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  1. D

    In a rut - Any light possible at the end of this tunnel?

    great advice- also, wanted to emphasize a point from bay area but in a more generalized way: MAKE A CHANGE... sometimes all it takes is: ANY (literally) CHANGE! make something different and see what happens. sometimes, when nothing's working out, try to just make SOMETHING HAPPEN... almost...
  2. D

    In a rut - Any light possible at the end of this tunnel?

    as i said, i was on paxil (and still have a crapload of bottles just in case!) and i weaned myself off and EVEN THAT wasn't a walk in the park! not insomnia myself but little spasms while i'm drifting off to sleep (like a small electric shock), sweating, REALLY vivid dreams... i think they call...
  3. D

    give me the MECHANICS of a dj night out

    oh. and how's this for prosaic - how much does a night out usually run you guys? it seems to be about $30 - $70 the way i figure. not horrible to be sure but can't really do it indefinitely either. delta
  4. D

    dating girls that you see often/work with?

    PING them... send out a signal and see what comes back. you needn't do anything dramatic or risky. all you need to do is find out if they're into it. make eye contact and smile and see if there's anything there. kino them and see how they respond. you send out these signals (flirtations...
  5. D

    In a rut - Any light possible at the end of this tunnel?

    oh hey, any chance in hanging out with fellow workers? that's one immediate thing that can be developed. people at my work started going to big movie events together. also, where do you live? maybe we can look into researching these 'lairs' together if you're in my area (los angeles). luck...
  6. D

    In a rut - Any light possible at the end of this tunnel?

    hey ontheedge, that's my life too. down to a tee.... work, home, tv, surfing -- add books and magazines and working out and that's me. as for wanting a few friends, and a girlfriend and whether that's too much to ask... boy i feel ya. i consider myself a recovering afc... and i've undergone...
  7. D

    give me the MECHANICS of a dj night out

    thanks much rocky. that's starting to paint a picture. angelus, i'm a believer that there are a lot of common, everyday, prosaic stuff that djs do that eventually get them to women... they may do it without thinking but for someone foreign to the scene, it's all a vast, black mystery...
  8. D

    give me the MECHANICS of a dj night out

    howdy, so i'm wondering what a dj does to score... the dull step by step... i just want an idea of what the routine is. unfortunately, there is still a lot of mystique in the whole process... to the point where i want to see a DOCUMENTARY of what exactly happens. give me a stream of...
  9. D

    I need to get over myself

    not weird. this happens to everybody. especially women (not a put-down, just a true factoid). but learn to love your problem. same problem as hot chicks. and the reality and essence of it all is that human beings are ANIMALS and love and the mating game is about SUPERFICIAL APPEARANCES...
  10. D

    Physically became paralyzed

    apart from that useful tip, talk about it with friends or even consult your doctor or a counselor... just to ask them about it. i mean if you really couldn't no matter how hard your tried, if nothing else, that's really interesting. find out what's going on. good luck. delta.
  11. D

    All women will be un-attractive. Is there any point of a LTR?

    also, there is TRULY a time for all things. - there is no shame in being poor when young. yet as an older man, you are a disgrace. - there is no shame in being single while young. but as you age, your singleness will more than likely lead to your loneliness and isolation. - when you are...
  12. D

    All women will be un-attractive. Is there any point of a LTR?

    "they only look good young".... i'd still do morgan fairchild (she must've gotten some heavy... 'rejuvenation' done... must've) but what you say is... DING DING DING... TRUE!!! aha.... herein lies the rub - age will rob YOU of your strength, health, keen acuity and status as well.... if you...
  13. D

    why modern movies make AFCs of men...

    this may not be true... i think what movies are doing is shorthand in a way - they give beautiful, successful people OUR problems to make interesting stories.... but the untapped line of development is this: fabulous people have lots of problems too... SERIOUSLY!!! no matter how successful...
  14. D

    why modern movies make AFCs of men...

    or when we guys think as we're watching a movie, 'gosh i'd totally do that wallflower... everybody else ignores her but i'd totally RESCUE HER'... and she's played by allison hannigan or shannon elizabeth.... the actual nerd and the actual wall flower, we want nothing to do with. casting leads...
  15. D

    REPLACE Your Thoughts!

    speaking of which, do you guys know anything about this program: do a search on me guys, i'm a genuine recovering afc and i've got no commercial attachment to them and i'm not advertising... i just want to know whether this is something that can work for me or...
  16. D

    I want to ask this girl out that i work with..

    i did it... and it's hard hard hard now that it's over. basically she broke it off... she freaked out for reasons that are not clear to me. basically, she wanted out and i think she figured flipping out would be easier than initiating a break up. but to get over a girl, the idea is to not see...
  17. D

    why modern movies make AFCs of men...

    yah... your read on sideways is right on. though i enjoyed it a lot. i guess for most of us, it's far easier to identify with the afc than it is with the dj. although hollywood could do us a favor whenever they DO feature dj characters like james bond or some other "women want him, men...
  18. D

    why modern movies make AFCs of men...

    isi, thanks for the link. but i posted this cuz it's a wholly different thesis- that a big problem is created in the DISCREPANCY between the kind of character necessitated by the plot and the CASTING. it creates a false picture of the world that beautiful people have certain kinds of...
  19. D

    why modern movies make AFCs of men...

    interesting you used the term "fairy tale".... used to be that you get a lot of mileage and relevance from a fairy tale. anyhoo, i don't really mean to say that modern movies are wholly responsible for afcs. just that they certainly don't help. and if you happen to grow up without a...
  20. D

    need help with my summer vacation-

    hey gator, still... consider yourself lucky and continue to utilize your friends for clubs and bars. at least you can GO to clubs and bars because of them! if they are not a resource of closing the sale, they allow you to 'get out there' in the first place. there probably is a community of...