT IS GOOD ADVICE a tangent here... but one of the most valuable pieces of advice that i've seen on the boards has little to do with all this intellectual crap. it was simply the exhortation to lift weights and work out... no matter how little... just do it and get some testosterone...
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    pook's 15 lessons are MISLEADING... also why SELF IMPROVEMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS

    howdy sm, well, maybe I'M being ruther unfair and simplifying too much but if your nickname is MOOSE in high school, i don't care how many chicks you get or the quality of your social skills... it's the nfl or the scrap yard for that guy. i don't doubt what you say about social skills and...
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    North American Guys you are prized!

    hahahaha.... you guys seem to be missing a pretty big component in how these relations work.... it's called a green card. absolutely, NORTH AMERICAN (you can almost see the word green card in there can't you?) guys are HIGHLY prized all around the world! before anyone puts a gun to...
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    pook's 15 lessons are MISLEADING... also why SELF IMPROVEMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS

    howdy fellows, gee, it's amazing to see how many assumptions you guys do indeed make. not only about the nature of me or afcs but of life as well.... but for the few who buck the vocal majority, thanks for the kind words and understanding. it is not necessary - i'm pretty resilient and...
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    It's like I'm giving her an interview! Help!

    actually, i'm under the impression that it's NOT so much about the guy's PERFORMANCE. if she's INTO getting to know you, she'll bail you out. if it ever becomes like pulling teeth, she's not into this for whatever reason. anything past this point is trying to CONVINCE her.... and is...
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    Turning down women because of ethics

    meh, in the situation being described, she's more than willing to go. why do you think that is? the guilty party is probably not so much any third party intruder than the 'hoe' who is so willing to throw away her life, her marriage, her hubby and her kids. you could think about it as...
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    pook's 15 lessons are MISLEADING... also why SELF IMPROVEMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS

    hey alpha, actually, i have no problem at all in looking at myself as deficient. alas, the problem with most afc's is not that they CAN'T SEE THAT.... ruther, they can see it all too well. but from the stand point of a lonely guy who just wants to get laid every once in a while, pook's...
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    People that attend expensive Bootcamps

    oh, and rock bottom for me is risking the perils of contracting a... ahem... 'professional'. delta
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    People that attend expensive Bootcamps

    you're right i think, there's no need to take a bootcamp or a COURSE or a CLASS or any such thing. almost all the information that you need for ANYTHING is already available free (god bless the web) or cheap (for me, a good way to learn just about ANYTHING is about 3 books on the subject...
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    pook's 15 lessons are MISLEADING... also why SELF IMPROVEMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS

    hey guys, it's surprising that the least generous of the responses was from the moderator. is it wrong that i be disappointed? in any case, i don't question that pook's philosophies should be here and am the first to say that he writes valuable things. but i am of the opinion that most...
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    pook's 15 lessons are MISLEADING... also why SELF IMPROVEMENT SHOULD NOT BE THE FOCUS

    howdy fellows, been thinking a lot about pook's lessons and the ones that talk about how to be a man and live a powerful life and such and while they may indeed hold the keys to a great male life and truly great relations with women... but i just got very DESPERATELY DISCOURAGED. is such...
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    Where do you find funny girls?

    usually, a sense of humor is developed as a compensation device... whether in men or women. listen to the routines of almost EVERY comic out there.... they don't tell funny tales about what it's like to be on the prowl as a dj... it's almost always about the turmoil of being a lowly afc...
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    Help -- I'm boring.

    don't feel too bad. i'm boring as hell too. my interests include watching movies (closer was really good), listening to music (the killers, muse and mars volta are soundin' really good lately), reading (catching up on the dark tower series) and computer graphics which is both a job and...
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    female friends

    sb, if he wants you, then the PLATONIC part is ALREADY SHOT TO HELL.... if you're fvckable, he isn't going to NOT want to fvck you all of a sudden. if you've already had sex with him, congrats for amping up the difficulty level to 'ultra torture' for him. you've given him a taste for...
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    Feeling Depressed

    oh, and i'm not gonna recommend going to a church necessarily (although it is a place where they're kinda forced to be nice to you and you can probably find a place where that compulsion is pretty strongly adhered to...) but reading the bible ain't a bad idea.... ECCLESIASTES is a great...
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    Feeling Depressed

    hey bob, i'm gonna give you a pat on the back cuz boy do i know how it feels. it is a bad bad world and when they say that it's not fair, they're NOT KIDDING... it is REALLY NOT FAIR. and the more you read up on all this DJ stuff (which is really helpful btw), the more you discover that...
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    female friends

    errr.... begs the question: WHY DO YOU WANT FEMALE FRIENDS? i have a few female friends, some i'd like to fvck their brains out and others not... but i acquired NONE OF THEM BY CHOICE. all of them have developed into pretty good friendships because they are not AWs (damaged and...
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    So, What're You Driving?

    2000 hyundai accent... hatchback baby.... oh yeah... you know.... alas, i only recently discovered that despising status symbols and 'keepin it real' is shear death to the women. oh well.... live under my means and come on strong in the next decade..... delta
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    races... guys and girls view differently?

    i don't see why the thread should get closed.... it is a really good and valid topic of discussion. i myself am asian for the record. it's kinda like discussing the virtues of people having a predilection for ATTRACTIVE people.... you may argue that it is more altruistic (or somesuch)...
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    Are all beautiful women gold diggers?

    this is the horrible cruelty of the war of sexes: we MERCILESSLY judge each other and we try to find the BEST WE CAN. think about how we instantly judge women according to their 'suitability' to us. it is as cold-hearted and merciless as anything that women do to us and we do it in...